Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 441: Antarctic seabed, whales!

Ning Fei returned to the scientific research station.

When Liu Dashan saw him coming back, he was finally relieved.

"Ning Guanzhu, there are new discoveries."

Liu Dashan looked a little excited and said to Ning Fei.

"After our research, your pair of mammoth tusks are probably not traditional mammoths!"

"It may exist earlier than the mammoth, and it may even be the snow mammoth that existed in the Ice Age."

"This is an amazing discovery."

"This means that as early as tens of thousands of years ago, there might be mammoths living on the Antarctic continent!"

"At the same time, the value of this object is immeasurable!"

Hearing what Liu Dashan said, Ning Fei nodded.

He didn't think that this object had such historical origins.

The mammoths of the Antarctic Continent during the Ice Age did not expect such a behemoth to exist on the Antarctic Continent at that time.

"This time you may have discovered a new species. With your light, I can get a name."

"Ning Guanzhu, you are really auspicious!"

"Now, we are going to be included in the annals of Antarctic scientific expedition history."

Liu Dashan said happily.

The words of Liu Dashan were heard by netizens.

[In the annals of Antarctic scientific research history? Ning Guanzhu has only been here for three days now! 】

[The discovery of new species on the Antarctic continent is indeed enough to go down in history. 】

[Good guy, the scientific research station never thought that such a great **** would be ushered in. 】

[Really, as soon as Ningguan came, he brought such benefits to the scientific research station! 】

[Only I care how much the tooth is worth? 】

"We studied the density of ivory, which is much denser than ordinary mammoth ivory fossils."

"The higher the density, the smaller the corrosion."

"At the same time, using isotope radiation to determine the existence of ivory is more than three thousand years earlier than the existence of known mammoths."

"This is definitely a big discovery."

Liu Dashan was very happy.

He hasn't rested for the past two days, and has been studying ivory and accumulating materials to make this study of mammoth ivory clear.

When Ning Fei heard what he said, there was not much fluctuation, but he was happy to be able to make some contributions to scientific research.

After that, Ning Fei stayed at the scientific research station for another day.

Liu Dashan has completed the complete research on ivory, and has accumulated a thick pile of materials, and finally returned the ivory to Ning Fei.

Ning Fei drove the plane, bid farewell to the personnel at the scientific research station, and flew back towards the port of the Qingfeng cruise ship.

After that, Ning Fei filled the Qingfeng cruise ship with fuel at the port and set off again.

"Travel around the world, next stop, set off!"

Ning Fei stood on the ship, looking at the Antarctic continent that had been frozen for thousands of years, and said.

"Yes, Captain."

Xiaobai, the smart steward of the cruise ship, replied.

The cruise ship slowly sailed out of the port, and there were many seabirds flying around the ship.

"Antarctica has a very large number of marine life and birds."

"Look at these few. There are albatross, terns, and white sheath-billed gulls, all in different shapes.

At this time, Ning Fei suddenly thought about it again, planning to go to the seabed of Antarctica to see.

So he said: "Xiao Bai, stop the boat."

"There are many whales in the Southern Ocean, estimated to be around 1 million."

"There are blue whales, humpback whales, killer whales, sperm whales, etc."

"I plan to go down and enjoy it."

With that said, Ning Fei came to the depths of the cabin, took a submarine and took the bionic tuna for live broadcast, and sank from the bottom of the boat to the sea.

【Wow! Live under the sea! 】

[So advanced! 】

Many foreign netizens are now watching Ning Fei's live broadcast.

When they saw Ning Fei driving the submarine leisurely on the bottom of the sea, they all exclaimed.

As soon as Ning Fei reached the sea, he saw a large group of tiny creatures leaping towards him.

"It's krill!"

"Krill is abundant in Antarctic waters, and it is also the most important food source. Among plankton, krill accounts for almost 50%."

"Fishes, squids, seals, seabirds and even whales live on krill!"

In the live broadcast, countless transparent shrimps shuttled back and forth on the bottom of the sea, densely packed, which made people breathtaking.

The bionic tuna took a close-up of a krill, which netizens can see. The shrimp is almost transparent, except that the eyes are black and the rest of the parts are slightly colored. It looks like it is made of glass.

"Look over there, everyone. There are whales."

At this time, Ning Fei said again.

The bionic tuna was once again turned over to shoot.

Next, netizens saw a shocking scene.

I saw a huge killer whale pointing straight up, with its big mouth open almost 120 degrees, suddenly swallowing a large group of krill into its stomach, and then slowly closing it.

The domineering posture really stuns netizens.

[Fuck! What a big mouth! 】

[The killer whale looks really domineering! 】

[God, my deep-sea phobia is about to be committed! 】

After the killer whale had eaten the fish, it swam slowly from below the submarine.

From the live footage, compared to the huge body of the killer whale, the submarine is like a toy.

This is just the beginning.

Then, in front of the submarine, several huge shadows suddenly appeared.

Then, there were more and more shadows, and it looked like there were dozens of them!

"It's a group of killer whales!"

Even if it was Ning Fei, there was some surprise in his voice.

This scene is too scary.

Dozens of giant whales, several times larger than a heavy truck, swam toward the submarine with their tails wagging.

As long as they have a mouth, they can even swallow the submarine easily!

The adrenaline of the netizens who watched the live broadcast suddenly increased!

Everyone became nervous unconsciously, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe more.

This is the deep sea of ​​Antarctica.

The place with the most whales in the world.

"The killer whale likes to swim out of the sea, and sometimes people on the ship can even see the killer whale playing out of the sea."

"This may be the largest group of forces on the Antarctic continent."

"Orca Gang!"

Ning Fei exclaimed.

Looking up, one by one killer whale passed over Ning Fei's head, and it lasted more than ten minutes!

They seem to be an unmatched army.

Looking at this terrifying creature, everyone felt a little depressed in their hearts.

Ning Fei continued to descend, and it didn't take long before he encountered a group of huge whales.

"It's a group of sperm whales!"

"The Southern Ocean is really a treasure of whale life!"

Compared with killer whales, sperm whales are much milder.

Because the head of the sperm whale is huge, but the lower jaw is very small, and only the lower jaw has teeth.

There are a total of six sperm whales in this group, which is smaller than the group of killer whales, but the sense of oppression is still full.

"They are fast!"

"Sperm whales generally don't swim too fast, they seem to be hunting something."

Ning Fei said again.

He drove the submarine and continued down, following the group of sperm whales.

He wanted to see what the sperm whales were doing in such a hurry. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

In the live broadcast, a group of sperm whales were speeding forward, and Ning Fei followed them, paying attention to all this in silence.

Gradually, Ning Fei saw that there seemed to be a few huge shadows in front of the sperm whale group.

He probably knew what it was in his heart.

"My luck is really good."

"In the previous live broadcast on the seabed, I told you that the sperm whale and the king squid are deadly enemies, and they fight when they meet, but I have never had a chance to see them."

"Now, I may have to witness an epic battle between a group of sperm whales and a group of king squid."

Netizens also became excited when they heard Ning Fei's words.

There are a few netizens with deep-sea phobias, and their breathing almost stops at this moment.

【what? ! 】

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