Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 446: New mission, a rare jellyfish in the Coral Sea!

The volcano shook a few times and then returned to silence.

At this time, Ning Fei said:

"Don't be nervous, everyone, this is just the normal activity of the volcano."

"If the volcano erupts, the internal magma is very active, and the local government can detect it."

"It can't be such a coincidence. As soon as I came here, a volcano erupted."

Ning Fei looked at the world's largest volcano with a slightly relaxed expression.

If the volcano does erupt, people on the surrounding islands will probably not be able to escape.

I shouldn't be so unlucky.

After watching the volcano for a while, Ning Fei bid farewell to the Hawaiian Islands and headed straight to the east.

[Ning Guanzhu, where is the next stop? 】

Netizens are already looking forward to Ning Fei's next travel destination.

Ning Fei can always find a lot of magical places, which makes people's eyes bright and amazed.

"This time I went to sea, I only applied for a visa for two places."

"One is the Hawaiian Islands, and the other is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia."

"So, I'm going to take a look at the Great Barrier Reef next stop."

"There are the longest and largest coral reefs in the world."

"Very beautiful and shocking, it is one of the world's natural heritage."

Ning Fei sat on the bow, blowing the pleasant sea breeze, and said.

[Great Barrier Reef? 】

【I heard about Chengda Health Care, I thought Ningguan mainly went to Australia for health care. 】

[Good guy, this proposal is not bad. 】

[Let me get off the car, this is not the car to the kindergarten. 】

[I am a dignified fairy, what happened to being a great sword! 】

Ning Fei took out his phone and looked at the barrage, and shook his head helplessly.

He wants to see the most famous coral in the world this time.

Below the Great Barrier Reef, the scenery is fascinating, steep and unpredictable, and the currents are extremely complicated. There are more than 400 different types of coral reefs.

There are a variety of colors, and there are more than 4000 molluscs, which is extraordinarily magical.

This should be one of the most beautiful underwater worlds on earth.

The cruise ship continues forward.

The sea separated towards the two sides, and Ning Fei sat on the bow, particularly comfortable.

"Little Bai, how many nautical miles are we from the international date line?"

At this moment, Ning Feiyao looked ahead and asked.

"Captain, there are still 230 nautical miles."

The voice of the smart housekeeper rang.

"114 nautical miles."

Ning Fei stretched out and moved his body.

"With another 114 nautical miles, I will cross the time from today and return to yesterday."

Ning Fei said leisurely.

Netizens who have studied geography understand what Ning Fei means, but some people are still a little confused.

Over time from today, back to yesterday.

What does it mean?

"Currently, my coordinate longitude is 178 degrees. After a while, the cruise ship will pass through 180 degrees where the east and west longitudes overlap."

"According to the regulations, one day will be subtracted from the date."

"In other words, I am on the 24th in the Western Hemisphere, and on the 23rd in the Eastern Hemisphere."

"This is the unified rule of the world."

"It is also to use the earth's rotation and revolution, the starting and ending positions of the day set by mankind."

Ning Fei explained.

[Although I don’t understand, but it feels amazing! 】

[This is the most basic knowledge of geography! 】

[Many people don’t know, it’s normal. 】

[The knowledge in the textbook has long been forgotten. 】

[Traveling back to yesterday, how do I feel a little romantic? 】

[Art student: It's so romantic to travel back to yesterday. Science student: Isn't this just a rule of time zone in geography! 】

Netizens are discussing things about time zones.

There are a lot of people who like to discuss academic issues. Some things have some theoretical knowledge, and there are always many people who like to talk about academic issues.

Therefore, many people appeared in the barrage asking about the time zone, how can it span a day, and many people were explaining to them, but the explanation was unclear.

Ning Fei stopped watching the barrage.

This kind of thing, everyone calmed down after a quarrel.

At this time, Xiaohu jumped on Ning Fei's body.

Ning Fei picked it up and said leisurely:

"Little Fox, let's go back to the past together."

Hearing Ning Fei's words, Xiaohu murmured in a low voice.

Its meaning seemed to really want to go back to "the past" with Ning Fei, but this past, Ning Fei still doesn't understand what Xiaohu means.

Seeing the little fox being held by Ning Fei, the little dog ran over immediately.

Ning Fei took out a hand and touched the dog's head, but it was covered with rain and dew.

During this time, Ning Fei was traveling leisurely on the ship while chatting with overseas companies about copyright issues.

For example, "World Geography" finally reached out to Ning Fei and asked to hire Ning Fei as the photographer for their video.

However, Ning Fei rejected the application, only selling the copyright of his own live video clips.

It is also a very substantial income.

He is very famous now, and money is not a problem.

Gradually, Ning Fei got closer and closer to the Great Barrier Reef.

"We are finally approaching the Great Barrier Reef."

"There are more than 2,900 coral reef islands, large and small."

"Someone once said that the Great Barrier Reef is the most beautiful ‘decoration’ on the planet, like a shining azure pearl, even if you look at the earth from the moon, it is clearly visible."

After hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens were suddenly looking forward to it.

After entering the Australian waters, a customs ship inspected Ning Fei's ship.

Including Ning Fei's visa, identity issues and so on.

This is also a necessary process for entering the waters of other countries.

After everything was handled properly, Ning Fei was able to enter.

By the time he reached the Great Barrier Reef, it was already night.

Looking around, the coral islands here have been spreading forward, with no end in sight.

[Is this the Great Barrier Reef? I didn't think it was amazing! 】

[It's night now, I must see nothing, and the coral won't shine! 】

[Yes, I'll watch it when I get to dive during the day. 】

[Is that nothing to see tonight? 】

[Wash and sleep! 】

Netizens are talking about it.

Ning Fei looked at the islands and reefs in front of him, and planned to dive into the sea the next day to enjoy the coral world under the sea.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Ding! A rare marine life detected: Styx jellyfish group."

"Start the mission: take a photo with the Styx jellyfish."

"Task Reward: Golden Compass."

"Golden Compass: A mysterious compass where secret treasures can be found on the sea. It is rumored that it was once owned by a mysterious pirate captain."

Ning Fei also felt a little surprised when he heard the sound of the system.

Unexpectedly, this time the system came to the task.

Just take him and dive down to take a look.

The bottom of the Coral Sea is not deep, so diving does not require submarines.

This is diving into the sea, just go down in a diving suit.

Ning Fei also said to the netizens in the live broadcast room:

"The coral sea at night is also beautiful. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Although corals don't emit light, there are many creatures that emit light in corals."

"Perhaps, I can also find some unexpected gains on the bottom of the sea at this time."

Netizens also became excited when Ning Fei was about to dive into the sea.

[What is a creature that glows? 】

[It's a jellyfish! Where there are corals, there are a lot of jellyfish, and the jellyfish will glow! 】

[Gosh, that is to say, under the sea, there are luminous jellyfish floating in it? 】

[Suddenly I became looking forward to it! 】

Netizens were discussing with excitement.

They are very accurate. There are many kinds of jellyfish under the Coral Sea.

And there is a kind of jellyfish among them, so everyone is an eye-opener.

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