Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 458: Netizens are not calm in the interview with China TV Station!

Back to Qingfeng View, the little guys all started to play.

   Ning Fei wore a white robe, with a dashing ball head pierced on top of his head, with a delicate face, clear eyes, and an inexplicable fairy style, which made people unable to help their eyes shine.

   is really handsome!

   Little Fox lay comfortably in Ning Fei's arms, humming from time to time, looking extraordinarily cute.

   Wang Bingbing and a reporter came to the Qingfeng Temple together.

   Seeing such a scene, the well-known beauty reporter showed a look of wonder at the first moment.

   She couldn't help covering her mouth and laughed.

   Generally speaking, she will not laugh so happily when interviewing others.

   Unless the other person is particularly attractive.

   Ning Fei let them into the yard.

   The interview location was in the pavilion behind.

   There are gardens, rockery, bamboos, tables and chairs in the pavilions, and the atmosphere is unique.

   The cameraman stood behind, filming the conversation between the two people.

   "As you can see, now I have come to Qingfeng View."

   "The environment here is very beautiful."

   "And by the way, Ning Guanzhu himself is much more handsome than during the live broadcast."

   This interview also used a live broadcast method.

   Live broadcasting is very popular now, and many programs are being broadcast live. This is a new trend.

   Ning Fei saw this, and also turned on the drone, and also started the live broadcast.

   This is his first broadcast after the fire rescue.

  【Master Ning Guan is on the air! 】

  【It is the view of Qingfeng! who's that person? 】

   [God, it's Wang Bingbing! Is this an interview with China TV Station? 】

   [My God, the dream linkage between my wife and Ning Guanzhu. 】

  【I don't even know who to envy for a while! 】

   [Haha, Ning Guanzhu is really handsome! 】

   At this time, Wang Bingbing saw the drone flying down, waved his hand at the drone, and said with a smile:

   "Hello everyone, fans of Ning Guanzhu, this is China TV reporter Wang Bingbing."

   "I came to Qingfengguan today to interview the subject of Ningguan."

   Seeing Wang Bingbing's smile, many people also laughed.

   At this time, Xiaohu felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he ran all the way and jumped into Ning Fei's arms.

   Ning Fei hugged it, but didn't think there was any problem.

   The picture became a little dreamy again.

   This scene is like coming out of an ancient fairy manga comic.

   "Ning Guanzhu, the rescue from the fire a few days ago really moved everyone."

   "I would like to ask, when you climb to the outside of a building tens of meters above the ground without any protection measures, do you feel fear in your heart?"

   Wang Bingbing was a little flustered when he saw Ning Fei, but she was a professional reporter after all, so she didn't rush to ask Ning Fei's prepared questions in advance.

   Hearing this question, Ning Fei thought for a while and replied:

   "I didn't think so much at the time, and I had no time to think."

   "However, I rarely feel scared."

   "Maybe the first time I saw the two children, I was more worried."

   Ning Fei's answer made Wang Bingbing's eyes bright.

   This immortal Taoist monk of Taoism has a kind of tolerance when speaking, and has a gentle temperament, which makes it very comfortable to listen to.

   Netizens were also amazed.

   [Indeed, I never seem to have seen Lord Ning Guan show a look of fear! 】

   [Does it count the time I saw the king squid in the deep sea? 】

   [Ning Guanzhu almost got into a fight with the King Squid at the time. At that time, he was just surprised. He didn't expect that the sunken ship would have such a thing. 】

  【But the heart toward Ning Guanzhu is really kind. 】

  【Well, you can see his attitude towards animals. 】

   There was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

   Wang Bingbing smiled and asked:

   "Ning Guanzhu, what impressed you most during the rescue process? Could you tell me something about it?"

   Ning Fei stroked the little fox and remembered it again.

   There is a saying, the whole rescue process is really nothing to him.

   But that kid Lin Sen left a deep impression on him.

   Especially Lin Sen asked Ning Fei to take his sister first, which was beyond his expectation.

   However, Ning Fei didn't want to say too much, and didn't want to divert people's attention to a 7-year-old boy. This is not a good thing.

   "The two children are very calm and very cooperative. I am quite impressed with this."

   Ning Fei said unhurriedly.

   Hearing what Ning Fei said, everyone was a little surprised.

   Everyone thought that Ning Fei would talk about the spread of flames or black smoke in the process of climbing tall buildings with bare hands. No matter how bad it is, it is the thrill of glass falling and other things.

   However, Ning Fei only said that he had a deep impression of the two children.

   Then, Wang Bingbing asked Ning Fei a few more questions.

   Ning Fei answered decently.

   Through Ning Fei's answer, Wang Bingbing had a clearer understanding of Ning Fei.

   In this process, Ning Fei never felt how much credit he had done, and never felt how dangerous he had gone through.

  In his eyes, this is just a trivial matter.

  Perhaps, because he has experienced too much.

   "Such people are true heroes."

   Wang Bingbing thought secretly in his heart.

   Netizens have been listening carefully.

   There is a rare person who can ask the questions they want to ask.

   By answering, everyone can understand Ning Fei more clearly.

   "Then, you have done so many things, do you have anything to say to everyone?"

   Finally, Wang Bingbing asked another question.

   Ning Fei laughed, with a slightly helpless smile, he said:

   "I hope everyone will not come to find me in reality, nor come to Qingfeng to watch."

   "I am very happy to be able to broadcast live and let everyone see my travel experience."

   "But I really don't like being interrupted."

  Ning Fei's words won unanimous resonance from everyone.

   [Yes, why do so many people like to disturb others? 】

   [Ramen brother, Da Yi brother, do these people have little experience? 】

   [Someone is always going to catch the heat. 】

  【It's really too much. 】

   Then, Wang Bingbing stopped interviewing Ning Fei about fire rescue.

   She discovered that Ning Fei’s daily life is more attractive to netizens than fire rescue.

   Everything here is mysterious.

  Wang Bingbing was about to visit the flower bed. At this moment, a squeaking sound suddenly sounded at her feet.

   The cry made her startled.

   "Don't be afraid, it is a sable, a protected animal of China."

   "It likes to go to Qingfeng Temple to beg for drinks when it's okay."

   "I have reported this matter to the Forestry Bureau, and the Forestry Bureau said that as long as I don't deliberately feed it a lot of alcohol, I will let me take care of it."

   "Now it is estimated that I have come to ask for a drink again~www.ltnovel.com~ Ning Fei was next to Wang Bingbing, saw Sable, smiled and explained.

   Hearing what he said, Wang Bingbing looked at Sable again.

   Then she found out that the sables are extraordinarily cute and soft and cute.

   "This is a sable?"

   Wang Bingbing said in surprise.

   "Well, it's a sable."

   Ning Fei grabbed the sable and said with a smile.

   At this moment, Qingfengguan’s back door suddenly heard another knock on the door.

   "What a coincidence? Dark circles are coming too!"

   Ning Fei heard the familiar knock on the door, shook his head, and then opened the back door of the yard.

   I saw a small panda that had just been weaned stand up and walked in on its own.

   Seeing a visitor in the yard, the panda paused for a while, but without much thought, he ran aside and chased the little dog to play.

   "Don't be surprised, my Taoist temple has more animals."

   Seeing Wang Bingbing and the camera brother look dumbfounded, Ning Fei can only explain.

   It is normal for animals to run into the yard, but the animals that come are very rare first-level protected animals, which is very abnormal.

   Wang Bingbing looked at Ning Fei, and the more he looked at it, the more he was surprised.

   She would never have thought that there would be such a magical character in a mountainous land far away from the city!

   really amazing!

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