Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 478: In the deep sea, a mysterious shipwreck has been discovered!

Hell does not exist.

   If it exists, it must be the deep ocean where Ning Fei is now.

   It’s too scary here.

  Ning Fei just got off the submarine and just swam for a while, and the world has already seen the other side of the world.

  Only Ning Fei could show them such a scene.

   Now Ning Fei is particularly prestigious among outdoor adventure groups.

   These explorers all call Ning Fei the "God of China".

   Foreign netizens like to join these gimmicks, coupled with the feeling of hero worship brought by superhero movies, many people completely regard Ning Fei as an idol.

   "The oxygen content in the oxygen cylinder is running low. I have to return to the submarine."

   "The place I am exploring now is just the tip of the iceberg in the Bermuda Triangle, and it has not even reached one-thousandth of the area."

   "I don't know what else will be in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle."

   "However, I will continue."

   Ning Fei said softly.

   What he said made netizens all over the world very excited.

  【Only gods dare to come to such a place, and he is such a god! 】

  【Too tough, I never thought anyone would be so tough. 】

In   , the barrage is densely packed with praise and worship.

   Ning Fei did not look at the barrage, and he looked at such barrage very lightly.

   Life is alive, not happy with things, not sad with oneself, other people's views on themselves are just opinions.

   Ning Fei swam forward, preparing to return to the submarine.

"what is that?!"

   At this moment, Ning Fei suddenly exclaimed again!

【what happened? What happened again! 】

   [There is something scary again? 】

   The nerves of the netizens were already a bit strained, and when they heard Ning Fei's words, everyone watched them hurriedly.

   At this moment, everyone saw what Ning Fei mentioned.

   Under the lens of the tuna submarine, netizens saw a huge ship leaning against a hillside!

   The ship is made of iron, and there is an English symbol on the bow that is covered by silt. The glass and decorations on the ship are all shattered, and there are several long seaweeds hanging on the mast.

   This ship, I don’t know how long it has been abandoned here.

   Shipwreck in the deep sea.

   Just looking at it gives a deep feeling of depression.

   "It's a shipwreck!"

   "There are many wrecked ships in this sea area, and this ship should be one of them."

   "I just don't know when it was abandoned here."

  Ning Fei looked at the huge ship, also feeling a little shocked.

  【My God, this seems to be the ship of the Magnesium ‘White Eagle’! The high-tech warship used by the military twenty years ago! 】

   [Did such ships die here? 】

   [Ning Guan, go in and take a look, maybe there will be some hidden treasures inside! 】

   [It was indeed the White Eagle, but there was no news of this kind of warship crashing in the Devil’s Triangle! 】

   [Maybe the country of magnesium has been secretly explored here! 】

   [How many secrets are hidden in the sea! 】

   The scene is very spectacular.

   This huge battleship looks a bit bigger than the Qingfeng cruise ship.

   But in any case, this ship was also wrecked here and could only be buried permanently.

   In terms of current human technology, it is completely impossible to salvage such a huge ship from a thousand meters of deep sea.

   "Because of the unique structure of the ship, many marine life will make homes in the shipwreck."

   "I really want to explore."

   "However, the oxygen content of the oxygen cylinder is not enough now, and the oxygen stored in the submarine does not allow me to move further."

   "We can only wait for the next trip!"

   "The underwater world of the Bermuda Triangle is too mysterious, and I will uncover as many of its mysterious veils as possible."

   Ning Fei looked at the sunken ship, and with a regret, he continued to swim towards the determined submarine coordinates.

   In his diving suit, the indicator light of the oxygen content has alarmed.

  Ning flew to the back of the submarine, opened the landing cabin, swam in, then closed the rear hatch and opened the buffer cabin.

   The submarine uses the pressure drop to discharge some of the seawater behind it, because the pressure on the seabed is too high, and it is impossible to discharge the submarine's water at one time.

   But it was enough for Ning Fei to move.

   The oxygen content and air pressure in the buffer cabin were normal. Ning Fei swam out of the sea, climbed the ladder, and returned to the cockpit.

   Then, he drove the submarine towards the sea in the Bermuda Triangle and slowly rose up.

   The tuna submarine has been following Ning Fei.

   This extraordinary live broadcast came to an end with such a beautiful scene.

   all the way up, the light doesn't seem to be very bright.

   It took another hour before the submarine finally surfaced.

   The picture in the live broadcast room was switched from tuna to drone for the first time.

   This high-tech seamless live broadcast method has also made everyone amazed.

   In the live footage of the drone, the sky is full of stars outside, the sky echoes the deep blue sea, and a submarine floating above the water, the picture is exceptionally gorgeous.

   Before I knew it, it turned out to be late at night.

   The stars in the sky are very bright, brighter than the stars in the mountains and snow fields.

   This is where the pollution is really far away.

  Ning Fei opened the upper hatch of the submarine, and at the same time, the oxygen storage device of the submarine began to replenish oxygen.

  The submarine comes with equipment for purifying oxygen, which can purify the oxygen into the oxygen cylinder, which can make up the oxygen reserve of the diving suit and the submarine.

   Then, Ning Fei manipulated the watch and set the positioning so that the Qingfeng cruise ship rushed over.

  Because of the positioning relationship, although the Qingfeng cruise ship entering the Bermuda Triangle area will be confusing to navigate, it will not affect the cruise ship’s lock to Ning Fei’s location.

   About half an hour later.

The    Qingfeng cruise ship came galloping with lights flashing.

   The blue atmosphere lights on the side of the cruise ship and the lights on the ship are both on.

   The drone shot in the past, and netizens saw another beautiful scene.

   I saw several little guys lying on the ship's gunwale, looking forward to it.

   After seeing Ning Fei, the little dog was wagging his tail excitedly and looked very cheerful, as did the other little guys.

   After all, for them, Ning Fei is their backbone.

   When the cruise ship got closer, the little dog jumped directly off the ship.


   It fell straight into the water.

   "Don't come down, I'll go back right away!"

   Ning Fei hurriedly said seeing that other little guys had the same plan.

   However, the little dog has fallen into the water and is constantly approaching Ning Fei using the dog-swimming method.

   Ning Fei had no choice but to crawl out of the upper hatch of the submarine, then picked it up and let it into the submarine.

  Ning Fei brought the little dog back to the submarine. He drove the submarine into the cruise ship from underneath the cruise ship ~www.ltnovel.com~ Then took off the diving suit, put on the shorts and short sleeves and walked out.

   "Huh, it feels so free!"

  Ning flew to the deck and stretched.

   The little guys ran over to greet them.

   Ning Fei laughed happily, too busy in his hands, and simply picked them up.

   Little fox, three little black chirps, and little Fei, all were in Ning Fei's arms.

   Xiaofeng and Xiaofeng stood on Ning Fei's shoulders.

   Only the little dog was still on the ground, and the jealous "bark" screamed twice.

   Ning Fei squatted down again, petting the little dog.

   This picture is very beautiful.

   Like cute animals is a common language in the world.

  People from other countries also saw Ning Fei's gentle side.

   [Unexpectedly, this Chinese person has such a character. 】

   [His three black cats are so cute! 】

  【I prefer that white fox, and I also want to raise a white fox. 】

[Haha, I’m from China, and I’ll give you some popular science. Ning Guanzhu not only raised these animals, but also raised a panda, two black bears, an electric eel, five cranes, three peacocks, and more than two hundred sika deer. . 】

【is this real? 】

  【It’s true, everyone in China knows it. 】

  【He is too mysterious. 】

  【This is the Taoist priest of China. 】

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