Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 481: A huge clam shell, a priceless blood-stripe pearl!

Ning Fei let go of the great white shark, got off its body, and continued to float on the bottom of the sea.

   "The water pressure on the bottom of the sea is very high. Riding a shark saves time and effort. It feels ok."

   Ning Fei said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

   The netizens were speechless for a while. One after another complained:

   [Ning Guanzhu will occasionally take a look at Versailles! 】

   [After all, he is the only one who dares to ride sharks on the seabed in this world! 】

  【Ning Guanzhu is too high a realm, what he said casually, we all think it is Versailles. 】

   Ning Fei continued to swim forward.

  The sea clam shell located by the system is nearby.

   He searched back and forth, but at first he didn't find it. Later, Ning Fei seemed to understand something and finally found the target.

   "Good fellow!"

   "Such a big sea shell!"

   he said slightly surprised.

   At the foot of Ning Fei's floating, there was a huge shell hidden by the mud on the seabed. The diameter of the shell is almost three meters, and it looks almost as long as a car.

   At first, Ning Fei thought that the treasure hunt would find a small shell, but he never found it.

   He didn't expect that the sea mussel shell was so big.

   When netizens heard Ning Fei's words, they all looked confused.

   [What did Ning Guanzhu find again? 】

   [Sea mussel shell? What it is? 】

   [Ning Guanzhu’s tone seems to be the tone of finding a baby! 】

   [I'm an old fan at first sight, I know this voice too! 】

   At this time, Ning Fei descended to the bottom of the sea and slid the ground forcefully with his fingers.

   The tuna submarine followed, illuminating the ground in front of Ning Fei with lights.

   The netizens just saw that where Ning Fei slid, the mud on the bottom of the sea slowly dispersed, revealing the white shells below.

   [There are really shells! 】

   [Good guy, such a big shell! 】

   [Are the species in the underwater world so big? 】

  【As early as the ancient times, there were many huge species, here is the deep sea, and many have been preserved. 】

   [Ning Guanzhu’s discovery has broken records again! 】

  【The biggest shell in the world, it's a cow! 】

   Ning Fei is cleaning the silt on the bottom of the sea, and the cleaning process is also very convenient. Just a little rub, and the silt on the bottom of the sea will be washed away by the sea.

  He came directly to the opening of this huge sea clam shell.

   "I don't know how long this sea mussel has been dead. I can't see what species it is."

   "But its shell is very hard, and it can still stay here."

   "Being able to live on such a deep seabed, when this sea mussel is alive, it should be a prince."

  Ning Fei cleared the silt on the surface of the sea mussel a little more, and continued.

   This sea mussel shell is almost three meters in diameter and one meter in height.

  The shape formed by the shell wrapper looks like a small house.

   "I have seen so many large species in the underwater world, it makes me feel like Gref's travels."

   "It's as if I have come to the kingdom of giants, everything here seems so huge."

   "This feeling is also magical."

   Ning Fei looked at the sea mussel shell in front of her, and said another sentence.

   After hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens felt that Ning Fei's description could not be more appropriate.

   The giant Titan turtles, giant lantern fish, ancient Deng's fish, etc., everything is like a kingdom of giant creatures.

   There is also this sea clam shell in front of me.

   Good fellow, it's almost as big as a van, but slightly flattened.

   "I don't know how many years ago it was a sea mussel shell, maybe there will be some surprises inside."

   "After the death of the sea mussel, the body will gradually decay and disappear, but the pearls in the body will not rot."

   "So, there may be pearls in the shell of this sea clam."

   Ning Fei began to try to open the sea mussel shell, and said at the same time.

   [Which good luck! 】

  【I have a strange hunch, I always feel that what Ning Guanzhu said is true. 】

   [Don't tell me, I feel this way too! 】

   [Watching Ning Guanzhu’s live broadcast, I’ve seen too many surprises! 】

   [If there are pearls, how much are they worth? 】

   [Look at the color and quality, but for such a large mussel, the pearl in the body is definitely the best pearl in the world. 】

   Netizens watched Ning Fei’s live broadcast room attentively.

   Compared with beautiful scenery, many people prefer money.

   Especially valuable money.

   Ning Fei tried to forcefully open the sea mussel shell, but because the age is too old and the water pressure on the seabed is too high, it is not so easy to uncover the sea mussel shell.

   Ning Fei found two cone-shaped stones from the ground and inserted them into the opening of the sea clam shell, first prying open a gap.

   The great white shark was swimming beside him, quietly watching Ning Fei's performance.

   This scene is really weird.

   The whole world is watching Ning Fei.

   A diver prying a huge shell, next to a great white shark like a husky.

   This picture, ordinary people can't even think about it, but it really happened in reality.

   Ning Fei stepped on the ground, ready to forcefully lift the upper part of the shell.

  He is powerful, but he must also be supported. He can't lift anything by floating in the sea. The greatest power is only his own buoyancy.

   Ning Fei used his feet hard, as did his hands.

   The silt on the bottom of the sea continued to scatter, and then diffused away, turning into a cloud of mud on the bottom.

  The sea clam shell finally opened.

   But when Ning Fei lifted the sea clam shell to about 70 degrees, because the height was not too high, the sea clam shell could not be opened completely.

   Ning Fei saw the great white shark next to him, and immediately stretched out his foot and gently touched it.

   The great white shark understood it, and immediately pushed its body onto the sea mussel shell, helping Ning Fei push the sea mussel shell over.

   This picture made netizens feel astonished again.

   What is this again?

   The great white shark helped Ning Fei open the sea mussel shell?

   It's too obedient too!

  The shell of the sea mussel finally opened, and the upper part and the lower part formed an obtuse angle, fully presenting the inside of the sea mussel to the netizens.

   The light of the tuna submarine hit the inside of the sea mussel for the first time.

   The surrounding soil mist on the bottom of the sea gradually dissipated.

   Everyone can see clearly.

   I saw a bowl-shaped structure in the middle of the sea mussel, and in this structure, a huge red and white pearl lay quietly in it.

   The live broadcast room was quiet for a while at first, and not long after that, the barrage exploded again!

   [Fuck! There are really pearls! 】

  【What a big pearl, how much is it worth! 】

   [Ancient giant clam, the pearl looks round and red, and the appearance and appearance are the best, the price of this pearl is probably incalculable! 】

  【Gosh, Ning Guanzhu’s luck is too bad! 】

   [My hunch is indeed correct! 】

  【I'm numb, let someone tell me how much this pearl is worth! 】

   [The visual inspection is at least 50 million. 】

   The netizens all over the world who are watching Ning Fei's live broadcast are crazy.

   This pearl is about the size of a ping-pong ball, and it can be regarded as a giant among pearls.

   Ning Fei picked up the pearl, and netizens could see it more clearly.

   This pearl, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is perfectly round, without any flaws.

   The more round the pearl, the higher the price.

  The white material is like jade, and it is much thicker than jade, with a few blood-colored lines in the middle, which adds some richness to it.

   And from the live footage, this pearl still exudes a faint white silver light!

   Such a picture is enough to shock everyone.

   deep sea, mussel shell, pearl.

   is like the East China Sea Dragon Palace in the China World, and it is also like the lost continent of Atlantis in the Western world.

   Under the dim light, the dreamy scene made everyone very excited.

   Foreign jewelers are even more crazy.

   A series of top jewelers such as Cartier, Tiffany, Bulgari, etc., have their eyes on the pearls in Ning Fei's hands.

   Cartier: [No matter how much you spend, you have to buy the pearls in this man's hand! 】

   Tiffany: [No matter how much Cartier pays, we will bid more than them! 】

   Bulgari: [We have bought this pearl, and we have to bid the highest. 】

   The jewelers can’t wait to buy the pearls in Ning Fei’s hands.

   At this time, Ning Fei said calmly:

   "Now I am not short of money, this pearl will not be sold."

   "This is a souvenir from my travels in the Bermuda Triangle."

   "It will be kept together with mammoth white jade ivory and black swan feathers."

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