Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 485: Are the people of the tribe knelt down? !

"System, let's have 10 diamonds in a row."

   Ning Fei's current popularity value is already very scary, enough to support him in dozens of diamond draws.

   But his demand for lottery is not very high now.

   Lottery draws have drawn a lot of physical fitness pills, pet food, etc.

A total of two    skills were drawn, which made Ning Fei's eyes shine.

   "Language proficiency: Proficient in multiple languages, able to communicate normally with people of other languages."

   "Development: It is possible to obtain real images of the life of paleontological fossils."

   These two skills are very good.

   Language proficiency At present, Ning Fei only masters one English, which is also a university course, which is not difficult for him. Ning Fei didn't have much interest in learning other languages, but it was a bit more convenient now.

   development is very helpful for him to observe and understand ancient creatures.

   "The skills in this draw are pretty good."

   Ning Fei was very satisfied with the result of the lottery.

   Then, he boarded the archipelago, carrying a hiking bag and taking the little guys with him, and walked forward.

   "I have always been a little curious about the mysterious aboriginal tribes all over the world."

   "They are like a window through which I can see the way of life of my predecessors."

   "Gathering, hunting, living in groups, and the most sincere awe and dependence on nature."

  Ning Fei walked on the road, and said as he walked.

   "The primitive tribes on Sumatra are the Mentawi people."

   "The Mentawi people are not a secret. There are many modern cities around, but the Mentawi people live deep in the tropical rain forest."

   "It is worth mentioning that Mentawei people like to draw tattoos on their bodies, with all kinds of strange patterns."

  【Tattoo? Is it so wild? 】

  【Little Pig Peppa's tattoos, applause for the community! 】

   [Reminds me of those indigenous people with weird patterns painted on their faces, will they be in danger? 】

   [That is in the movie, in real life, the folk customs of primitive tribes are mostly simple. 】

   Ning flew to a small town.

   I have to say that his appearance is so eye-catching, and people all look back at him for a while.

   Ning Fei's temperament is very good, and she looks pretty.

   was still holding the little fox in his arms, and three black chirps nestled on his hiking bag, followed by the little dog Xiaofei, and a phoenix flying around above his head.

   This scene, no one can help but stop watching.

   [Sure enough, Ning Guanzhu is the focus wherever he goes! 】

   [The beauty is so high, everyone wants to see two eyes! 】

  【Humans are all visual animals. 】

   Ning Fei found a guide in the small town.

   "It just so happens that many plants and animals I'm looking for are only found in the depths of the rain forest."

   "The Mentawei people just happen to live in the depths of the rain forest."

   "So, I plan to live in the Ming Tawei tribe."

   "It's easy to go to such a tribe. There are many young people living in the small town in the Mentawei tribe. They are between primitive and modern, as long as they make contact in advance."

   Ning Fei found a guide in the local area, and after negotiating the price, the other party readily agreed.

   everything around is full of tropical atmosphere.

   The people in this place have a darker skin color and are wearing local costumes. Netizens also think it's good to see such a scene.

   The guide is a young guy who looks pretty good, named Gehry.

   "Now our tribe has many modern things."

   "Such as plates, tables and chairs, cabinets, refrigerators, etc."

   "But everyone still keeps the traditional costumes and eating habits, and at the same time they are very religious in their beliefs."

   Gehry said to Ning Fei.

   Ning Fei nodded, he said to the netizens in the live broadcast room:

   "The Mentawi tribe has a primitive belief. They believe in gods, so there are many wizards."

   "The sorcerer has a very high status in the Mentawei tribe, lives in a large house, and is the person who knows the traditional culture best."

   [Witcher, there are wizards in the primitive tribe? 】

  【Then they know spells? 】

  【What do you think, wizards are just a profession, similar to those of the great gods in the village, but with a higher status. 】

   [Have you discovered that in any primitive tribe, there will always be such a tradition of worshipping gods. 】

【Correct! It's almost universal in the whole world! Either totem belief, or belief in gods! 】

   [This kind of thing seems to be engraved in human genes. Why on earth? 】

   Netizens started to discuss.

  【Have you ever thought that gods really existed many years ago! 】

   A netizen said.

   [I didn't believe it originally, but now I see Ning Guanzhu, I completely believe it! 】

  【Hahaha, isn’t this a living **** in front of you? 】

   Ningfei and Gehry are riding a small boat down a river.

   "The Mentawei tribe is deep in the rainforest. This small boat is the only means of transportation."

   "Generally speaking, few people are willing to go to the tribe."

   Gehry said.

   "I just went to take a look." Ning Fei also responded with a smile.

   They drifted down the river, surrounded by dense leafy trees and long vines.

   The tropical rain forest is rich in species, and the plants grow very well.

   "I have to take you to the Great Wizard's house first. Only when the Great Wizard agrees can you live in the tribe." Gehry said while riding the boat.


  Ning Fei didn't say much, just holding the little fox and enjoying the view of the tropical rainforest.

   About an hour later, Ning Fei finally saw the Mentawei tribe.

  The houses here are made of wood, with a triangular cone roof and a cube underneath, which is a very standard house structure. But most of the houses, with many bone decorations hanging outside, look a little scary.

   Gehry took Ning Fei directly to the largest room in it.

   Many people in primitive tribes noticed Ning Fei's appearance, and they all looked curiously here, and many people surrounded him.

   Netizens are also particularly curious when they see Ming Tawei people.

   These people have tattoos painted on their bodies, but they are not weird patterns, but long lines, as if they have drawn the odd meridians and eight channels on the outside of the body.

  【Curious and special tattoo. 】

   [This is the culture of another race, respect it! 】

   [I want to tattoo Peppa Pig! 】

  【A pink hair dryer is strange, what's the tattoo? 】

   At this time, Gehry and the people from the tribe explained Ning Fei’s intentions, and one of them ran to the Great Wizard’s house and invited the Great Wizard.

   Ning Fei also took the opportunity to look around.

  The life here is very leisurely and primitive.

   A few men are making bows and arrows, and some are grinding arrows.

   The woman is holding the child in the shade, telling a story to the child.

   The little fox and the little dog also looked back and forth.

   In such an environment, the little dog appears very quiet.

   It didn't take long for UU reading www.uukanshu.com to walk out of the house.

   Netizens watched it intently.

  In the modern age, it is rare to see such primitive tribe scenes.

   The Great Wizard is younger than expected, but he has dark skin, more tattoos on his body, and a lot of string as decorations around his neck.

   Then, an unexpected scene appeared.

   The great wizard walked out and saw Ning Fei. To be precise, he saw Xiaofeng on Ning Fei's shoulder.

   Then, he actually knelt directly on the ground.

   The great wizard knelt, but the other clansmen did not dare to stand and knelt down one after another.

   Gehry is also dumbfounded.

   He brought Ning Fei to the tribe as a guest, but he didn't think it would turn out to be such a scene.

   He also knelt down for the first time.

   Looking around, all the people of the Ming Tawei tribe bowed to Ning Fei.

   is like a pilgrimage!

   In the live broadcast, the netizens looked at the primitive tribes who were kneeling on the ground, and they were shocked one by one.

   [Fuck! What are these people doing? 】

   [I have said that Lord Ning Guan is a god! 】

   [Nima, this is too ridiculous! 】

   [Previously, I thought that asking Ning Guanzhu to take his knees was just a joke, but I didn’t think it really happened! 】

   Ning Fei was also shocked.

   What is this?

   Why did they kneel down?

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