Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 488: This is probably the realm

Ning Fei just intends to have fun with the Sumatran Rhino for a while.

   The rhino rushed towards Ning Fei again, but Ning Fei easily avoided it.

   "The aggressiveness of the rhino is really terrible."

   "I can feel the whistling wind around me."

   "It can easily knock a car into the air."

   Ning Fei jumped from the back of the rhinoceros and said flatly.

   Netizens don’t know what to say anymore.

  【Good fellow, while talking is terrible, he is playing a Trojan horse on his back. 】

  【How do I feel that such a big rhino is like Ning Guanzhu’s toy. 】

  【Ning Guanzhu sometimes has unique ideas. 】

   Rhino tried to bump into it several times, but found that Ning Fei couldn't attack it, a little angry, and kept shouting.

  It looks like it is saying: "Two-legged beast, you are too much!"

   "If you have the ability, come to a real fight with me!"

   "Only avoid, what kind of man!"

   Ning Fei felt the irritation of the rhinoceros. He tried to communicate with the rhinoceros through thought transmission:

   "Big guy, I have no intentions."

   "Just passing by."

   "You are such a big man, what can I do about you?"

   "Come on, eat some fruit."

   Ning Fei took out the wild fruits just picked on the road and walked towards the rhino slowly.

  【Ning Guanzhu, don’t mess around! 】

  【I'm going, what is this for? 】

  【Too funny, I thought a few fruits could buy a rhino? 】

   [I think everything can happen to Ning Guanzhu. 】

  Ning Fei handed the fruit over.

   Rhino looked at Ning Fei, then at the fruit, and gradually calmed down.

  Ning Fei’s fruit is the most delicious fruit in this tropical rain forest. It is hard to find, so now the rhino's eyes are straight.

   "It's delicious, let's try it."

   Ning Fei said with a smile.

   The rhinoceros was suspicious, poked his head out slowly, and ate all the fruits in Ning Fei's hands.

   The emotions between animals and people are often not that complicated.

   Ning Fei has a special temperament, which makes the rhinoceros feel very comfortable.

   So Ning Fei fed it fruit, and it was willing to accept it.

   [Is this bought? 】

   [Good guy, the number one beast of Sumatra, bought by a few fruits! I don't believe it! 】

   [This is probably the charm! 】

   Ning Fei gently stroked the rhino's neck again.

  He knows where such a big guy is more sensitive.

   Then, Ning Fei felt that it was almost done, so he called the little dog over.

   The little dog ran to him immediately.

   Then, in the shock of everyone's eyes, Ning Fei picked up the little dog and jumped directly onto the rhino's back.

   Not far away, the Ming Tawei man was stunned when he saw this scene.

   For the Ming Tawei tribe, rhinos are definitely the number one existence that can't be messed with.

   This man went to the river to drink water today, and accidentally angered a rhinoceros and almost lost his soul in fright.

   But now a stranger who suddenly appeared, just so leisurely riding on the back of the rhinoceros.

   What is this kidding?

   In the live broadcast room, when netizens saw such images, they all laughed and laughed.

  The reason is also very simple.

  Ning Fei rides on the back of the rhino, which is understandable.

   But the little dog also followed Ning Fei's appearance, sitting on the back of the rhinoceros, with his hind legs spread out, and the front legs raised. This is particularly funny.

   [The little dog can't even dream that he will ride a rhino one day! 】

   [Dog Health Peak! 】

   [Follow Ning Guanzhu, what's wrong with riding a rhino? 】

  【My God, this Chinese man is riding on a rhino! 】

   Ning Fei calmed the rhinoceros, but the rhinoceros was also obedient.

   For the rhinoceros, the weight of a human is insignificant. Its thick armor weighs more than half a ton, and it can hold it.

   "Rhino is a kind of spiritual animal."

   "Don't look at their big size, but they like to eat tender grass and fruits. They are real carnivores."

   "Unless it is a special case, they are generally more docile in temperament."

   Ning Fei, riding on the back of the rhinoceros, said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

   The little dog was very proud. He wanted to wag his tail, but found it inconvenient, so he stuck his tongue out and gasped excitedly.

  【Rhino likes to eat tender grass? It's almost the same as the old cow! 】

  【The tender grass is delicious. 】

   The netizens' concerns are very peculiar, and they immediately ridicule.

   Riding a rhino forward, it is much easier to drive.

   The surrounding scenery is beautiful.

   The tropical rain forest of Sumatra is full of strange flowers.

   Rafflesia is just one of them, and there are many tall bouquets, which are eye-opening.

   Ning Fei explained without hurries.

   "Look there, it's a wild durian!"

   "Durian is the king of fruits. It is produced in Indonesia. Its fruits are rich in many vitamins, which are good for people's health."

   "Although it has a pungent smell, the flesh has a sweet taste and creamy taste, so it is very popular."

   "However, I don't like eating very much."

   Ning Fei pointed to a few large durians in front of him, and said again.

   When it comes to durian, netizens fall into two groups.

  One group thinks durian is very delicious, but it is too expensive.

   Another group thinks that this stuff is so stinky, why would anyone like to eat it.

   [Reminds me when I was a kid, my brother was stealing durian in the toilet with me on his back. I opened the toilet door and thought he was eating shit. Now it is still a shadow of my childhood. 】

  【Hahaha, there is a picture. 】

   [What if your brother really eats shit? 】

   [Durian is shit! 】

   [I dare to eat durian, do you dare to eat shit? 】

   Netizens are extremely happy, and they are constantly communicating about durian.

   Ning Fei looked at the wild durian, but walked straight over.

   He belongs to the group that doesn't like to eat durian. Durian is one of the few fruits that he doesn't like to eat very much.

   walked for a while, Ning Fei found some good things again.

   "Durian is more common in China, but this kind of fruit is relatively rare."

   "It is the top ten fruit in Indonesia."

   "That's it, snake skin fruit."

   After hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens all looked at the live broadcast.

   I saw many fruits like pine nuts growing in a bush. uukanshu. Com These fruits have a brown skin on the outside, and the patterns look like snakes.

   [Wow, wild snake skin fruit! 】

  【Snake skin fruit, I know, is one of the most famous fruits in Southeast Asia. Once I went to Sanya to eat it, it was very expensive! 】

  【This kind of fruit has very high requirements for the growth environment, and it can only grow in the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia. 】

【Is it tasty? Where can I buy it? 】

  【I'm ignorant, I haven't heard of it yet. 】

   "The taste of snake skin fruit is very good, sour, sweet and astringent."

   "I can actually meet this thing."

   "Good luck."

   The snake skin fruit grows at a higher position. Ning Fei asked the rhinoceros to stop, then stood in the sadness of the rhino and picked the snake skin fruit.

  After picking some, Ning Fei peeled off the shell of the snake skin fruit to expose the white and tender fruit inside and took a bite.

   The taste is very good.

   The rhinoceros saw this scene and screamed twice.

   Ning Fei laughed, then peeled a few more snake skin fruits and fed them all to the rhino.

   This kind of fruit can be regarded as the rhino's favorite, so the rhino seems extremely happy.

   In the live broadcast room, the atmosphere is very good.

   A picture of people living in harmony with nature.

   Netizens also feel very relaxed.

   Everyone can only praise:

   [Go to Sumatra to feed rhinos, this is probably the realm! 】

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