Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 506: Straight guy has a real hammer! Amazing discovery!

, The fastest update of the latest chapters in the outdoor live room!

At night, Ning Fei and Bai Yi had dinner, and after a short rest, they were doing two-person exercise on the cruise ship.

The so-called two-person sport refers to playing badminton.

"16 to 0, why don't you play something else?"

Ning Fei asked tentatively.

"No, I must get 1 point! You are not allowed to release water!"

Bai Yi wiped the sweat from his head and said seriously.

Ning Fei reluctantly picked up the badminton racket again.

For his current physical fitness and reaction ability, playing badminton is really trivial, mainly for moving the body.

But what Ning Fei didn't know was that Bai Yi was a member of the school's badminton school team, and even had the title of "Badminton Goddess" in colleges.

Originally, Bai Yi wanted to play badminton and "bully" his brother, but he didn't expect to be completely abused.

Netizens can't bear to watch it anymore.

[So miserable, who can believe that Bai Yi is a member of the badminton school team. 】

[There is one thing to say, Bai Yi's badminton skills are very high, defense and counterattacks are done very well, absolutely professional level. only.......】

[It's just that Ning Guanzhu is too abnormal. 】

[How does an athlete compare to a cultivator? 】

[Ning Guanzhu is a straight steel man who hasn't run away, and he doesn't understand let one! 】

[Didn’t Bai Yi say that waterproofing is not allowed? 】

[If you are a girl, can't you listen the other way around? ! 】

Xiaohu and Xiaohei Tweet also lie on the side boringly, seeming to think there is no suspense in this game.

The little dog ran away to play around a long time ago.

At this time, Ning Fei's movements were a little slower, and Bai Yi jumped and smashed the shuttlecock across the net and landed on the ground.

When Bai Yi landed, he saw that the badminton hadn't been hit back, and he was taken aback for a moment.

"Yeah! I won! I won!"

Bai Yi immediately began to celebrate.

Ning Fei found it very interesting, and also laughed.

The barrage exploded instantly and cheered.

[Bai Yi finally won Ning Guanzhu, the current score is 16 to 1! 】

[Playing with Ning Guanzhuo, I think it's already very powerful. 】

[I feel that Ning Guanzhu is not serious. 】

[He must not be serious. Look at his movements, they are light and effortless, but they are unspeakable and unrestrained. 】


Ning Fei was aside and praised.

Hearing what he said, Bai Yi pursed his lips with a little helplessness, and said immediately:

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, you are too good. I'll take a shower first."

With that, she went back to the room.

Ning Fei put the racket away, found a chair and sat down, and the little fox ran over gently.

This feels very good.

In the past, when he went out to sea alone, he was really boring, and it was naturally much more comfortable to have someone do some exercise with him.

Ning Fei stroked the soft fur of the little fox and looked towards the sea.

The sea at night was pitch black and looked a little horrible, and only the sound of the "rushing" waves could be heard.

The ancient country of Atlantis identified by the system is in this area, including the ocean and the continent, but Ning Fei needs to find out exactly how Atlantis exists.

Then, he played around with the little guys for a while, then talked to the netizens and went off to rest.

the next day.

Ning Fei decided to dock and take a look on land.

This land is the Iberian Peninsula, on the side of the Strait of Gibraltar.

"Let’s go to see on the Iberian Peninsula today."

After the live broadcast room opened, Ning Fei said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"The Iberian Peninsula is the second largest peninsula in Europe. It has a very complicated history. During the Middle Ages, there were basically fighting and many kingdoms were born, such as the Restoration War, the Crusader Civil War, and the Revolution."

"It can be regarded as one of the treasures with a particularly good geographical location on the earth."

"The jurisdiction of the Iberian Peninsula is also more complicated. Most of the area belongs to Spain. There are also places such as Portugal, Andorra, and Gibraltar, which belongs to the Kingdom of England."

"I'm going to a small town along the coast."

The picture in the video is very harmonious.

Ning Fei was holding a dog leash and a little dog on his back, carrying a transparent backpack with a little fox inside.

Bai Yi carried the same transparent backpack with three small black cats in it.

Xiaofeng was on Ning Fei's shoulder.

Xiao Fei, as a blood-awakened rooster, was also led by Ning Fei along with the dog.

The little falcon flies in the sky.

There is no way, to enter the city, you must obey the traffic rules in the city.

Nowadays, if you raise a dog in the city, you have to take a leash. If you raise a cat, you are afraid of running around, and you don’t worry about putting it on the boat, so Ning Fei took all the little guys.

[What combination is this? 】

[Traveling duo! 】

[Haha, so happy! This too! 】

[Look at other people's lives, it's full of beauty. 】

Netizens all said enviously.

The Qingfeng cruise ship was parked at the port. Ning Fei and Bai Yi used taxi-hailing software to call a car and headed straight for the city.

I have to say that as soon as they appeared, they instantly attracted the attention of many people.

On the road, the turning head rate is almost 100%.

Especially when many people see the little fox and the little black cat in their backpacks, their cute hearts will melt.

These days, who doesn't like a few cute little guys.

"Brother, where are we going?" Bai Yi asked in a low voice, feeling the fiery eyes of people around him.

"Go to the library first, I want to check some materials."

Ning Fei said.

The environment here is very special, full of European characteristics.

The houses are row by row, the stairs are up, and they are painted in bright pink and light green, giving people a small and fresh feeling.

This city is also a popular tourist city, so there are many foreign tourists.

"Ning to watch the Lord! Ning to watch the Lord!"

"Ning Guanzhu, we are your fans!"

Before long, some people recognized Ning Fei and came to him one after another without getting too close. They just followed Ning Fei with a mobile phone while taking pictures.

There are also many people who just secretly took a selfie with Ning Fei from an angle, and then followed the crowd.

Among these fans, there are all kinds of people, black brothers, white girls, and Asian faces, and so on.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were amazed at Ning Fei's popularity when they saw this picture.

You know, this is just a border town with a beautiful environment, a small population, and only a lot of foreign tourists.

Generally speaking, many people in such places don't know the celebrities, especially the international ones.

But Ning Fei's popularity is undoubtedly high.

The security guard of the library is dozing off boredly at this moment. Nowadays, people borrow less books, so the library is generally more leisurely.

At this moment, he saw a group of people approaching in ebony rivers, and he was also taken aback.

Later, when I saw that it was Ning Fei, I felt relieved.

Ning Fei greeted the fans, hoping that everyone would stop following him, and then went to the library to read the materials.

Bai Yi took care of all the little guys in the lounge. At the same time, Ning Fei also closed the live broadcast.

"A lot of people in the library are studying, I don't want to disturb others, so I shut down the live broadcast first."

Ning Fei said.

Walking the dog and leashing in the city~www.ltnovel.com~ The library is quiet. This is a very simple and trivial matter, but it is a manifestation of a person's quality.

Although it was closed, Ning Fei's performance was praised by netizens.

Ning Fei came to the library and read some very old books, mainly travel notes and Plato's theory about Atlantis.

This is also the only clue.

After spending about an afternoon, Ning Fei checked a lot of information and gathered a lot of knowledge together.

He got the answer he wanted.

"The system indicates the scope of Atlantis, which is half of the peninsula and half of the ocean. Now there are two possibilities."

"One possibility is that this small city is the ancient Atlantis. Atlantis was not destroyed at all, but survived in the form of another city, so no one can find it."

"Another possibility is that the ancient country of Atlantis is underground in this city!"

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