Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 530: As the so-called wealth and wealth are seeking...

When Ning Fei returned from fishing that night, the sky was already a little gloomy.

   Dark clouds gather over the sea, indicating that tomorrow is not a good weather.

   Today, Ning Fei did not encounter any species of sailfish, not to mention the superb species of bluefin tuna.

   "We will continue to look for bluefin tuna tomorrow."

   "I talked to fishermen today. A few days ago someone did see a bluefin tuna, almost 3 meters long, but it ran too fast, so no one caught it."

   "Tomorrow is a rainy day, just right."

   Ning Fei said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

   [Do you still want to go fishing on a rainy day? 】

   [Generally, if there is a storm on the sea, fishermen would not dare to go out to sea, because any big wave comes over, the fishing boat will be completely overturned! 】

   [Ning Guanzhu is really bold! 】

  【The Qingfeng cruise ship is of good quality, so don’t be afraid of storms. 】

   [Brother, you have never seen a storm, no matter how much tonnage you are, the waves will still be overturned! 】

   The next day, as expected, the weather was a little gloomy since the morning.

   There was a burst of water vapor in the air.

   The sea is even more misty, and it looks like you have entered Penglai Xian Island.

   The picture is beautiful, but the more beautiful the place, the more dangerous it is.

   Ning Fei took the Qingfeng cruise ship early in the morning.

  The Qingfeng cruise ship has a relatively strong ability to resist huge waves. Unless it encounters a large sea tornado, the general storm cannot cause much threat to the cruise ship.

   What's more, the rain near the sea is generally not too big.

   Because it was raining, Ning Fei asked the little falcons to return to the cabin to rest, and the little guys were also settled in their nests by him.

  Because they often sail at sea, the dens of the little guys are fixed, and there is no need to worry about the shaking of the ship.

   In the morning, Ning Fei turned on the live broadcast and came to the bow at the same time.

   At this time, the rain has become heavier.

   One by one raindrops fell from the sky and landed on the deck.

  The waves of the sea rolled up one after another, constantly beating the hull of the cruise ship.

   [Ning Guanzhu really started broadcasting! 】

  【What a heavy rain! 】

   [The so-called wealth is in danger, but this is too hard! 】

  【As a fisherman, I am quite scared of this scene. 】

   Ning Fei stood on the bow of the ship, the rain wet his clothes, and the water droplets flowed down his hair, making him look a little more chic.

   He held a bow in his hand, it was Su Mu bow.

   Behind him, there is a quiver on his back with a few fine wooden arrows in it.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Look carefully, there is a float behind each wooden arrow. In this way, even if the wooden arrow is shot into the sea, it will float.

The cruise ship    Qingfeng rushed forward.

   Ning Fei's gaze fell on the sea.

  He is very patient.

  A good hunter must be patient.

   "When it rains, the probability of bluefin fish appearing is higher, but it is still very low."

   "I can only try my luck."

   Ning Fei said unhurriedly.

   The Qingfeng cruise ship was moving forward in this sea area, and Ning Fei stood motionless on it, only his eyes changed.

   One hour, two hours, three hours...

   Time passed slowly.

   The rain also gradually increased.

   The weather on the sea is uncertain. The storm may only last more than ten minutes, or it may become more and more violent.

  Ning Fei still did not change his mind.

   Netizens are a little impatient.

   From going to sea to the present, there are only slightly horrifying storms on the sea surface, and no trace of bluefin tuna is seen.

  【Ning Guanzhu, this is a waste of time, why not go back! 】

   [That is, I don’t think I can find it at all. 】

   [Purely a waste of time. 】

   [Don’t worry, everyone, this fish is so valuable, it’s certainly not that easy to encounter. 】

   [Yes, a fish can sell for 20 million, can you find it casually? 】

   Ning Fei is very patient.

   He is like a sculpture standing proudly on the bow.

   The hull would occasionally sway back and forth with the huge waves, but his body remained motionless.

   The little guys are in the cabin, and you can see the outside through the glass.

   Everyone was puzzled, what Ning Fei was doing.

  Little dog: "What is the master doing outside? Why don't you come in and play with me."

   Xiao Fei: "Is it lost?"

   Xiaohu: "Just leave it alone, just wait with peace of mind."

   Xiao Hei tweeted: "So dizzy! So dizzy!"

  Ning Fei didn't have the energy to notice the movements of the little guys.

   They are all lying on the glass, looking outside.

   Unknowingly, four hours passed.

The cruise ship    Qingfeng has been wandering back and forth in this sea area.

   But there has never been a shadow of bluefin tuna.

   At this moment, suddenly, a fish jumped out of the sea.

   Ning Fei’s attention was very concentrated, and almost immediately, he pulled the Su Mu bow in his hand into a full moon!

   "It's not bluefin tuna."

   Ning Fei's eyes were sharp, and he could tell it for the first time.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "It's a flying fish."

   "Flying fish have pectoral fins on both sides, like the wings of a bird, they can jump out of the sea and glide."

   "It is a very amazing fish."

   "Moreover, it is one of the favorite foods for bluefin tuna."

   The netizens were very excited at first, thinking that the bluefin tuna finally showed up.

   Then it was discovered that it was a flying fish, and everyone became very disappointed.

   Ning Fei released the Su Mu bow.

   Flying fish are not food fish, so Ning Fei does not plan to hunt flying fish.

   At this moment, beside the cruise ship, a few flying fish jumped out of the sea. After gliding for a while, they fell into the sea again.

   In a stormy environment, this scene also seemed a bit magical.

   At this moment, Ning Fei glanced over.

   He saw that under the sea next to him, a huge black shadow was moving forward at an alarming speed, seeming to be chasing the group of flying fish.

  Ning Fei saw ~www.ltnovel.com~ where the black shadow passed, a few flying fish were torn to pieces in an instant, and a little bit of fish blood spread to the sea before long.

   "That is, bluefin tuna!"

   Ning Fei exclaimed.

   Hearing Ning Fei's voice, netizens became excited again in an instant.

   [Where is it? Did Ning Guanzhu really find it? 】

  【I have been looking for five hours, I am so patient! 】

  【Really hard work pays off! 】

   [Good guy, I really found it! 】

   The drone immediately turned the camera to shoot the past.

   Netizens saw that on the sea next to the Qingfeng cruise ship, a huge fish shadow was advancing fast.

   Drone tracking and shooting.

   I saw that the dorsal fin of the bluefin tuna was particularly obvious, with a long sharp sword spreading across the upper jaw, and the whole body was streamlined and looked extremely healthy.

   [Fuck! Such a big bluefin tuna! 】

   [This is at least five meters! 】

   [Ning Guan mainly posted! 】

   There are a few knowledgeable people who saw this big fish, and they couldn't help exclaiming in exclamation.

   The live broadcast room was completely boiling.

   A five-meter-long bluefin tuna is definitely the best of the best.

   The speed of the bluefin tuna is so fast that it easily surpasses the cruise ship, continues to move forward, and constantly tears the flying fish in front of it.

   The broken bodies of flying fish are everywhere on the sea.

   Ning Fei made a decisive decision and said quickly:

   "Xiao Bai, drive to maximum horsepower, go forward at full speed!"

   "I must catch this bluefin tuna!"

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