Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 59: Quiet time in the afternoon

   The interaction between Ning Fei and Xiao Fal really surprised netizens.

   Xiaofu's performance is amazing!

   How did this bird raise?

   Ning Fei teased Xiao Falcon for a while, and started to pack things.

   He completely extinguished the bonfire and made sure that there was no risk of fire before he got up and returned to the tent.

   "Everyone, I am a little sleepy after eating and drinking. I want to take a lunch break at noon."

   Now that the sun is hot, Ning Fei took the mattress and blanket out of the tent and dried them on the tent.

   "This is the territory of the South China tiger. Generally, there are no large carnivores in the territory of the South China tiger, so there is no danger for us to sleep in the wild."

  Ning flew to a lawn where the grass was very low, and there were three trees growing together to form a huge shade.

   "This place is very suitable. If the grass is high, there will be more bugs, which is very annoying. If the grass is too low, it is uncomfortable to sleep."

   Actually, Ning Fei still had "Insect Repellent Incense" in his pocket. This thing is a rare treasure for forest exploration. The smell of insect repellent incense will make insects avoid them far away, which is invaluable for people with insect phobia.

   Ning Fei was full of food and drink, feeling a bit tired, and the weather was a bit hot. He lay in the shade of the tree, feeling cool all over.

   The heat of the Qinshan Mountains is similar to the heat of the north.

   The heat in the north is more closely described as "sun", which means that people standing in the open air are very uncomfortable, but as long as they go to a cool place, they immediately cool off.

   The heat in the south tends to be more "sultry", not to mention hiding under the shade of a tree, or hiding at home, as long as you don’t turn on the air conditioner, you will be sweaty.

  After Ning Fei lay down, Xiao Falco jumped a few times on his chest, and immediately retracted both feet and lay down.

   The bird actually accompanied Ning Fei during the lunch break.

   This scene is also particularly leisurely.

   There is a good saying that the handsome leader is right in everything.

   Ning Fei pressed two hands under the back of his head and put in a comfortable posture, only to feel sleepy, and she fell asleep like this.

   Netizens are very helpless, this is really casual.

   Live sleep?

   "Annoying anchor, annoying online!"

   "You actually broadcast the lunch break?"

   "Don't tell me, I still enjoy watching this scene, I am a man!"

   "Sure enough, you look handsome and do everything."

   "Be quiet, don't make my husband sleep!"

   "Same as above, quietly admiring her husband's face."

   "It would be better if I wear a robe."

   "Yeah, I also like the way he wears a robe."

   It’s also strange to say, it stands to reason that live broadcasts such as sleeping are no different from downstream broadcasts, and the popularity will be much less.

   Of course, the sleep mentioned here is the ordinary sleep of one person, not the sleep of two people "fighting". If that's the case, the popularity will definitely skyrocket.

   Ning Fei went to bed live, but his popularity remained high.

   The live broadcast picture is the whole of Ning Fei, and netizens can clearly see his calm face. Little Falcon nestled on Ning Fei's abdominal muscles, and as Ning Fei's breathing moved up and down, he actually fell asleep.

   Some netizens found it really strange that every time they watch Ning Fei’s live broadcast, no matter what Ning Fei does, they always feel relaxed and comfortable.

   That kind of feeling can't be disguised, just like a human temperament, like a shadow.

   There are a lot of female fans, and they even put the live broadcast interface of their mobile phones next to them, and then busy with other things, looking at Ning Fei from time to time, they feel very satisfied.

   For them, the biggest difference between watching live broadcasts and sleeping and watching wallpapers is that they can know what Ning Fei is doing at the same time. If they fantasize like this, they will feel very substituting.

   In the afternoon, the scorching sun was like fire, Ning Fei just lay on the grass and fell asleep leisurely.

   Li Bo is an office worker. When he was resting at noon, he was playing the sound of fighting, and more than once he caught the short video of Ning Fei live broadcast by netizens.

   The video of Ning Fei touching the South China Tiger has been liked more than 3.5 million times, and there have been more than 200,000 discussions. It is the most popular video in the past few days.

   Li Bo saw Ning Fei's short video again, and couldn't hold back, so he went to download a special live broadcast of fighting birds.

   When he entered a little bit, he saw a huge headline on which it was a picture of Ning Fei climbing rock, full of violent beauty.

   Li Bo clicked in.

   He saw Ning Fei lying on the grass sleeping in the live broadcast room, with a white bird lying on his chest.

   "Sleep?" Li Bo was a little surprised when he saw such a live broadcast for the first time.

   Soon he realized that things didn't seem right.

   At this time, the drone also sensed the abnormal movement around it, and quietly lifted into the air, switching the perspective of the distant view.

   When Li Bo saw clearly what happened, his heart suddenly mentioned in his throat, and he felt his whole body trembled!

   Because there are two huge South China tigers, slowly approaching towards Ning Fei!

  Ning Fei is still sleeping, and the South China Tiger is not far away.

   Is this anchor crazy? Is it fatal?

   Sleeping in the wild in the mountains and old forests during the day, feeding the wild animals?

   Li Bo is very nervous.

   Not only him, but the netizens in the live broadcast room are also very nervous.

   Although Ning Fei had a very friendly interaction with the South China Tiger before, it was the South China Tiger after all! Now a big living person is lying asleep in front of the South China Tiger, this is the real person who entered the tiger's mouth!

   The male tiger had come to Ning Fei's side silently, not a step away from Ning Fei.

  The barrage exploded again at this moment.

   Netizens covered their mouths nervously, and some girls even closed their eyes and couldn't bear to look again.

   Then, I saw the male tiger leaning down and sticking out his tongue with barbeds, but the barbeds did not stand up. It gently licked Ning Fei's face!

   Tiger, lick your face?

   Tiger actually licked his face so gently when the anchor fell asleep?

   Li Bo only feels that his perception has been impacted!

   Netizens even shouted "6666666"!

   This is incredible.

  The screen is full of words like "Niu b" and "Fucking".

   Ning Fei was dreaming, and suddenly felt sticky on her face. He opened his eyes and saw the huge tiger head of the male tiger at a glance.

   You know, the tiger’s head is at least three times bigger than the human head.

   Ning Fei sat up with Ji Ling, suddenly no sleepiness. When he found out that it was the South China Tiger, he was relieved.

   But Ning Fei’s embarrassment was also seen by netizens.

   "Hahahahaha, Ning Guanzhu was also taken aback!"

   "Screenshots have been taken ~www.ltnovel.com~ The sisters who need emoticons private me."

   "What do you say, brothers, don't you care?"

   "For the emoji, I can be your sister."

   Netizens are happy again.

   Ning Fei touched the head of the South China tiger, and found that the tigress was already able to move freely at this time. It seemed that the trauma plaster had worked.

After all,    is something drawn out of the platinum lottery, so the effect is naturally unexplainable.

   I can see that the two tigers are very grateful to him.

  Animals are intelligent, the bigger the animal, the more so. The South China Tiger, the king of mountains and wilds, naturally knows what gratitude is and can feel Ning Fei's kindness towards them.

   "Xiaoyu, come here."

   Ning Fei was overjoyed after seeing the little South China tiger. There was no way, the little tiger was much more cute than the big tiger.

   Ningfei stroked the little tiger, causing Xiaoyu to growl at his angry milk, but it turned out to be more lovable.

   Netizens like to watch such pictures.

   "Hahaha, Xiaoyu, don't struggle, your parents don't care about you."

   "Your parents listen to them, let alone you."

   "I really like this little tiger."

   "I want to give you a popular science here. Tigers are ferocious and it is best to keep their distance. After all, not everyone has the charm of Ning Guanzhu."

   "Well, to tell the truth, I feel scared when I look at the big tiger, but Ning Guanzhu is so calm and powerful."

   "Ning Guanzhu's charm is invincible."

   "I want to explore with Ning Guanzhu now."

   "Who doesn't want to."


   In the afternoon, teasing three wild South China tigers, Ning Fei’s life is so ordinary.

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