Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 63: Stalactite cave

   When Ning Fei decided to explore the cave, the audience in the live broadcast room felt their heartbeat suddenly stopped.

   The pitch-black hole, just seeing it from the live broadcast, gives people a terrifying pressure.

   "Ning Guanzhu, or don't go."

   "Curiosity killed the cat, the cannon fodder in the horror film is so dead."

"no Zuo no Die."

   "I feel scared when I look at it through the screen, but Ning Guanzhu is immersed in the scene. I can imagine how much pressure I am facing."

   "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss also stares at you."

   Netizens said with concern.

   Of course, there are also a large number of people, wishing to go down quickly instead of Fei. After all, exploring the unknown world is exciting.

   "Falcon, wait for me outside."

   Ning Fei talked to Xiao Falcon, and immediately took the flashlight and entered the cave.

   The cave is huge, and the drone hovered behind Ning Fei, broadcasting Ning Fei's footage in real time.

   This scene is very similar to a horror movie, and it is still a first-person horror movie.

   A person holding a flashlight, only the place illuminated by the flashlight can be seen clearly, and the rest is darkness.

   "There is no animal feces or bones outside the cave and on the roads of the cave, which means that there is little possibility of large wild animals in the cave."

  Ningfei walked very slowly at first, he paid special attention to the condition of the cave floor. There are only a few moss and gravel on the ground, and there are no traces of other animal activities.

   "The whole cave is downwards, and the **** is very steep, I am rapidly descending!"

   "The temperature is dropping rapidly!"

   "The humidity in the air is getting higher and higher."

   Ning Fei glanced at the watch, the "humidity" value on the watch was increasing.

   Just like this, Ning Fei walked all the way down, already very deep.

   It is reasonable to say that there has been no signal in the cave for a long time, but for some reason, the live broadcast of the drone has not been interrupted, and the drone is still closely following Ning Fei.

   Suddenly, Ning Fei saw something empty in front of him. When he walked out cautiously to see the scene below, a touch of shock surged in his expression.

   Not only him, but also the audience in the live broadcast room, their mouths have grown up at this moment, their faces full of disbelief.

"here is?"

   "A natural stalactite cave!"

   "It's actually a stalactite cave?"

   At the place where Ningfei's flashlight was illuminated, rows of strangely shaped stalactites were arranged disorderly above the cave, which looked very strange.

   The world in the mountain is more like a different world.

   Looking around, this world is all made of gray-white stalactites, which is more pure and also more weird.

   "Dear viewers, I did not expect that there would be a natural stalactite cave here."

   "You know, the formation of stalactites often takes tens of thousands of years."

   Ning Fei was amazed.

   Netizens were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

   Nature is full of magic.

   In the stalactite cave, the sound of the waterfall became louder and louder, Ning Fei walked down again cautiously, and saw a more shocking scene.

Under the stalactite cave, there is a small waterfall constantly impacting the rock wall on one side. The flashlight shines downward, and you can see a huge pool of water about ten meters below.

   "My God, the waterfall in the stalactite cave!"

   "Are there really waterfalls and currents?"

"how can that be!"

   "Ning Guanzhu's live studio is really amazing."

   Netizens feel that their perception has been challenged.

   Ning Fei looked at the water pool below, also exclaimed.

   "It should be the surface water of the mountain. Before the water was supplied, Qinshan Village had drilled wells in places with high surface water content, and the surface water resources on the mountain were also abundant."

   "For unknown reasons, the water in the mountain penetrated and gathered in this place, and then formed a small waterfall."

"what is that?"

   At this moment, Ning Fei's flashlight was illuminated below, and his expression suddenly changed.

"what's the situation?"

   Netizens are very curious when they see where the flashlight is shining.

   I saw something yellow and white in the place where Ning Fei's flashlight was shining. These things are very similar to stalactites, but the material is completely different from stalactites.

   "It's a stalactite! It's a natural stalactite!"

   At this moment, the [Medicinal Material Merchant] spoke in the live broadcast room.

   "Natural stalactite, what is that?"

   Ning Fei also recognized the stalactite at this moment, he said happily:

   "Audience friends, I think I have found some natural stalactites. It looks like they belong to Yinni or Shihua varieties."

   Yin Nie and Shi Hua both belong to the scientific names of stalactite in Chinese medicine and have high medicinal value.

   "Stalactite has many functions, it can nourish the lungs, relieve cough, and relieve asthma. But the most important function is impotence."

   "For example, leek, called aphrodisiac, also called stalactite, is the reason."

   Ning Fei once again explained to netizens. He was very pleasantly surprised. He did not expect to encounter such a natural treasure as natural stalactite in this place.

   "Haha, it turns out to be aphrodisiac. I have a friend who wants to ask, how much is a stalactite?"

   "What a coincidence, I also have a friend who wants to ask."

   "The first time I heard that stalactite is a medicinal material."

   "I have learned a lot, but there is such a thing."

   "This place is really mysterious."

   "Is there any science popularization, how much are these stalactites worth?"

   At this time, [Medicinal Material Merchant] spoke.

   [Medicinal Material Merchant]: "Natural stalactite, if it is really a sinner, and it is invaluable, then a small amount may cost about 100,000."

   "What? One hundred thousand!"

   "Stalactite is so expensive?"

   "Really? It's a lie!"

   "Old medicines are generally not deceptive and have a good reputation. They seem to be true!"

   "This anchor has made another profit!"

   "You can meet natural stalactites when you climb a mountain. This is no luck."

   The netizens' eyes widened, all of them sore.

   "That's not Yin evil."

   At this moment, another big guy posted a barrage, it was [Jiang Zi].

   Netizens all know that Jiang Feng is a member of the Xuanhu Medical Center, a family of Chinese medicine, and he must understand medicinal materials very well.

  [Jiang Zi] said no, then this natural stalactite is naturally not Yin evil.

   "Hahaha, Young Master Jiang came out to refute the rumors himself."

   "Scare me, I said that a little thing can be so expensive!"

   "The anchor Bai is excited."

   However, Jiang Feng’s next sentence is:

   "That's not'Yin Nie', UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is'Sun Gong Nie', a kind of stalactite that takes longer to form and has more demanding conditions!"

   "The Sun Gongni discovered by Ning Guanzhu seems to be about 3 taels. The total value depends on the color. If it is pure natural and has been for thousands of years, the total value is about 300,000."

   Netizens were dumbfounded when they heard Jiang Feng's words!

   I'll take it, that's it, 300,000?

real or fake?

   But the other party is the young master of the Xuanhu Medical Center. If the entire Huaxia talks about the understanding of Chinese medicine, I am afraid that no one can compare to the Xuanhu Medical Center.

   Ning Fei is really earning blood!

   At this time, Ning Fei had already started to walk down. The surface of the stalactite was very slippery. He also came down carefully, took out a cloth bag, and used a knife to pick off the stalactite little by little.

   stalactite is not a liquid, it will be ground into a powder when used in medicine, and the effect is amazing.

   Ning Fei cut the stalactite piece by piece. There were not many stalactites. Ning Fei picked it up within a few strokes.

   The stalactite cave was very dark. Ning Fei looked down. The pool below looked much deeper than he thought. It didn't seem to be too deep from above because of the visual effects.

   "It's really a magical place. People from the Geological Bureau should come over later. I hope I can explore this place."

   The stalactite hole is very dark, there is no trace of light here, only the bright flashlight in Ning Fei's hand lights up a beam of light. From the perspective of netizens, Ning Fei seemed to be swallowed by the darkness, trapped in the darkness.

   Ning Fei stared at the water pool, feeling that his body was getting colder, and planned to leave.

   But at this moment, a black shadow flashed past the flashlight.

   At this moment, everyone is full of shock!

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