Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 67: Anti-counterfeiting? That's it?

   In the afternoon, Ning Fei finally returned to Taoist temple.

   Taoist Temple is still under construction, surrounded by bricks, cement and other construction facilities.

   Do not break or stand, if Taoism wants to be better, it must undergo this transformation.

   A prototype of the main building has been built, the insulation layer has been completed, and the waterproofing will start tomorrow, and if it is connected to water and electricity, it can basically be decorated and moved in.

"Hello, Mr. Ning, I am the project manager of Haihe Decoration, and my name is Chen Hong. Mr. Liu has already handed over the issues to me. You can rest assured about the project. It is absolutely fine." Chen Hong saw Ning After flying, he immediately greeted with a smile.

   "Well, good, I'll come to see tomorrow, it's a hard work."

  Ning Fei said, it’s already afternoon, and Ning Fei is already very tired from climbing the road, so he plans to rest.

  He has been living in Grandma Wang's house this time.

   Grandma Wang's house also has a small bungalow, which has all the facilities and is very convenient.

   Rhubarb didn't know where it went. It is probably because of the decoration. This time it will not be near Qingfeng Temple.

   When I arrived at Grandma Wang's house, everything he bought online has arrived.

   Grandma Wang was lying on the massage chair at this moment, massaged for one hour a day, which was also extremely satisfying.


   Xiaobai saw Ning Fei coming in and wagged his tail intimately at him.

   Xiaohu looked at Xiaobai, seeming a little scared, and went straight into Ning Fei's arms.

   Xiaobai has obviously gained a lot of weight these days. Ning Fei has ordered a lot of canned pets for him, and this guy is also getting food now.

   It is worth mentioning that every time Ning Fei returns to Grandma Wang's house, he will turn off the live broadcast. He does not want the elderly to appear in the camera to avoid some random comments from netizens.

   During this time, Ning Fei also took care of Grandma Wang's yard. Many places that can be replaced are replaced with new ones.

   He has been learning acupuncture for 7 days, and there are still 3 days to be fully proficient.

   But the things I learned in these 7 days, dealing with some common diseases that can be cured by acupuncture, there is no big problem.

   The next day, early in the morning.

   Ning Fei got up early, turned on the live broadcast, and came straight to the Taoist temple.

   The workers have started to get busy. I have to say that Liu Hui really takes care of Taoism and hires a lot of workers, so the construction speed will be much faster.

   Huaxia Construction is world-famous. Refer to Huoshenshan Hospital. The completion of such a large hospital in just 10 days is enough to show the speed of construction of Huaxia.

   At the same time, the Tianjun Union.

  Ning Fei's live broadcast is now becoming more and more popular, and has completely crushed several major anchors of the Tianjun Union.

   The live broadcast industry has huge interests. Ning Fei splits such a big cake away, and the people in the Tianjun Union have long been anxious.

   For this reason, the public relations team of the Tianjun Trade Union also held a meeting intensively to suppress Ning Fei.

   You must know that the upper level of the live broadcast industry belongs to the profiteering industry. The Tianjun Union has never imagined that there will be a newcomer who can show such a strong dominance in such a short period of time.

   Ning Fei has attracted countless fans by virtue of its real and brilliant live broadcast.

   "Are you ready?" Li He, manager of the Tianjun Trade Union, asked in a low voice on the phone.

"All right."

"let's start!"

   So, a campaign to suppress Ning Fei was once again organized by them.

   It didn't take long for Weibo, Tieba, Douyin, Toutiaohao, browsers and other places to see a large number of posts about "anti-counterfeiting" Ning Fei!

   "The well-known anchor is suspected of deceiving netizens!"

   "I thought it was a natural wonder, but I didn't think it was a set scene!"

   "A well-known anchor did such a thing for popularity!"

   "The stalactite cave is fake! Koi is fake too! It's just a scene!"

   These posts, adverts, and short videos are directed at Ning Fei. There is only one core, that is, Ning Fei’s so-called discovery of the natural wonders of stalactite caves. In essence, the scenes are arranged early to accumulate popularity!

  As soon as these articles came out, the direction of public opinion changed for a while.

   "It turned out to be fake, I said the stalactite cave is so easy to find."

   "The current Internet celebrities are true and hypocritical!"

   "I knew it was fake a long time ago! There is a waterfall in the stalactite cave, so I dare not make a movie like that!"

   "This anchor has a character problem!"

   "Haha, it's shameful to be beaten up!"

   "The fake can't be faked. The webcast is just a picture of a happy one, and someone really believes it!"

   Netizens are easy to be incited, especially when they are marked as "violating morality". There will be countless netizens standing on the moral high ground to criticize.

   For example, in the famous "My dad is Li Gang" incident, the original words of that person at the time were: "My dad is Li Gang, I will not run, don't be afraid."

   However, for the sake of popularity and page views, the marketing account only chose the first half of the sentence, and added fuel and vinegar, which caused countless netizens who didn't know the truth or could not know the truth to scream.

   This is the same. Many netizens saw the phrase "the anchor pretended to have discovered a stalactite hole in order to accumulate popularity." They immediately felt that the sense of justice in their hearts was overflowing, and they picked up the keyboard to accuse this improper behavior.

On    Douyin, there is a well-known internet celebrity called "Along Fighting Counterfeit", who usually fights counterfeit marketing products.

   In fact, he also directed and acted with the sellers, either threatening the sellers, hacking you without paying them, or cooperating with the sellers and using the money to help promote.

   But his number of fans is very large, about 2 million.

   Along was employed by the Tianjun Trade Union this time, and he also posted a video to crack down on "famous anchors".

   "Look at the replay carefully. Is the stalactite hole completely dark? Only the light of the flashlight can be seen. Why this anchor dare not show the whole picture to netizens? What is he afraid of!"

   Along’s words are not logical. Ning Fei wants to illuminate the stalactite cave and there are not so many flashlights, but netizens just think that Ning Fei is hiding something.

   "I suspect that mountain is also fake, it must be made of special effects!"

   In addition to Aaron, there are several naval forces on Douyin who are also talking about this.

   And the marketing account loves to rub hot spots. Many people who are not naval forces saw this incident raging on the Internet, and they also joined the critical team to gain popularity.

   This incident is getting worse and worse.

  Ningfei's fans are very angry.

   Is the stalactite cave fake? The South China Tiger is also fake? After climbing the mountain for so long in the live broadcast, is it fake to climb the rock? The live broadcast has never been interrupted, how can it be faked?

   Anyone who has a brain will not say these questioning words.

   However, it turns out that many people do not use their brains driven by the rhythm of the marketing account and the navy.

  They only use the keyboard.

   For a while, countless netizens came to Ning Fei's live broadcast room and began to mock.

   "Is this the fake anchor? Love it!"

   "Hahaha, it looks like a long one, how do you do such a thing?"

   "Internet scams?"

   "So unscrupulous for being popular?"

   Countless barrage came in, and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly changed suddenly!

   Of course, Ning Fei's fans are also vigorously maintaining.

   At this time, Ning Fei was still inspecting the Taoist temple.

   Super Guan [A Duo] called him.

   "Hey! Ning Guanzhu? It's not good, there are a lot of black posts about you suddenly appeared on the Internet, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you should be hacked!" A Duo's voice was very concerned.

   "Black me? What is black me?" Ning Fei frowned.

   "On the Internet, it is said that the stalactite cave you found on the live broadcast was faked and prepared in advance. There is no stalactite cave on the mountain! Now many people are talking about you online!"

   "Fake? That's it?" Ning Fei smiled helplessly.

   A Duo: "..."

   The conversation between Ning Fei and A'duo was also broadcast live in the live broadcast room. Seeing Ning Fei's reaction, many sprays who heard the news were also shocked.

   What is the reaction of the anchor? Is it so calm to be found fraud?

   "It's okay, don't worry, thank you for your concern." After Ning Fei and A'duo said, he hung up the phone.

   Soon, Ning Fei glanced at the phone, and as expected, there were a lot of black barrage inside.

Ning Fei looked at the camera and said calmly: "When the stalactite cave is discovered, the people of the Geological Bureau must develop and research. Whether it is true or not, wait for the people of the Geological Bureau to announce it. What are you doing here? What about Jin?"

   Many netizens reacted to Ning Fei's words.

correct! If it is really a stalactite cave, then people from the Geological Bureau must intervene!

  Ning Fei's words, there are really no black spots.

   For a while, the black powder is much less. However, there are some squirters who are born to squirt, and they still play rhythm in the live broadcast room. For this kind of person, the administrators of Ning Fei's live broadcast room were mercilessly named.

   At this moment, I saw that not far away, the village chief Qin Zheng brought three people straight to the Taoist temple and walked over, followed by several reporters.

   Look at their appearance, they all look like local public servants.


   Ning Fei suddenly laughed after seeing them.

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