Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 79: They have guns

Ning Fei looked down from the tree and followed Yong Tao's direction. As expected, about 100 meters away, he could see three men in dirty robes, sorting things out there, each of them carrying a sack. , There is still some red oozing on the sack.


   Seeing these three people, netizens were surprised.

   This is the first time they have seen poachers in the real world.

  Many people who dare to hunt at the risk of breaking the law are desperadoes.

  Like the movie "Kekexili" filmed, under the temptation of huge profits, poachers will completely lose their humanity.

   "Did you call the police?" Ning Fei became serious and asked.

   "I was found by them when I went up the mountain. I lost my phone and they were still looking for me. I didn't dare to go down, so I could only hide here." Yong Tao said with some guilt.

   "You did the right thing."

   Ning Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the night in the forest was pitch black. It was very difficult to find someone, and Yong Tao escaped.

   "I've been hiding here, they are right below."

   Ning Fei called the police as soon as possible. In fact, when Ning Fei’s live broadcast room saw poachers, many netizens chose to call the police.

   Now everyone's awareness of the rule of law is very strong.

   Qincheng’s police call has been busy, and more and more people are calling them.

   The armed police, public security, and search and rescue teams were all dispatched.

   "Don't worry, they can't run."

   Next, Ning Fei controlled the drone to fly towards the group of poachers.

   is now an information society. As long as the portrait of a criminal is exposed, all information about the criminal will be revealed.

  Ning Fei had to take a picture of the poacher's face.

   "Brother-in-law, it's almost time to go." Among the poachers, one of the little people said, "What if the man in public clothes went to the police yesterday."

   "His mobile phone was smashed by me, you are afraid of a ball. I have seen the map, from this time to the nearest village at least four hours, it is night road, he must not run back." Li Dewang said viciously.

   They discovered Yong Tao at about three in the morning yesterday, but Yong Tao was very smart at the time. He threw the flashlight and ran away in the darkness.

   "Two more hours." Li Dewang also knew the situation was urgent, but he was not very worried. He was confident that as long as he escaped into the mountains behind, the police would never catch them.

   After all, Li Dewang grew up in the mountains and forests.

   "Lao Li, what is that?" At this moment, another person next to him pointed to the sky and said.

   Li Dewang looked up and saw the drone flying straight towards him.

   "Grass, cover your face!"

   Li Dewang reacted very quickly and directly wrapped his face with a coarse cloth, and the remaining two hurriedly followed suit.

   The netizens in the live broadcast room originally planned to take a screenshot of the poacher's face, and sent the screenshot to the local police as soon as possible. Now they were surprised to see this scene.

   These poachers, the reaction is so fast!

   But this is still the beginning. The next second, Li Dewang took out a shotgun from behind!


   Shotgun bullets attacked the drone. The drone immediately shook a few times. At the same time, the camera became cracked, but the live broadcast interface was still there.

   "They have guns!"

   "My God, these poachers have guns!"

   The netizens were dumbfounded. The sudden shot by the poacher really shocked everyone.

   "Ning Guanzhu, run!"

"Too dangerous!"

   "Ning Guanzhuo, go!"

   Netizens cried out again with concern.

   Ning Fei was looking at the live broadcast interface of his mobile phone at this moment, and he also wanted to see the looks of the poacher.

   Seeing this situation now, Ning Fei's expression became serious.

   These poachers are not easy!

   The drone swayed and flew away, Ning Fei didn't have time to worry about it.

   At this time, Li Dewang received a call.

   "Hey, it's me, what did you say? An anchor came over? It's 20 degrees west of the mountain. Okay, I get it. Don't worry, it's nothing."

   Li Dewang hung up the phone, the next second, he turned his head and took out the telescope, and looked directly in the direction of Ning Fei.

   Because of the live broadcast just now, Ning Fei was discovered!

  The distance between the two sides is about 100 meters.

   Li Dewang took two people and walked directly towards them.


  Ning Fei used a telescope to see this scene clearly.

   "Old Bi, hurry up."

   At the same time, Ning Fei closed the live broadcast immediately.

   A second before closing the live broadcast, netizens only heard another gunshot from the darkened live broadcast room.


   "What's the situation? The live broadcast is interrupted!"

   "How come there are gunshots again!"

   "Where is Ning Guanzhu? Ning Guanzhu is okay!"

   "Lord Ning Guan, come back soon, what are you doing?"

   "The anchor runs, the poachers have no humanity at all!"

   "The anchor, run away!"

   The netizens panicked. At this moment, many netizens are fidgeting and can only stare at the dark screen of the live studio and pray constantly.

"what happened?"

  Ning Fei and Yong Tao were originally running outwards. There are so many and dense trees in the forest that poachers generally cannot catch them.

   But the sound of the gun sound was so strong that Ning Fei did not expect it.

   Ning Fei stopped and looked back, only to find that the poachers had just shot them instead of hitting them. The reason for the accident was Lao Zhang, the ranger.

   At this moment, Lao Zhang was leaping on Li Dewang's body, biting Li Dewang's ear, and the corners of his mouth were bloody.

   Li Dewang yelled in pain, and the other two poachers hurriedly pulled Lao Zhang down.

   Li Dewang's right ear has been bitten off for a little while, and his face is full of blood.

   Ranger Lao Zhang is a kind person. He always treats others gently on weekdays and is very popular in the village.

   At this moment, Lao Zhang is like a lunatic, and he has no scruples.

   "Damn, old stuff, you dare to bite me!"

   Li Dewang smashed Lao Zhang's forehead with a rifle butt, and Lao Zhang suddenly fell to the ground, his face covered with blood.

   "Brother-in-law." Another poacher said with concern.

   Li Dewang ignored him, just looked at Lao Zhang, and pointed a shotgun at his chest, threatening: "Old stuff, we are looking for you, but you jumped out by yourself."

   "I will ask you again, where is the Monkey King?"

   Li Dewang came to hunt on this mountain, the main purpose is the monkey brain of the golden monkey monkey king!

   There is a local tyrant's son who is sick. The local tyrant believes that the monkey brain of the Monkey King can save his son's disease, so he is willing to bid two million for a golden monkey monkey king.

   For Li Dewang, this money is enough for him to take risks.

   Lao Zhang did not answer, but stared at him with hatred.

   "The old thing, I told you that the police are coming soon, and I am impatient. If you don't tell, you will definitely die." Li Dewang continued to threaten, there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

   This is no man's land, a place where humanity is annihilated.

   Ning Fei also noticed this scene.

   "Is it Lao Zhang? What is he doing? Save us?"

   Ning Fei turned around and saw Lao Zhang, her face was a little bit unbearable.

   "I have to go back."

   "What are you doing? It's time to go now, they have guns, what can you do when you go back?" Yong Tao hurriedly stopped Ning Fei.

   "Let's go first, I'm fine, don't worry." Ning Fei dropped the hiking bag, holding only the Su Mu bow and arrow, and fumbled in the direction of the poacher.

   "You..." Yong Tao saw Ning Fei return so decisively ~www.ltnovel.com~ his face was full of hesitation and anxiety.

   He is getting married soon, and the poachers have guns in their hands.

   From any angle, he should leave this place at this time.

   "Damn, fight it!" As soon as Yong Tao gritted his teeth, he immediately went after Ning Fei. He didn't know why he made such a "stupid" choice.

   "60 meters!"

"50 meters!"

   "40 meters!"

   Ning Fei speeded up and hid behind a big tree.

   "If I read correctly from the drone just now, there are three poachers and only one shotgun."

   Thinking of this, he suddenly used force to pull Su Mu Bow out of a full moon!

   Yong Tao saw this scene in the back, dumbfounded.

  What does he want to do?

  At this moment, Li Dewang was already very impatient. He could see that Lao Zhang still did not succumb to death.

   "Old stuff, I'm unlucky..."

   However, at the moment when Li Dewang was about to pull the trigger, he heard a trembling sound from not far away.


   In the next second, Li Dewang only felt a huge force coming from his hand. The Su Mu arrow was unbiased and shot directly on the wooden cover of the shotgun.

   This shotgun was assembled privately by him, except that the barrel, trigger, and barrel are made of steel, and the rear cover and **** are made of wood.

   And Ning Fei's arrow shot just above the wooden part.

   Suddenly, the shotgun flew out of Li Dewang's hand. The protective cover had been completely shattered, and it could no longer support the force of the load.

   In the next second, Ning Fei continued to rush towards Li Dewang.

   Yong Tao was behind, with a dazed expression.

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