Overpowered System!

Chapter 132:Three Goddesses

Lie Wei Ying was on the floor still reveling in the sweet lips of Yu Yan. She was gone from her dream and back to the second realm, however, he now had three beautiful women dancing around him.

"Heh! Dad was definitely right, we will like him!"

"Yes, let's entertain him, and make sure he doesn't get bored!"

The three girls were known as the three adorable goddesses by Charisma, and they were three of his hundreds of daughters.

Because they were part sea goddess, and part human, they took after their both their parents and ended up with pearly skin and no tails. In fact, they looked normal except for their ravishing eye and exquisite features which caught Lie Wie Ying off guard.

He was still inside the cloud building and everything around him had something to do with him. These three girls were the main notable exception to this, and he didn't realize they were Charisma's daughters.

"…So, what brought you guys here today… Can I help you?" He looked curiously at the three girls as they bounced up and down. One of them was notably wearing only a bikini and skirt because of her sea origins. The other two were in dresses and seemed both jolly and silly.

"Uhm…well… our dad wanted to make sure you weren't so foolish in battles. He figured you'd listen to girls more, and was tired of spending money… We three sisters live in the first realm, and he brought us here to beat you up!"

The three girls laughed menacingly as Lie Wei Ying got up. He was still relishing his dream, and was growing tired of being on Charisma's string. However, even though this was the case, he felt a need to run away from these three. After all, with his new skill of defiance, no one in the first realm was his match.

"…I got to go, but if you really wish to fight me, I don't like hitting girls… Does your father have any sons who I could train with?"

The girls laughed before they shook their heads and walked towards the doorway. "Ha, no, we're the only ones who are still in the first realm… The rest of our family is super strong… As strong as you by a lot, if not stronger! .... We just want to play a little game with you Lie Wei Ying… It will be more of a fight of the minds than a fight of brawns…"

"Uhm, but that's not what you just said," He replied activating the red lightning around his body. It coiled like a well-trained snake and he stepped on its head before he shot off into the sky.

A few seconds later though he crashed into a wall, the three girls laughed as he landed back in front of them.

"Our dad said we have to train you, and if you hurt us… well he'll make you suffer for all eternity in here! Besides, we're extremely pretty, and we'll even take off our clothes if you beat us in this game…"

Lie Wei Ying gulped. He was already nearly eight years old, and his mind was now that of a full-grown adult because of the odd time setup here. He looked at them up and down quickly before his inactivated power of manhood had an opinion that came out of his mouth.

"Uhm… what kind of game is it," Lie Wei Ying said noticing that a table appeared in front of him.

It was a brown table with four chairs and they sat down at the table as one of the girls played with her bikini strings.

"…Ah… I would like to take this off… so does that mean you'll play?"

Lie Wei Ying smiled and then looked down at the table. It had a gun on it, and he instinctually picked it up and felt its leather handle.

"What exactly is this doing here?" Lie Wei Ying said… "What exactly kind of game involves a gun?"

The game was simple, and as they explained, Lie Wei Ying would be the robber, and they would be the bounty hunters. But in order to outsmart them, he'd have to play them in a simulation game. Otherwise, considering his power level, they'd never be able to catch him.

The table had the game in it, with a console, and Lie Wei Ying put on the helmet attached to said console. He ended up inside a world and felt the same but without the ability to fly. Across from him were the girls, and they pointed out to the city.

He spawned in a city modeled after Beijing. He arrived there and looked around and didn't get what they were trying to point out.

They had pointed towards a map and gave Lie Wei Ying a gun.

"If you want to win this game, you're going to have to make some money… Our job is to try and catch you before the cops find you…"

"But wait, you already know I'm trying to get you money…"

"Heh… this is 100% real simulation… Just try and use that brain of yours, but don't let your star level drop down past 4… If you do that, we win, and you have to train with father without complaints."

Lie Wie Ying obviously didn't agree to that, nor did he know where that idea of theirs came from. "But… I never said that, and you girls think that your clothes are enough to get me to do it!"

Opera, one of the sisters, was a tiny bit offended and poked Lie Wei Ying vigorously. "Hmph, if you think our bodies our so bad, then fine! Be that as it may, if you don't play with us, our dad will kill us!"

"Yes… save us from our father. We already messed up so much recently! Please…."

Lie Wei Ying sighed… "Uhm, I don't believe your father would kill you… So, please tell me the truth, and what is with this star thing?"

The girls were all on the side walk and Opera sat down on the side walk. She was a tiny bit taller then the other two girls. Her blonde hair was wrapped in a bun, and the other two sister sat by her side.

"Uhm… well, stars are related to the severity of the crimes you commit… If you get caught by the cops, you lose all your stars! But, if we catch you, you lose the game… However, you'd have to have six stars in order to win the game, and for us to chase after you, you'd need to have five stars… So, until then, me and my sisters will be at the mall! If you're daring, come try and steal from our bank when you're ready… but you might want to earn some currency first…"

Lie Wei Ying didn't want this to be a long game, and sighed looking at the bag they handed him.

"Once this is full, you'll unlock the ability to use stealth! With that… stealing our clothes will be a synch…"

"Alright I'll do it."

Lie Wie Ying nodded his head and accepted this game because it seemed fun. After all, anything was better than sparing with Charisma. It was like there was a million of him, and at least now this was a 'fun' game. Well, at least at this time he accepted it might be fun.

The three girls finally left and went towards the mall, which was the biggest building in the game. It was roughly three hundred stories tall, and the girls would be at the top floor. He'd have to rob the city first, and fill up the bag before he could enter that mall. At least, that's what they said anyway.

He smiled as he walked down the street waving bye to the three beautiful daughters. He always wanted to be a thief, and suddenly this acceleration world had a game for him to be a part of.

At the next moment, he took out his gun, and walked into a deli.

However, when he looked at the cashier he gawked with an awkward smile…

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