Overturned Tower

Chapter 52: old dream

"I didn't mean to—"

Russell immediately called out loudly without hesitation.

But it seems a little late.

Little Liuli's eyes were no longer as clear as Liuli, but completely dimmed, like the surface of turbid water on a rainy day.

And the ultramarine color around it changed rapidly like an overturned Rubik's cube, and reversed to crimson in an instant.

next moment.

Little Liuli's body—

— suddenly cracked.

Like a tattered doll that has been sewn, it is cut along the dotted line; it is also like a glass doll broken into pieces.

Her whole body was suddenly shattered.

The eyes become dull and cracked.

The cat ears were torn off.

Only a small section at the base of the tail remains.

The skin all over his body was chaotically cracked, but no blood spilled out. Instead, it looked like a puppet torn apart by children, becoming tattered.

After the cracking, she even became "bigger" because of it.

And the insufficient gap in the middle is filled with ultramarine blue flames.

That was the part of her that was originally a "prosthetic body".


The large number of prosthetic bodies on Xiao Liuli's body is not just for beautification or to facilitate work.

But to cover up the traces of "stitching".

The surgery she underwent was not a beautification under the condition of "keeping the original body as intact as possible".

It's a taboo surgery that cobbles together and stitches one person into something very different...another person.

Use scissors to cut off the bird feather-like spiritual relatives. The excess body is cut and removed to reduce the size of the body.

Cut out the skin and cover it with new skin. The bones that cannot be replaced are directly removed and replaced with prostheses.

The new generation of medical technology can save the dead with only one breath left.

And the "blue song robin" was indeed "the dead with only one breath left".

But unlike his girlfriend, who underwent normal surgery — what he underwent might as well be called a "transformation."

It's even better to directly replace the body below the head with a prosthetic body.

However, this is impossible.

Because the degree of prosthesis displayed by percentage is a very important indicator. The artist's prosthetic degree can't exceed 40%, while some more dangerous jobs require at least 50%.

In order to reduce the transformation ratio, on the basis of sewing and mending, try to keep a considerable part of the original body.

Then use the prosthesis to "fill the gap".

It's like a puppet that has been torn apart and stitched together again. If the concealed stitching marks were revealed, it would be a nightmare of horror.

No wonder…

After undergoing such an operation, awakening psionic energy is nothing more than normal.

Looking at this scene in a daze, Russell also suddenly felt a sense of loss of balance.

His center of gravity suddenly tilted to the right—Russell couldn't help but put a hand on his left shoulder.

He only felt that his "Kui Lily" prosthetic limb, which was his prosthetic body, had almost turned transparent and disappeared, leaving only a few remaining virtual shells floating out of thin air.

Burning pure white flames, it turned into a left arm as slender as a baby, or as a bone, emerging from the prosthetic limb.

It was the weak left arm. It made Russell's intrusion prosthetic more like some kind of old-time gauntlet at the moment.

Russell immediately realized the situation.

This is…

A psionic ability that treats people equally and seals both prosthetic bodies at the same time?

At the moment of seeing this vision.

Russell's right arm was stretched into his arms, holding the "Saint Beheading".

Like flicking a thermometer lightly, with no killing intent, the bright red light blade popped out.

And as it popped out, Russell's neck cracked without being injured, and blood began to flow out slowly.

Seeing that the saint's beheading can still be used, and seeing the demon still standing still and not attacking, Russell was a little relieved.

But at the moment when the two eyes met.

The white flames in the depths of Russell's pupils suddenly burned blazingly.

Strange and unfamiliar memories flowed into Russell's mind along the line of sight...

Russell and Xiao Liuli, who had turned into a demon, froze in place at the same time.

The aroma of grilled bird meat with sauce flooded into Russell's mind.

He seemed to be in a convenience store, with someone holding his right arm.

"Aren't you going to try it?"

The black-haired girl who spoke a strange dialect that Russell had never heard, but had a cute pronunciation, touched Russell from behind.

She raised the grilled bird skewers in her hand, her sleeves covered most of her hands, leaving only her slender fingers exposed.

The smell of shower gel on the girl's hair mixed with the aroma of roasted bird meat, forming a shocking memory.

"Ah... yes, you are a little bird, little Liuli. Would it be too cruel to give you this? Let me eat it!"

"Honestly call me blue song robin, such a nice code name... don't replace the code name with the name, how silly."

A deep and magnetic voice came from the mouth of "Russell".

He complained, opened his mouth and stretched it out, and suddenly took a piece of meat away.

The girl was startled.

She quickly patted "Russell" on the shoulder, reprimanded: "This is so dangerous, what if the bamboo stick sticks into your tongue or mouth?"

"Oh, it's fine."

"Punish you not to drink Coke today!"

"Hey? Didn't you just say that I can drink Coke as a reward..."

"Well... forget it. After all, the performance is so successful. You can drink a bottle, it can't be too cold."

—The two were discussing the present.

Memory shattered in a trance.

What then appeared in front of Russell again was the golden sunset.

The younger two sat side by side on the swing, talking about the future with some anxiety.

"Fira, I've decided. I still have to study...reading can change my destiny. Even if it's just a little bit."

The black-haired girl said softly, "It's the same even if you borrow money from the company."


The voice of the young man who had just finished changing his voice blurted out from "Russell": "You can't go to the company to borrow money! You also know that my father was arrested because... he borrowed too much money and couldn't pay it back!"

"But I'm not going to gamble, I'm going to study. Study loan - the interest rate is not that high, and it can be paid off in about 20 years after graduation. In the remaining 20 years, I can also save some savings for my children. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

"Children or something...don't care. We'll live our lives."

"That can't be done."

The girl turned around.

Her face, however, seemed to have been smeared with crayons.

Russell couldn't see her face clearly at all, but he could feel her blushing.

But she still said seriously: "Because I want to marry you and have a child with you. I want our children to have children, and I want our children to look like us when we are old. Same, sitting on the swing like this."

"...Then you can't borrow money from the company either."

A firm voice came from "Russell": "I'll find a way to get you some money."

"...But I don't even want to borrow your money, it always feels weird."

"Shouldn't we have to repay the loan after that? Why don't you treat it as my investment, the student loan I gave you?"

"Stupid Fila! Your words are too weird, it seems that we are so different!"

"Hey, it's not that you don't want to be counted as 'borrowing money'!"

"I would rather we pay it back together in the future, it will feel more like that..."

"But you will lose a lot of money for no reason, so let me do it..."

—The two discuss the future.


It shouldn't belong to this era...it belongs to Xiao Liuli, the voice that should have been sweet and lovely, but now seemed cold, resounded for no reason with heavy echoes.

Starting from the face of the girl whose face could not be seen clearly, dense cracks spread.

As Russell looked around, the crack that destroyed the entire memory world... gradually covered the world.

next moment.

The world is broken.

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