Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 146: The Great Method of Raising Kun 2 in 1 (1/2)

Dear ~ The domain name of this website: \\"166 Novels\\" is a homonym for the abbreviation, it is easy to remember! Highly recommended for a good novel: Start with a weak character, and evolution depends entirely on swallowing.

Like a giant leopard made of steel, it floats in the center of New York City, and nothing can stop its progress.

If this continues, the buildings in New York will be completely destroyed sooner or later. This is secondary. There are still many people in the high-rise buildings, which will endanger the lives of innocent people.

Unable to let it go on like this, Iron Man launched dozens of missiles, hitting the giant Kun.

He wants to attract hatred.

Ju Kun thought to himself that you still dare to hit me after I'm so embarrassed, he couldn't bear it, so he chased after Tony.

"What is Banner doing?"

Seeing that the plan to lure the enemy was successful, Tony contacted Black Widow. He knew that only Hulk could stop this giant kun that had evolved many times.

There is no one else.

"He said he wanted to calm down and come back when he could stabilize his emotions and control his emotions," Black Widow said.

"There is no time. This Kun is too big. I will lead it to you."

Tony finished and flew to Park Street.

The giant Kun followed behind him and flew slowly.

The Avengers gathered together and Steve asked, "Where are the Watchers?"

"They intercepted the most Chitauri at the portal." Black Widow pointed there.

"It's a lot of pressure on them."

Hawkeye glanced at it, and saw that Chitauri were constantly pouring out of the portal. A gorilla was flying around in the sky, and there were countless blue bullets piercing the sky. Many Chitauri had just come out of the portal. He was shot and killed.

Suddenly, Tony flew up.

Behind him, followed an indestructible giant kun.

The Avengers suddenly panicked, what should they do? Thor also felt a lot of pressure holding the hammer. Hulk was more suitable to deal with this kind of scene.

Suddenly, a Quinjet flew over.

A machine gun poked out from the fighter plane's territory and continuously fired at the giant Kun.

However, the giant Kun felt no pain or itching and continued to fly in the direction of the Avengers.

"Who's coming to support us?" Black Widow asked.

"Dr. Banner, I guess," Steve replied.

Sure enough, the hatch opened and a man jumped out, transforming into a ferocious green monster on the way.


Hulk fell from the sky and landed on the giant Kun's head.

The giant Kun suffered from gravity, his head fell into the ground, and he could no longer take a step forward.

Hulk rode on the head of the giant kun, raised his fists, and smashed it hard. The metal armor on his head was smashed into pieces.

Without the protection of armor, the Mark 7's own weapons have a chance to be displayed.

Tony saw the opportunity, raised his arm, and fired an explosive bomb.

The explosive bomb sneaked into Jukun's head, and after a two-second delay, bang!

The bomb exploded, and the giant Kun's head was blown open, and he had lost all signs of life.

When the Chitauri saw that Kun, whom they had raised for so many years, was dead, they all roared at them, saying that all their hard work over the years was gone.

You must know that it was not easy for them to raise Kun like this. They fed it many low-level Kuns, as strong as Gu Kun, Shi Kun, and Xie Guang Kun, and they were all devoured by it.

After going through a lot of hard work to evolve it into this state, it was so powerful that it was incomparably powerful, but in the end it was killed.

The Chitauri were furious.

Their anger soon turned into a stronger offensive.

Fortunately, they were prepared. Yes, besides this Kun, there were three more!

In order to capture the earth, Kunxun mobilized with all his troops.

The Chitauri offensive intensified, and the Avengers launched a fierce counterattack.

Hawkeye asked Tony to send him to the tower. Standing at the commanding heights, he could exert the power of his bow and arrows and provide his teammates with the enemy's deployment status.

All kinds of arrows are like deadly arrows when used by him. One arrow will pierce the clouds and kill one person!

Hulk is like a crazy beast, jumping between tall buildings and knocking down Chitauri flying in the sky, just like Winston.

The difference is that Winston electrocutes the enemy to death in the end, while Hulk hammers the enemy to death.

Tony led a group of Chitauri and used their inflexibility in turning to make them crash into high-rise buildings and achieve self-destruction.

Black Widow and Steve fought the enemy on the ground, the former holding a Chitauri war spear and Steve holding a vibranium shield.

One attack and one defense, the cooperation is quite tacit.

Thor appeared on the top of the tower with Mjolnir in hand, and raised his hammer to the sky, triggering the power of thunder.

With almost all the savings, the hammer swung towards the wormhole, and powerful thunder power escaped.

As soon as the Chitauri came out, they were struck by lightning and died instantly.

However, this could not stop the Chitauri's offensive. The more they fought, the more courageous they became, using the bodies of their companions as human shields to break through the shackles of thunder and lightning.

The fighting spirit was rising just because the second Kun they raised came out!

In the wormhole, the second Kun slowly flew out.

Thor's thunder and lightning attack stopped here, and the Watchers were helpless, and any attack method was useless against it.

It was about to hit an office building, and there were people inside. They could hear the screams coming from the office building.

No one expected that Hulk jumped over from the office building and pulled the giant Kun's head to the other direction, so that the people in the office building survived.

More and more Chitauri are pouring out of the portal, almost flooding New York.

Every corner of the city is infested with Chitauri, killing innocents and causing wanton destruction.

"I see you!"

Soldier 76 turned on the tactical eyepiece and fired non-stop towards the wormhole with the pulse rifle in his hand. With his firepower, he suppressed many Chitauri in a short time.

On the other side, with police reinforcements, the crowd was almost evacuated, and Reinhardt also joined the battlefield.

From a shield-bearing guard protecting the masses to a warrior charging into battle.

Every time the rocket hammer fell, a Chitauri was smashed into scraps.

As we all know, as long as it is swung fast enough, the heavy hammer can achieve a 360-degree attack without blind angle.

Reinhard accomplished this exquisite operation. He could see faintly that the heavy hammer brought up a series of afterimages. Any Chitauri who tried to get close to him were swung away by the hammer.

Luo Ning shot at the enemy slowly. It wasn't that he didn't want to be fast, but the revolver was not as powerful as a rifle. Although it was more powerful, the rate of fire was slower.

After finishing off the enemies in front of him, he looked up at the shining sun. The illumination was just right and not dazzling at all.

The body gradually became warm, and the slow blood flow in the body began to increase, as if it was close to boiling.

It’s not far from noon!

Luo Ning felt that his fighting spirit was getting higher and higher. He had never felt this way before, and his state reached its peak.

But he had to wait a little longer, for the last two giant kuns to appear, for the Chitauri to think they had won, and for more Chitauri to come out of the portal.

When they are all here, they can line up to die!

Black Widow was panting from the battle. The number of enemies was too many and endless.

"Captain, if we don't close the portal, we will never be able to kill them all."

She looked at the wormhole, a steady stream of Chitauri pouring out of it.

"No weapon can destroy it." Steve said.

"Dr. Schavig must know how to close the wormhole."

"But we don't have a car, we're too far from there."

Black Widow looked at the sky and distanced herself from him, "I do, but I need a little help."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Steve picked up the shield with understanding. Obviously, Natasha wanted to use him as a pedal to board the enemy's shuttle.

"Of course, that must be exciting."

Black Widow stepped on the vibranium shield in three strides, and Steve sent it upward.

Rising into the air, she just caught a shuttle.

She is going to Watch Tower to interrupt the energy supply and output of the Cosmic Cube.

She was targeted by Loki in the middle, who was behind her and kept attacking her.

Tired of dodging, Black Widow couldn't help but light up when she saw Hawkeye on the roof, and shouted: "Barton!"

Hawkeye turned his head and saw her flying around on the shuttle, and was puzzled.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh... help me!" Black Widow said.

"no problem."

Hawkeye drew an arrow from the quiver, drew the bow like a full moon, and aimed at Loki, who was moving at high speed, like a hunter aiming at a sprinting prey.

call out!

Arrows pierced the sky.

At the moment when he was about to hit the target, Loki stretched out his hand and held it in his hand. He didn't bother to turn his head, he was so cool.

Looking back and smiling, you can be handsome for only three minutes.

The arrow exploded, the shuttle blew up, and Loki was blown to the top of Stark Tower, his horned helmet falling aside.

He got up angrily and looked around, trying to find Barton's figure.

There are not many people on the earth who use bows and arrows, and even fewer people use them so expertly. Moreover, the arrows are all kinds of weird, and he can't find anyone else except Agent Patton.

No one was found, but a big green man rushed over.

He pushed him directly in, broke the glass, and hit the indoor wall hard.

Loki got up from the ground, with a gloomy face, and roared at Hulk: "That's enough!"

Hulk was yelled at and froze on the spot, he was quite angry despite his small size.

"You humble and lowly guys, I am a god, stupid things, I will not be given to ants..."

Before he finished speaking, Hulk grabbed his ankles and violently swung him left and right on the ground. Every time, he hit the ground hard, causing gravel to fly.

The ground was smashed into holes.

Hulk picked it up and looked at him, then smashed it a few times before letting go.

Loki was embedded in the ground, his face was stunned, and his expression was exactly the same as before when Reinhard was pressed under him. His eyes were empty, as if he didn't understand what happened.

How could the majestic God of Conspiracy be reduced to being oppressed by humans?

Reinhard hit him first, Ronin put a shackle on him, and the green monster hit him here and there.

Does God have no face?

Hulk walked out and glanced back with disdain, "What a weak god!"

Loki hummed softly, it really hurt this time. You rude guy, can't you be gentler?

Under the cover of Hawkeye, Black Widow successfully reached the top floor of the Watch Tower, and Dr. Shavig regained consciousness.

Dr. Shavig said Loki's scepter can close the portal.


Black Widow took out her walkie-talkie and asked all the Avengers: "Who knows where Loki's scepter is?"

"I didn't see it," Tony said.

"I don't know." Steve said.

"I know, on the top floor of Stark Tower," Thor said.

"Contain them for a while longer, and the portal will be closed soon."

After saying that, Black Widow put away the walkie-talkie and went straight to Stark Tower.

Victory is at hand!

"Agent Coulson, lead a team of people to wait on the deck. If any planes take off illegally, don't hesitate to shoot them down immediately."

In a building, Ronin changed back to himself and called Coulson. His voice was different in McCree's form.

Nuclear bombs are no joke. What if Tony failed to send the nuclear bomb into the portal, what if the portal failed to close in time, what if Tony died on the Zeta Ray.

He would never allow such a thing to happen, so he had to formulate a sure-fire strategy.

Coulson was about to ask why, and Ronin continued: "Don't ask why. If you ask why, I can only tell you that they will threaten the lives and safety of everyone in New York."

Coulson was stunned for a while, thinking of Ronin's prediction that the enemy's fighter plane would come to attack them, and then sent Iron Man to rescue Agent Barton.

Ronin seemed to have the ability to predict the future. In view of the seriousness of the matter, he still obeyed. Anyway, there was no loss in sending a bunch of people to guard the deck.

On the aerospace carrier.

"Sir, the Council is online." Hill said to Fury.

Director Fury walked over to talk to the guys on the board. The upper bodies of four people appeared on the screen, each of them was a high-ranking guy.

Before he spoke, Fury had a headache just looking at them.

He didn't even have to think about it, it must be bad.

"Director Fury, the board has made a decision."

"I know you will make a decision, and I also know that you will make a very stupid decision, so I think I should ignore it." Fury said lazily.

"Director Fury, your warship is closest to the battlefield, please order the fighter planes..."

Fury said angrily with a stern face: "That's Manhattan, congressmen, unless my team can't stop them, I will not order a nuclear attack on any civilians. If I do that, what's the difference between us and them?"

"If we can't stop them, everything will be over."

"If the nuclear bomb is launched, it will be really over."

Fury was determined, and he swiped his finger on the screen, interrupting the conversation.

"Director Fury no longer has the right to speak, execute order 7a11!"

"7a11 has been confirmed, prepare to take off."

The pilot received a higher-level order. Although he was Fury's subordinate, he had to obey the higher-level order.

After discovering it, Hill quickly reported to Fury: "Sir, there is a plane on the deck that is about to take off. Everyone, please pay attention. There is a plane on the deck that is taking off illegally. Intercept it. Repeat! Takeoff is not approved."

Fury's face tightened and he ran out with a rocket launcher.

As soon as he came out, he saw a plane that was about to take off being shot down.

Another plane took off immediately afterwards, and five missiles flew towards it. After several explosions, another plane was shot down.

After shooting down two planes in a row, Coulson wondered if Mr. Ronin had predicted the future again.

Fury saw Coulson and six or seven people guarding there, and he was slightly suspicious and trotted over.

They all carried rocket launchers on their shoulders and had several boxes of rockets beside them. They seemed to be well prepared.

"Agent Coulson, how did you know they wanted to blow up New York with a nuclear bomb?" Fury asked the question in his heart.

"Nuclear bomb?! Blow up New York?!"

Coulson took a breath of cold air, so terrifying!

Seeing his expression, Fury was even more confused, "You didn't know?"

After a long pause, Coulson said: "Mr. Roning told me to stay here. He said that illegal planes are not allowed to take off. From his tone, it seems that the situation is very serious, so I did it."

Fury had a black question mark on his head. How did Roning know?

These things seem to be under Roning's control. It's really weird!

Is Roning also a superhero whose ability is to predict the future? 166 Novel Reading Network

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