Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 178 Just in time!

Ronin showed up unexpectedly at the door of SHIELD headquarters. The gatekeeper was startled, wondering why Mr. Ronin came uninvited?

Ever since Ronin announced his identity as the commander of Overwatch, the director couldn't invite him. Every time, the director personally came to him, and he was really arrogant.

In the whole United States, the only person who could make the director so troubled, apart from the boss, was probably Ronin. Iron Man Stark was not so arrogant.

On second thought, he was the commander of Overwatch and made great contributions in the Battle of New York. He was qualified to show off.

In a sense, Overwatch was more superior to their SHIELD in status and stronger than them, unless the Avengers could be reorganized.

Now that Mr. Ronin was here, he could only ask Director Fury for instructions.

Fury's voice was obviously surprised. The gatekeeper nodded secretly. That's right, the director didn't have such a big face to let Ronin come to him in person to discuss matters.

The director also enthusiastically sent Agent Coulson to pick him up, showing full respect.

After several contacts, especially Ronin's performance on the aerospace carrier last time.

Coulson's attitude towards Ronin has changed 360 degrees. If Ronin was a bohemian entrepreneur in his eyes before, now he is a leader who can foresee the future.

It can be said that if there was no Ronin, the last disaster would most likely end with a nuclear bomb blowing up New York.

"Sir, please!"

Coulson lowered his attitude. At this moment, he could no longer put on his identity as an eighth-level agent in front of Ronin.

Perhaps from the beginning, people didn't care about his identity as an eighth-level agent.

Well... Thinking back to the past, Coulson confirmed this idea. He visited in person before, but Ronin didn't let him in and chatted for most of the day at the door.

He can remember this for a year! Oh no! Two years!

"Mr. Ronin, Overwatch has a great influence in the world now. People in many countries praise you, and many criminal gangs are afraid of you, as if they have disappeared from the face of the earth."

Coulson took him to Fury's office and chatted casually on the way.

"Ahaha, it's not worth mentioning. In the eyes of Overwatch, those guys are just stinky rats. When they see Overwatch shining the light of justice, what else can they do except run away? Resist?" Ronin said indifferently.

Wow! Pretending to be cool as soon as you meet, is this really good?

Coulson had no choice but to change the topic, which was also what he was interested in.

"Is Captain Rogers doing well over there?"

Ronin smiled and said, "He has good food and drinks. I think he is doing better than you here."


Coulson simply shut up. Can he still chat happily?

Who did Ronin learn this from? He had never noticed it before.

After comparing, he found the culprit, Stark!

That's right! It's Stark, the one who doesn't spare anyone's mouth!

After a moment of silence, Coulson took him into Fury's office.

"Ah, a rare guest!"

Although he didn't know what Ronin was doing at SHIELD, Fury was in a very good mood. He benefited a lot from the last discussion with Ronin.

It turned out that he was only six walnuts away from being an excellent commander.

"Director Fury, how are you doing recently?"

After greeting each other, Ronin sat opposite Fury for an in-depth exchange.

"Overwatch has been very popular recently. Not only the United States, but also several neighboring countries have praised your righteous actions."

Fury often saw Overwatch in the news, and without exception, they were all eliminating harm for the people.

It's very satisfying!

There are some things that SHIELD can't do and dare not do, but Overwatch is fearless. As long as you are on the Overwatch list, no matter who your boss is, just kill him. It's that simple!

If the boss dares to come forward, continue to kill you!

Even in many actions, Overwatch has revealed the masterminds behind the evil forces, and these guys are often government officials.

As for malicious revenge... Fury has not thought of anyone who can threaten Overwatch for the time being. If there is anyone, it can only be the Avengers.

In his opinion, the Avengers and Overwatch will never have a day to turn against each other, unless Overwatch abandons its original ideals.

This possibility is very small, almost zero.

"That's actually nothing. I'm going to make a big deal recently." Ronin said meaningfully.

"So you came to me for this?" Fury asked.

Ronin shook his head, "It's not about this. Did you hear about yesterday's news?"

Fury was actually about to ask this. Ronin naturally mentioned the case in the mountains. One of the dead was Dr. Hodge, who had made great achievements in chemical research.

As for the others, they were all civilians.

"Well... this case is very strange. The victims are a doctor and some civilians. The doctor was shot and the civilians were crushed to death by rocks. A blue unknown liquid was also found at the scene." Fury said.


Their true identities are Hi Claws believers, but Fury doesn't know. Maybe the SHIELD agent who hangs around in front of him all day is a Hi Claws believer.

Ronin is not going to tell him now, so as not to alert the enemy.

The police have made no progress in the investigation of this case. SHIELD is actually investigating it, but they can't find anything based on the little traces left at the scene.

Fury discussed with him, and his mouth was dry, so he picked up the can at hand.

The blue and white can caught Roning's eye and he immediately recognized what it was, six walnuts!

I didn't expect that the boiled eggs were actually bought, there is a future!

Seeing Roning's stunned look, Fury smiled and said, "The six walnuts you mentioned last time, imported, taste good."

Then he took out a can from a box under his feet and handed it to Roning, "Want one?"

Roning smiled and shook his head, "No, I'm not thirsty."

"If you don't drink, I will soon surpass you." Fury joked.

"Come on!"

Roning raised his arm and clenched his fist, but there was a little sparkle in the corner of his eyes, it was so funny.

"So you came here just to see how I can surpass you?"

Fury is not stupid. He admits that Roning has outstanding leadership skills, but he is also a level 10 agent, and observing words and expressions is a necessary skill for an agent.

It is obvious that Roning was absent-minded when chatting with him, and his mind was flying away.

"Many people covet the Mind Scepter. The security measures of the Overwatch Base are not very good, so I want to visit the internal structure of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Just as Ronin finished speaking, the bald agent Sitwell walked in with a document in his hand.

He glanced at Ronin, feeling a little guilty. The latter seemed to know his true identity, but it was strange that he had no contact with this guy named Ronin.

"Sir, this is the recent movement of the Avengers."

Sitwell handed the document to Fury.

"Agent Sitwell, it just happened that I took Mr. Ronin to visit our S.H.I.E.L.D. security system."

The other party was Ronin, and Fury was willing to treat him with sincerity. It was no big deal to see a security system.

Ronin narrowed his eyes. He came just in time!

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