Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 191 Depressed Tony

The conversation with Mr. Morton went smoothly, and Morton's last words aroused Roning's strong interest.

Blizzard, you want to develop an online game!

Is this the rhythm of developing the otherworldly "Overwatch"?

Roning talked with him for a long time about this project and reached a certain strategic cooperation.

Blizzard has always been striving for excellence in making games. Even if they have never made online games, as long as Roning provides them with an idea, I believe that with Blizzard's R\u0026D strength, it is not difficult to make a popular online game.

Of course, the number of heroes must be sufficient. The heroes who have arrived cannot make up six people, and there is no room for selection.

Secondly, even if there are ready-made character prototypes, if there is no foreshadowing of the movie, the background story of the hero will be too empty, which is not good.

There is a complete world view and the background stories of each hero. In this way, the game made can be considered a fine product.

Therefore, the progress of filming the movie is particularly important.

In this regard, Roning is still tight. The filming of the "Angel" crew is currently halfway through and very smooth.

After finishing work and returning home, Roning did not find Hana, but found that the game cabin was in the startup state.

There is no doubt that Hana was lying in it enjoying the fun brought by the virtual reality game.

After defeating him, Hana was unwilling to invest time in the dungeon, and preferred to play this kind of realistic virtual reality game with good scenery and good experience.

Hana gave him advice last time, so Roning bought many high-difficulty single-player masterpieces, among which there are always games that can make her crazy.

Online, the "Dungeon" exhibition match has always been a hot topic. Roning chose to ignore these messy articles and posts, but there was nothing else after ignoring them, which was speechless.

Turning off the phone and lying on the sofa, Tony couldn't help but think of him in his mind.

If I remember correctly, Tony really wanted to meet Hana, the mecha girl, and experience the reactor technology that is different from what he created.

During this period, Tony didn't look for him, and there was no report about Tony in the news.

It's like he has evaporated from the face of the earth.

Ronin felt a little uneasy. In the original plot, Tony suffered from anxiety after the New York War.

Tony always thought that he was the guardian of the United States and the most powerful person, but during that time he saw the rampant Chitauri, the unmatched giant Kun, the god, the invincible Hulk...

And he was just an ordinary person. Without the armor, he was nothing.

Even if he put on the armor, he was just a warrior who could fight and resist better than ordinary people. That's all. How could he be better than God?

In fact, Tony did feel an unprecedented crisis, and he longed to bring him more powerful power through technology.

However, the research on intelligent machines stagnated and encountered a particularly difficult problem that could not be solved for a while.

As long as it was solved, there would be a breakthrough in the technology of intelligent machines. At that time, the birth of intelligent machines would only be a matter of time.

However, what we are facing now are hard technical problems, which have nothing to do with brainpower or anything. The current level of technology has not yet developed to that point.

Just like his father Howard's life's work, limited by the current level of technology, he could not complete the experiment of new elements, and could only leave his inspirational design.

So the intelligent machine could not be created for the time being, and he could only immerse himself in studying the Mark series of battle suits to make them more powerful.

A powerful battle suit is the basis of his self-protection and his reliance on protecting the people around him.

So, he created many Mark battle suits in one go, from Mark 8 to Mark 42.

It looks like a lot, but in fact most of them are just fine-tuned on the basis of the prototype, which is not a big deal for him, a genius mechanic.

Many of them have different functions, such as Mark 15 Sneaky, which is used for hidden reconnaissance; Mark 17 Heartbreaker, the chest impact cannon is the most powerful in the Mark series, focusing on output; Mark 24 Tank, which can fire cluster guns, and can adjust the beam size of the cluster guns at will, and can also generate a protective shield, an integrated attack and defense type.

To be precise, they are now spiritual battle suits.

In simple terms, Tony was inspired by the omnics and integrated AI programs into them, making them robots that can follow orders and act, and of course, they can also become suits to protect themselves.

Dozens of new suits are all his achievements in this period of time.

The more suits he has, the more he feels safer.

Tony is afraid that there will be another world crisis like the last time. The scene of the New York War is vivid, and the voices of countless people crying in panic are clearly lingering in his ears.

At that time, if McCree had not cleared the battlefield in time, the ending would be unknown, and he dared not even think about it.

McCree showed this hand, and future enemies will be on guard, just like the ghosts and gods in "D.Va", they will evolve and become stronger.

This is a problem that has always been a headache for him, so he is eager to become stronger, through the way of suits, to deal with more powerful enemies.


After debugging the last suit, Tony slumped in the chair weakly. He didn't go anywhere during this period. Only endless machines and the ticking sound of time passing accompanied him.

He was afraid that if he relaxed, the next crisis would come suddenly, so that there would be no preventive measures.

At this time, Pepper came down and brought him fast food.

If she hadn't come to see Tony a few days ago, she would have no idea what Tony was busy with.

When he first came here, it was a mess. Tony ate whatever he wanted every day and managed to survive the whole day. His face was a little yellow.

Every day, he slept except for researching inventions. He didn't leave himself any time to relax and have fun. He, who was always talkative and liked to joke, became much quieter.

Pepper was very worried, but she didn't know how to help him. She could only take time to come and accompany him more.

Pepper sat next to him. Tony ate a hamburger in a trance and didn't say a word.

She wanted Tony to do something else and relax.

When she learned that Tony was interested in D.Va, she happened to see the interesting things between Ronin and D.Va on the news.

So she told Tony.

In the first half, Tony either nodded or said "Oh" perfunctorily.

It wasn't until Pepper mentioned D.Va that Tony's lifeless eyes lit up slightly, "D.Va? The one shot by Overwatch?"

Seeing Tony's reaction, Pepper smiled and nodded, and finally said more.

"Does it mean she came to New York?" Tony asked.

"That's right, otherwise how could she have a face-to-face exhibition match with Mr. Roning." Pepper said.

"Jarvis, what day is it today?"

"The 20th, sir."

Tony was startled, "Hmm! I didn't expect it's been so long. It's time to say hello to Roning and learn about the reactor technology of the mecha rabbit."

He only realized now that he hadn't walked out of this villa for a long time, and he was a little scared, afraid that he would die here one day.

"Go, Tony!" Pepper smiled.

No matter how she said or persuaded him before, Tony refused to go out for a stroll, but now he finally agreed to go out by himself.

There are still things outside that can attract him.

As for why it was D.Va, she didn't understand, she simply thought he liked young and beautiful girls.

She was still a little sour in her heart. She was not stingy, but she was not Pepper.

However, she was also happy for this. In any case, Tony's mental outlook has changed.

He used to be lifeless, but now he is much more energetic, as if he has regained his vitality.

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