Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 213 Angel Easter Egg

Dr. Ziegler did his best to save 63 wounded soldiers on the Black Ridge where the German army gathered. In the end, he was completely supported by faith.

This scene shocked countless viewers, not visually, but spiritually.

Let me ask, who can risk their lives to save others on a battlefield full of artillery fire? I'm afraid there is no one?

But Angela Ziegler did it, and she was a woman.

Later, Swiss reinforcements arrived and defeated the German army on the Black Ridge in one fell swoop.

Unable to capture the Black Ridge defense line, the German army had to give up the attack on Switzerland and instead deployed troops to other battlefields.

Switzerland did not forgive Germany's crimes and joined the anti-FX allies to fight against the FX Axis powers.

The six-year anti-FX war ended with the defeat and surrender of the FX Axis powers.

Unfortunately, Angela's parents died because of this damn war.

Angela saved hundreds of soldiers, but failed to save her own parents.

She has always been upset about this matter, but she firmly believes that her original choice was correct. Even if she stayed with her parents, she could not do anything.

She could only turn her guilt towards her parents into strength to save more people to comfort her parents' spirits in heaven.

Switzerland returned to peace, and the soldiers who made outstanding contributions in this war were received by the President of the Swiss Confederation and awarded the Medal of Honor by the President himself.

Although Angela Ziegler did not have the great achievements of other soldiers, she saved 63 wounded soldiers on the Black Ridge by herself, which was already a legend.

When the President asked what made her insist on saving so many people, Ziegler's answer was simple and pure.

"The mission is not accomplished, and the hero is immortal!"

Of course, in addition to this, there is also the holy light she has always believed in. The holy light is a beacon that guides her forward.

Ziegler's military career ended here, but her career of saving lives and healing the wounded did not end.

With experience as a military doctor, she received an invitation from a top hospital in Zurich to be the head of the surgical department.

Ziegler gladly accepted the offer. Her mission of saving the dying and healing the wounded was not yet complete. As long as she could still hold the scalpel, she would save those patients who had brushed shoulders with death.

She continued to do this job and saved at least 800 lives.

She worked from the age of 24 to 37 and became an experienced physician.

When people talked about Dr. Ziegler outside, they would affectionately call her an angel.

Because she could always drive away the pain for them. No matter how bad the disease was, as long as she was there, there was no need to worry.

As holy as an angel, she contained the power of light.

In addition to working in the hospital, Ziegler would also conduct medical research when she returned home, and made a lot of contributions to modern medicine for those difficult and complicated diseases.

She believed that there was no disease that could not be cured. If there was, it must be that the doctor was not attentive enough.

As long as every doctor took a small step forward, the entire medical field would bloom with unprecedented light, and any disease could be solved.

For this reason, she has been working hard.

Dr. Angela Ziegler's achievements in the medical field attracted the attention of Overwatch.

Ziegler refused at first when she learned that Overwatch was an international peacekeeping organization that often used military means for peacekeeping.

But in the end, she realized that Overwatch gave her an opportunity to save more lives.

She learned about the Omnic Crisis on the news, and the crisis did not spread to Switzerland.

But from the picture, it can be seen that this is a war no easier than World War II.

The opponents are some robots that have no life and can only kill blindly. There is a term for it, called intelligent machinery, or Omnic for short.

And Overwatch is a peacekeeping organization dedicated to eliminating Omnics.

If she joins, she can rescue those who have been harmed by Omnics all over the world.

After careful consideration, she agreed and continued to use the nickname "Angel" that the people gave her as her code name in Overwatch.

Because of her joining, Overwatch has set up a special medical research department, and Angel is committed to better treating patients with fatal injuries on the front line.

In view of the fact that Angel cannot protect herself well on the front line, Overwatch designed a set of battle clothes for her-"Valkyrie" rapid response combat suit!

Thanks to the Valkyrie combat suit, Angel can perform more efficient treatment and has certain combat capabilities.

She has made great contributions to Overwatch and has become an indispensable figure in Overwatch. It can be said that every member of Overwatch has received her treatment.

When performing dangerous tasks, it is right to bring Angel with you. She will give you the most comprehensive assistance.

The movie ends here, and the ending is still the same as always, with the protagonist joining Overwatch as the end. Overwatch Pictures seems to be playing a big game.

What should Overwatch do after all the members gather together?

Putting aside this question, many viewers are immersed in the scenes of Angela saving people in Black Ridge, and their hearts are shocked for a long time.

A battlefield doctor who saves 63 wounded people by himself, what kind of faith does this require?

Angela's trance after being rescued by her comrades is very distressing. No one knows how much pressure she is under on Black Ridge and how tense her nerves are.

Although it is a movie, everyone is immersed in the scene and can feel Angela's desire to save all the wounded.

Angela prayed to the Holy Light and said, "Holy Light! Let me save one more person!", which moved them.

Anyway, after watching the movie, the image of Angela Ziegler is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

She represents a kind of persistence, not giving up on life, belief in the Holy Light, and belief in yearning for peace.

The Easter egg link is also exciting.

In the Overwatch base on the screen, McCree sat on the sofa smoking.

Ziegler frowned slightly and couldn't help saying, "Smoking is harmful to health, you should know it?"

McCree looked around and asked knowingly, "Doctor Ziegler, are you telling me?"

"Is there a second person?"

"But I believe you can save me, doctor." McCree said.

"I can't save you, wait to die, goodbye!"


Seeing himself in the movie, McCree looked at Ronin with a depressed face, "It's not good to black me like this?"

Ronin didn't say anything, but laughed with other watchers, making McCree embarrassed.

The next scene is very eye-catching, because it may be a clue to the next movie.

A courtyard with carved beams and painted buildings, cherry blossoms falling, and two dragons intersecting on the wall, one blue dragon and one green dragon.

Snake body, crocodile head, lizard legs, eagle claws, snake tail, deer antlers, fish scales, whiskers at the corners of the mouth, and beads under the forehead.

This appearance is the Oriental Dragon!

There are also iconic cherry trees in the courtyard.

The combination of the Oriental Dragon and the cherry tree made the audience guess that this was shot in Japan, and the next movie is likely to tell a heroic story set in Japan.

However, what does it mean that the camera keeps showing the mural of two dragons intersecting?

Could it be that the next superhero is the Oriental Dragon, so cool?

The audience doesn't know, but the Watchers can see through it at a glance. The next movie will either be about Shimada Genji or Shimada Hanzo, or both.

Speaking of which, Hanzo wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps and join Overwatch, but Overwatch was disbanded before he joined.

However, the Overwatch rebuilt in this world will recruit all the capable people with a sense of justice they have met.

So the rebuilt Overwatch will become unprecedentedly powerful!

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