Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 350 Double Protection

In fact, angels have always been interested in the fact that there is a monster living inside Dr. Banner. When he is calm, he is a doctor, and when he is angry, he is a monster. This is medically equivalent to dual personality, but it is a dual personality that can change its form. , so rare.

There is no such example in the history of medicine, either in that world or in this world.

This kind of person usually has a strong sense of self-protection, so she never mentioned this matter to Banner. When Banner felt that another personality would cause harm to himself or even the people around him, he would come to her.

I just didn't expect this day to come so quickly.

"Doctor, you have seen me turn green. It's very scary. Although I have learned many ways to control my emotions from Teacher Shimada, accidents cannot be avoided. Without active transformation, Hulk will directly erase me. Consciousness, going crazy to cause destruction.”

"So what I want to ask is if there is any way you can suppress the appearance of the Hulk and restrain him with drugs when I don't want to become the Hulk."

After Banner finished speaking, the angel said: "Dr. Banner, I don't know if there is any way now. You are a scientist and you should know that you need to conduct many experiments before drawing a conclusion. Only after repeated failures can you get the idea." want the result."

Banner nodded and agreed: "That's right. Exploring unknown areas requires experimentation."

"So, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

For Angel, this is not only helping others, but also a medical research that has never been involved before. Maybe she can use this to break through the problems of other medical projects or discover some new treatments.

Banner looked up at the boundless night sky, where he saw the Hulk trampling New York, destroying buildings, and attacking humans. In the end, the Hulk turned back to himself, and he was very upset.

People around him spoke harshly to him, treating him as a monster. Their cold words were like sharp knives, cutting his flesh bit by bit.

A trace of panic flashed across Banner's eyes, then he shook his head and looked at the angel, "Cooperation is relative. I cooperate with you, and you must cooperate with me. This is the same as trust. I only make one request, this research institute Nothing involved can appear outside the base, especially my blood, and all those things must be destroyed after the experiment."

I still remember that Mr. Lan made multiple copies of his blood sample, saying that it was to develop drugs for immune diseases, but he knew that the harm of blood far outweighed the benefits, and he would never allow this to happen again.

The experiment started the next day. Banner tried his best to cooperate with Angel in doing various tests. In addition, Angel also had a general understanding of his situation before and after his transformation.

After completing the preparations, Banner went to the Kendo Hall to practice as usual, and Angel began to study.

The focus of studying Banner is to study blood. According to Banner's statement, he used to be a normal person. The reason why he became like this is because he was exposed to a large amount of gamma rays, his blood mutated, and his red blood cells were infected by gamma rays and turned green.

It can regenerate, infinitely, and no medicine can remove it.

This experiment was more difficult than Angel imagined. She first found a way to restore the red blood cells to normal, which is where most medical doctors would start.

For this reason, she bought a lot of medicinal materials, including many precious and scarce medicinal materials.

But it was of no use. After careful proportioning research, the medicinal materials were developed into medicine. Under the influence of the drug, red blood cells can only return to red for a short time, and then turn green again after one minute.

This is destined to be a long research process, and it is destined to have no results in the short term.

After several failed experiments, Angel was not impatient. Instead, he completely calmed down and continued to draw experience and lessons from failed experiments. Only in this way can it bear fruit.

In addition to Banner himself wanting to suppress the Hulk, Tony Stark was also worried about him. This project had been on his list of plans since the Hulk beat him up in Boston.

I just happened to encounter a bottleneck in my research on Ultron, so I simply took some time to develop the Hulkbuster armor to change my mind and maybe get inspiration from it.

Just do it.

The material is made of Mark 43, which is currently the lightest material with the same hardness and can withstand high and low temperatures. The color scheme is still the classic red and gold color scheme.

Tony first drew a model of the Hulkbuster armor.

Being big is a must. To deal with big guys, you need to be big. Being big means that you can provide more power, so that you have the strength to compete head-on.

Secondly, it needs to be strong, at least able to withstand Hulk's full blow.

It's best to be a little cooler. After all, this is the 44th suit of the Mark series. Even if it's a bit bigger, it should continue the consistent style of the Mark series. It should be cool, stylish, and wearable.

Now, Angel and Iron Man, two top talents in their respective fields, are both making preparations for the emergence of Hulk under abnormal circumstances. The difference is that one starts from the essence of Banner's transformation into Hulk and treats it gently; the other starts from the essence of Banner's transformation into Hulk. Hammer the Hulk and wait for violence.

It can be said to be a double guarantee. If both studies are successful, there will be Angel's drug to suppress it before the transformation. Even if there is no medicine, there will be Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor after the transformation to wake up the Hulk.

Such preferential treatment would probably make Banner laugh out of his dreams.

Have fun, Banner!

The artwork was basically done, but the more Tony looked at it, the more he disliked the weapon system he designed. To wake up the Hulk, the weapon system is particularly important. It is useless to rely on defense. You must have an attack method that can blow the Hulk's head off.

But the weapons technology he mastered was the same, missiles, pulse guns, laser guns, electromagnetic guns and the like, none of which could threaten the Hulk.

After thinking about it, he decided to call Ronin and ask when Mr. Lindholm would come to the United States.


"How soon? With our relationship, you still give me an ambiguous answer?" Tony was a little dissatisfied.

"Within a week, it should be. What do you want to talk to him about?"

"You know, the last time Hulk made a scene in Boston, I wanted to design an anti-Hulk armor specifically for dealing with the Hulk who lost his mind. But I'm not very good at designing weapon systems, so I want to communicate with Mr. Lindholm."

"Oh, so, I'll contact you when he comes, remember to stock up some food at home, he doesn't like fast food."

Ronin wandered around the base, chatted with Tony for a few words, and then hung up the phone.

After all, it's been more than a month, and Torbjörn's cultural symbol should have been formed, right? It can't be this slow.

After complaining in his heart, he took out his phone to check the sales of Torbjörn's peripherals in the mall. They were selling quite well, which was even more wrong!


No response. "Xiao Na?"

No response.

"Hey! Athena, I'm calling you."

Still no response.

After several attempts, Luo Ning concluded that Athena was out of power... If you want to chat about {?$article_title?} with more like-minded people, follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to read novels, talk about life, and find confidants~

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