Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 368 Road Rage Premiere

The film begins.

The omnic crisis broke out in full force, affecting all parts of the world, including Australia.

When the omnics invaded here, the local government made a controversial decision to give this place to the intelligent robots that almost destroyed the entire country in order to reach a permanent peace agreement.

This decision directly led to Marco and a large number of residents being forced to leave, including survivors, solar farmers and those who did not want to leave.

The omnic center was also established in Australia.

Marco Ratledge was one of the residents who fled. He was a fat man with silver hair, very strong and very smart. For these reasons, he was very appealing among the crowd.

Mark followed the residents to leave their homes where they had lived for a long time. Walking on the loess, he seemed furious. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand why he had to hand over his home to the cold robots without the government even making a little resistance?

Is it what a government should do to run away without trying?

The government has a strong army, but they had escorted government officials away before the arrival of the intelligent machines, leaving only the residents, wandering on the edge of life and death, without food and drink, and one day they would starve to death on the way to other places.

Finally one day he couldn't help it, as the leader, he turned around and said excitedly to the people following him: "Why should we escape? That's our home! The government doesn't care about us, our life and death are completely in our own hands. If we continue to walk, if we can't find a place to stay, then we will starve to death and die of thirst."

"If we go back, yes, there are intelligent machines that only know how to kill, but there are also food and drinking water there. As long as we join hands, we may not be unable to drive out those robots with low intelligence. We are few in number, but we are smarter than them, that's enough."

Mark's indignant speech infected the people. They had no way to retreat, and if they kept going, they would face the problem of no food. Now they still carry dry food with them, but there will always be a day when it will run out.

Rather than starving to death outside, it's better to go back and fight!

Mark was right. There was still a glimmer of hope if they went back. If they didn't go back, they would only face death.

So, the Australians, led by Mark, formed a fairly large group called the Australian Liberation Front, abbreviated as the Australian Liberation Front.

They went back without hesitation.

After returning to Australia, they each attacked the intelligent machine center and intelligent robots with weapons. They did not act recklessly, but strategically. Although Mark looked tall and strong, he was a very thoughtful guy who always thought carefully.

Under Mark's leadership, although casualties were inevitable, they also destroyed a lot of intelligent robots and occupied a place for survival in Australia.

They established a line of defense here, and the masses took turns on duty, which gave them a rare chance to breathe.

At least here they would not worry about food and drink. They only needed to keep an eye on the intelligent robots that were wandering outside the front line and watching covetously.

Originally, those who were unwilling to follow them also came back after getting the news from them. They became bigger and bigger, and destroyed thousands of intelligent robots.

The power of the masses is strong, especially at the moment of life and death, people can burst out all their potential.

In the past month, they have sworn to defend this piece of pure land, and destroyed more and more robots, but they found that the number of intelligent robots has not decreased. Later, they learned that the intelligent machine center has the function of automatically producing intelligent robots.

Mark knew that if they did not destroy the intelligent machine center, they would never be able to take back their home. So at this time, there was only one way before them, that is to destroy the intelligent machine center!

For this reason, he made a careful plan. Of course, the plan could not be realized by him alone, and he had to rely on everyone's power, otherwise he would be killed by the intelligent robots everywhere before he sent n over.

After Mark explained the situation to everyone, everyone agreed that those who could survive to this day were not stupid and knew how dangerous the intelligent machine center was.

If it was not destroyed, their persistence was meaningless, and at most they could only extend their lives by ten days and a half a month.

The night before the operation, Mark read the plan over and over again, fearing that there would be any mistakes or omissions. In fact, he had read the plan no less than ten times, and crossed out a lot of content and added a lot of new content.

The current one is undoubtedly the most perfect, with almost no defects.

But he was still worried, because it was related to the lives of thousands of people. If there was any problem with his plan, it would affect everyone.

He fell asleep unknowingly while reading.

When the day of the operation came, the masses all summoned up all their courage and followed Mark to the intelligent machine center with the determination to die generously.

Except for the old, weak, women and children, all the participants in this operation were young and strong men. After all, women were not as good as men in combat.

Along the way, they killed countless intelligent robots, and of course the damage was extremely heavy. Because they were not fighting on the defense line, they still took care of each other, but now, most of them were fighting in chaos.

After sacrificing so many lives, Mark lived up to expectations and placed the timer n at the fusion core of the intelligent machine center.

But who knew that the destruction of the fusion core would trigger a force not of n, but of b that was definitely the largest Mark had ever seen.

Even those who were far away from the center were affected. Before the end of the b, the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers was all irradiated, leaving only deformed metal and debris.

In the end, the home was gone.

Mark, who survived, was extremely desperate. After fighting for so long, he still couldn't take his home from the hands of the intelligent robots, but destroyed everything.

However, in contrast, the intelligent robots were eliminated in this b, the intelligent machine center was gone, and there would be no intelligent robots in Australia again.

In this b, there were very few people who survived, except Mark, and there were only a few people left, and they were all exposed to different degrees of radiation and died of various diseases.

Marco watched his home turn into a post-apocalyptic wasteland with his own eyes, and there was no companion around him, and he was extremely desperate.

However, he couldn't die yet, he had to live, at least he witnessed this great uprising and became the only survivor.

If possible, he would still fight the intelligent robots to the end.

In order to survive in this environment, he put on a mask and rode a broken motorcycle on the dilapidated highway leading to the Australian inland. 11 If you want to chat with more like-minded people about "Overwatch Comes to Marvel", follow " Hot Internet Articles or rdww444" on WeChat to chat with more book friends about your favorite books

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