Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 373 Picking up trash

After the premiere, Douban went wild. No reviews of other movies were found, only posts discussing Roadhog.

"Previous movies never looked at the omnic crisis from the perspective of civilians, which made people's understanding of the omnic crisis still remain on the confrontation between the Crusaders and the omnics. Roadhog deeply reflects the powerlessness of ordinary people in the face of omnics, and also shows the protagonist Roadhog's determination to defend his homeland and his desire to survive."

"The whole movie played a sad song. When the omnic crisis really came, what could powerless humans do? Wait for death? Or take up arms to fight? Roadhog's choice was to fight, but what about us? We don't have his courage, let alone his determination."

"Different from heroic movies, it can bring a unique experience. The protagonist Roadhog is A very ordinary man, he was powerless to save his homeland when the omnipotent machines invaded, just like everyone else. However, he dared to revolt and overthrow the rule of the omnipotent machines. Although it caused a big explosion in the end, turning Australia into a wasteland, he did it. The omnipotent machines were gone, and the wasteland was also a pure land. "

"Bad guy or good guy? In my opinion, Roadhog is a good guy. If he still does some selfless things in the wasteland environment, even if he is hungry, he must feed others. He can't be considered a good person, but a saint. As the movie expresses, Roadhog is only willing to be himself. "

Roning brushed Douban and nodded from time to time. The three views of the fans are still very positive, and the analysis is very accurate.

Yes, "Roadhog" reflects the struggle of ordinary people in the context of the omnipotent machine crisis, and secondly, it reflects that the environment will completely change a person, and the boundary between good and bad becomes very blurred. Only by sticking to your bottom line can you not be washed away by the dark wave.

Roadhog is such a person. He was a good man before the outbreak of the Omnic Crisis. After the outbreak, he succumbed to the environment and had to be a bad guy as he thought, but he always kept the line in his heart and never crossed it.

Roadhog's ferocious appearance is just a disguise to protect himself. The audience likes this movie and should like the protagonist. Now it seems that appearance is not important, and the qualities of Roadhog are more worthy of people's learning.

When others take advantage of the chaos to kill people and do bad things, and release the long-suppressed beast, Roadhog will at most occupy a trash can and not allow other scumbags to approach.

Even so, Roadhog often reviews himself and thinks that he has become bad. In fact, in the eyes of the audience, Roadhog can be said to be untainted by mud.

In the wasteland environment, eating is a problem, so what's wrong with occupying a trash can? Survival of the fittest! If you still learn to be humble, the goddess of death will soon come to favor you.

Seeing these posts, it means that everyone likes the character of Roadhog. Roning also showed a gratified smile. The things he likes are recognized by everyone, and he is naturally happy.

He likes the character Roadhog, one of his most frequently played heroes in the game. The operation is simple and the damage is high. Usually, he hooks the enemy over and then uses the left button to perform a melee attack, and the squishy hero will die.

The premise is that the hook must be accurate. If you can't hook the enemy, then the opponent's power bank is the power bank. Generally, large and bulky guys may become the opponent's power bank, and Winston is also the same.

If the ultimate move is used well, Roadhog can beat several people by himself, just as Roadhog's line: I can beat all the opponents by myself.

I have read the background story of Roadhog before, and now I have watched the movie, and Roning has a clearer understanding of this character.

I can generally know what he likes and dislikes, which will be of great help to the launch of the advent ceremony in the future.

In addition to these normal posts, there are also many nitpickers and trolls, as well as water armies. Douban cannot do without these elements.

Roning just takes it as a joke and doesn't care about it at all. There is no point in caring about idiots, except to be angry.

"Come on, screenwriter! Let's have a good chat! Why is Roadhog the only one wearing a gas mask in Junkertown? Aren't others afraid of inhaling poisonous gas when they rummage through garbage? There are many illogical details that I won't list one by one. Welcome to slap your face!"

"This is definitely the worst movie I have ever seen. The protagonist is a pig! Can you believe it? Not to mention that Mark has been autistic since he became Roadhog, and he doesn't have a single line. I want a refund! Give me back my hard-earned money!"

"It's an epic bad movie. I don't even want to give it a star. There are a lot of bugs. What is the principle of the so-called intelligent machine center, which automatically produces robots? And what is the principle of the respirator used by Roadhog? How can you reduce radiation damage by taking a breath? And the blaster, can it be made out of a pile of metal garbage? Do you think I am a three-year-old child who can be fooled? The Overwatch movie is getting more and more nonsense!"


Roning grinned. For these guys who argued about the setting, he really wanted to reply below and ask if they should explain various physics knowledge in detail in the movie. Besides, this is a science fiction movie. What is science fiction? Science plus fantasy, isn't it tiring to argue back and forth?

It's just a bunch of jokes!

After brushing the beans and a half, Roning began to try to activate Roadhog's transformation.

The appearance can't be imitated. His body size of 65kg simply doesn't meet the requirements. Drawing a pig head on the belly is not a problem, and wearing a gas mask is not difficult, but the activation method can't be so nonsensical.

Roadhog formed the Australian Liberation Front. Should he form an American Liberation Front to liberate the United States? In that case, he will definitely be arrested as a terrorist. Dear President Ellis likes the position of president very much.

Roadhog is irradiated. Let's launch a nuclear bomb for fun? Nuclear radiation should be very exciting!

Roning shook his head. He found that once he started to imagine, he couldn't stop. He dared to think of anything, no matter if it was unrealistic or not, as long as it was fun.

He drank a cup of strong tea to calm down, and his indulgent thoughts slowly returned to the right track.

Roadhog became the bad guy he thought he was. Should he also become the bad guy he thought he was?

What kind of bad guy is in his mind? Killing people for money, raping and looting, smashing, looting and burning...

Forget it.

If it really becomes like that, the watchers will join hands to destroy him before the police come, and enforce justice on behalf of heaven. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

What else is there besides this?

I reviewed the movie again. The most common thing Roadhog did was to pick up garbage. He could be seen in garbage dumps, garbage bins, garbage dumps... wherever there was garbage.

Picking up garbage?

It sounds a bit reliable, but it's not so reliable to do it. This kind of thing can't be hired, it needs to be done by yourself.

If someone finds you picking up trash on the street, won't you be on the hot search?

"Horror! Mr. Luo Ning, CEO of Overwatch Films, actually did such a shameful thing on the street. Men and women were silent when they saw each other. Is it the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality behind all this?"

This kind of title is definitely eye-catching. Luo Ning feels that if he becomes an editor, he will definitely make some achievements.

Excluding this for the time being, he thought of a bunch of miscellaneous methods, and finally felt that picking up trash is easier.

Inexplicably, Luo Ning thought of a sentence: Start with a dog, and all the equipment depends on picking up.

Where is the dog? No!

After walking around in the living room and pondering for about ten minutes, Luo Ning finally made up his mind and regarded it as an experience of life. In the future, when Roadhog comes, he can have common topics, and he can also recommend him a few places where he can pick up "treasures".

It is impossible to be embarrassed, just make preparations.

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