Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 432 The Power of New Weapons

As soon as Tobjörn finished speaking, Reinhardt pulled the trigger.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Reinhardt and the EX super quantum cannon, so the moment he pulled the trigger, all the details were visible.

First, the sharp object in the compressed nuclear crystal glass tube suddenly sprayed out a stream of blue crystals, making the entire tube crystal clear and translucent, as if it had been filled with sea water dyed sky blue.

They gathered and rolled in the pipe, becoming thicker and thicker in color, accompanied by quantum flash energy. They flashed like lightning and made a subtle beeping sound like boiling water splashes.

This process only lasted a moment, and then, Reinhard stumbled back and raised the muzzle of the gun.

Turbulent crystal blue quantum energy surged out of the muzzle, like a brilliant beam of light, shooting straight towards the sea.

At the same time, the quantum energy accumulated in the compressed nuclear crystal glass tube was also consumed, and the transparent glass tube was restored. Only a little embers of quantum energy remained on the glass wall, flickering like fireflies.

The energy beam shot out shot into the air, from thick to thin, until it disappeared.

After firing this shot, Reinhard sighed softly, "The recoil is a bit strong! It's my fault that I wasn't prepared. If I had known about it in advance, this wouldn't have happened."

"What kind of power can you try like this?" Tobjörn frowned.

"I'll do it again."

Reinhard picked up the quantum cannon again and adjusted the angle. This time, the muzzle was facing the sea, and the butt of the gun was pressed against the shoulder socket to cushion the recoil.

Everyone was more focused, and the power of the shot just now was not reflected, but judging from Reinhardt's reaction, the power was definitely not that small.

Even if Reinhard's physical strength is not as good as that of Soldier 76, he is much stronger than most people.

Luo Ning had no doubt that if he went up and tried, the reaction force of the shot might make him sit on the ground.

The second shot was the same. The pointed object first released quantum energy, and then compressed and condensed it in the compressed nucleated glass tube. The initial blue turned into deep blue, with a little crystal clearness.

The energy is close to the peak, and all the quantum energy spurts out from the pipe, and under the squeeze, it gathers into an energy column and surges out.

With experience, Reinhardt did not stumble this time and was very stable. He was indeed the bravest Crusader in his youth.

The moment it was sprayed out, the seawater reacted, as if it was pressed by powerful energy. The sea level under the muzzle sank, forming a puddle.

Immediately afterwards, in just a few milliseconds, the energy column touched the sea surface.


As if there was a thunder from the sky, the sea water surged violently, and the blue water reflected the veins of crystal blue, which became deeper and deeper. Under the sunlight, a luminous seascape was painted.

A column of water rose into the sky, and when it fell with a roar, it splashed all over the people standing on the shore watching, and also exploded a lot of fish.


Reinhard stretched out his hand to wipe his face, then stared in disbelief at the gradually calming sea water, and then looked down at Tobjörn, "This is so cool!"

The other watchers were also shocked. There was something about Tobjörn, there really was something. The product of combining the two worlds was indeed extraordinary.

The power displayed by the EX super-shaped quantum cannon can easily penetrate an armored vehicle.

Torbjorn proudly stroked his braid-like beard and said with full arrogance: "I said it has two attack modes, one is like this, instant, and the other is energy storage. Yes, do you know why I named it EX Super Shaped Quantum Cannon?”

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said anything.

Tobjörn continued: "Super shape, as the name suggests, transcends its own form, which means that it is not constrained by the ontology structure, can produce changes in form, and then show more powerful capabilities. This ability is mainly reflected in the load-bearing capacity of the gun body structure. Quantum energy."

After speaking, he looked at Reinhardt, "Did you feel the thing on the lower end of the cannon that can move back and forth?"

Reinhard touched the thing and pulled it back. The cannon body suddenly changed a little, and then it changed back again as soon as he let go.

"Keep pulling back until it's over."

Under Torbjorn's guidance, Reinhardt continued to pull back, and then everyone saw that the upper and lower ends of the compressed nucleated glass tube suddenly separated, the mechanical structure changed, and there was a magnetic force between parts. involve.

The transformation process was completed within two seconds, and the gun body became larger.

"Yes, that's it. Then you pull the trigger again, remember not to let go, hold it. You should be able to see the numerical indicator screen above. The longer the energy is stored, the more energy bars will be displayed. Fully loaded is the most powerful. When full loaded, the trigger will automatically Return to the original position, and you will clearly feel a force acting on your fingers. If you hold it firmly, the quantum cannon will be destroyed by the energy and endanger the user's life. "

Hearing this, Reinhard was also extremely cautious, putting his finger on the trigger and not pulling it loose.

The sharp object in the compressed nucleated glass tube releases energy, which is concentrated in the tube. As long as Reinhardt does not release the trigger, the sharp object will continue to release energy until the cannon body reaches the limit of bearing capacity.

At first it was still crystal blue quantum energy. As it accumulated energy, the quantum energy became deeper and deeper, and then wisps of purple appeared.

Reinhard's arms were trembling slightly at this moment. The energy gathered inside was so huge that he didn't dare to be distracted at all for fear of missing the shot and endangering others.

Every time the energy grid increases by one, he becomes more cautious.

The purple color became more and more intense, just like the purple booby trap. Compared with the surrounding deep blue, the purple area seemed extremely violent and restless, as if it would roar out in the next moment.

The energy grid was full, and the outward thrust from the finger reminded Reinhardt that it was time to release the trigger.

"Let go!" Torbjorn also reminded at this moment.

At the moment Reinhardt let go, even before the energy flowed out of the muzzle, a large pit formed in the sea water facing the muzzle, and the huge pressure caused the water flow to stagnate.


At the moment when the energy beam burst out, a circular energy circle was formed in front of the muzzle, which was the residue of the energy impact. Although the volume of the light column did not change much, its central part was wrapped in extremely violent purple energy, as if the purple thunder was tearing it, like a hideous ghost face.

The puddle became larger and larger, and it was completely different from before.


At the moment of contact, those standing on the shore even felt the ground shaking, and a huge column of water shot up into the sky, and then slowly fell down like a clear water curtain.

Even though they took a few steps back, they were still splashed by the high-splashing sea water.

Everyone was extremely shocked and stared at the sea surface together. It took a long time for it to gradually calm down...

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