Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 461: Chasing Ultron 2-in-1 (1/2)

McCree spoke frankly, but the always arrogant Avengers were silent at this moment, especially Tony Stark, who had his left arm across his chest and his right hand rubbing his chin.

"Don't generalize. It was them who caused trouble, it was Stark. I acted with them for Loki's scepter."

Thor didn't want to take the blame. In fact, he was a helper hired by SHIELD from the beginning. In the New York incident, Loki launched an attack on the earth, so he had to join forces with SHIELD and join the Avengers.

Tony said impatiently: "Okay, okay, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have created Ultron, and I shouldn't be so careless. What does the safety of the earth have to do with me? At worst, we will be destroyed together. I'm really full." Only if you hold on can you think about these issues like a madman all day long.”

Banner frequently gave Tony a look to tell him to say less. He could understand Tony's worries, but they did mess up the matter.

"Okay, don't talk about this anymore. Since everyone is here, let's quickly look for clues about Ultron before Ultron is fully prepared."

Ronin was also drunk, and the atmosphere was not good to begin with. When McCree came, he started the line of fire again. It was really annoying to have a bunch of people making noises. Can't they sit down and discuss countermeasures calmly?

"Ultron, what is that?" Angel asked.

"Stark's masterpiece, an evil robot that has escaped control. He wants to destroy us." Thor said.

When Tony heard this, his expression became even worse. Banner quickly stood up and said, "Ultron was created by Tony and I, so I also have the responsibility, and... That's not called being out of control. In professional terms, that's called Freed from the shackles of the string."

"What about the brothers? They didn't come?" Hawkeye asked.

"They are on their way," the angel answered.

After a while, Shimada Hanzo and Shimada Genji appeared in front of them. There was no obstacle at all when entering the building. The brothers were still surprised. Is the defense system of Avengers Tower all a decoration?

The Avengers all knew that Jarvis was attacked by Ultron, which paralyzed the entire building's defense system.

"Everyone, sit down. The prerequisite for defeating Ultron is that we must unite as one. Blaming our teammates will only cause us to fight among ourselves. I don't want us to fall on the road to find Ultron."

Steve tried to ease the somewhat tense atmosphere, Ronin also tried to persuade him, and finally everyone sat together for the rare occasion.

Since Overwatch didn't know much about the situation, Hill described the entire incident to everyone in a concise and concise manner.

After hearing Hill's description, the watchmen didn't want to criticize anyone.

In this matter, Tony Stark did something wrong indeed. Even if he had to study Ultron, he should have discussed it with everyone, instead of secretly concealing the research from everyone with Banner. Not only did he betray the trust of the team, but also Putting the world at risk.

"Hey...we're not late!"

Just as everyone was wondering what to do, Junkrat and Roadhog rushed in and stopped in front of the meeting table in time. Junkrat put his legs together and tried to straighten his back, but found it difficult to do so. He was still hunched over. Roadhog stood there casually, with a feeling of calm and self-power.

"Find a seat and sit wherever you like." Luo Ning raised his eyes and said.


Junkrat roughly pulled up a chair and sat down, while Roadhog moved relatively gently.

Facing the strange Avengers, Junkrat is still not at all restrained. He regards this place as his home and doesn't seem to be interested in getting to know them.

"Boss, what kind of mission is this? Everyone gathers together, this battle is a bit scary! Why are you all so glum? Well... the earth is probably going to explode!"

“Speak less and listen more.”

Luo Ning stared at him, his eyes really not long at all.

"Okay, okay, whatever the boss says will happen." Junkrat nodded.

"According to my investigation, Ultron has strongholds all over the world. The intelligence said that one or some metal men entered and looted the place." Hill said.

"Are there any casualties?" Steve was always concerned about the safety of civilians.

"There are only casualties during the fight. Most people are in a fugue state, thinking about the past, extreme fear and some irrelevant things."

Steve said: "That's right, those are the twins, the Maximov siblings."

"It makes sense for Ultron to go to them because they have mutual acquaintances."

"No more."

Hill took out the tablet, which showed a photo of a man lying on the side of the wall. This man was Baron Strucker.

"Ultron killed Straker."

Tony took the tablet and saw the bloody word "PEACE" on the wall. He said with a little irony: "He also left graffiti at the scene for us to see."

"Strucker knows something Ultron doesn't want us to know," Steve said.

Black Widow operated the notebook and sighed, "All our information on Straker has been erased."

"Not all, we still have his paper information."

When Thor mentioned this, the Avengers rummaged through the boxes and took out all the information and documents, trying to find something useful.

"You have to do it yourself. We won't help you find it. I'm afraid it will get messy."

Luo Ning stretched, and the Watchers sat around the table and waited, whispering to each other about Ultron.

"Of course, you don't know our habit of storing information." Hill turned around and said.

"What is the habit? I feel like it's just messing around. There are all kinds of documents in the box." Banner couldn't help but complain.

"That's because Thor and the others didn't put the documents back to their original places after using them."

As a senior agent of SHIELD, Hill would naturally not be so unruly. Anyone who has been an agent in SHIELD would not make such a low-level mistake. Only Thor and the others would make such a low-level mistake.

"Hey! I've never looked through the database." Thor hurriedly excused himself.

"Strucker has a lot of friends."

Many of the documents Steve looked through recorded information about Strucker's friends.

"And it's scary." Most of the documents Banner looked through were these things.

"Wait, I know this guy."

Banner was looking at a document. Tony saw a familiar face printed on it and took the document. "I knew him before. He was active near the coast of Africa and was a black market arms dealer."

Steve glanced at him in surprise. Tony quickly explained, "You will meet a lot of people at the arms conference. I didn't sell him anything."

"He said at the time that he was looking for some earth-shaking new weapons. He felt like Captain Ahab."

Thor found a small detail and pointed to the man's neck in the document image. "This is..."

Tony took a look. "Tattoo, I don't remember him having it."

"No, these are tattoos. This seems to be a brand." Thor pointed separately and said.

Tony took a look and it was true, so he asked Banner to use the computer to investigate.

After searching and querying, Banner found the source of the brand text. "This is an African dialect word, which means thief. It is a very unfriendly way of expression."

"What dialect?" Steve asked.

"Wakanda, oh no, W, Wah... Wakanda." Banner tried several times and finally read it correctly.

"This is a bad message. What if this guy came out of Wakanda and brought some of their goods?" Tony said seriously.

"I thought your dad said he got the last batch." Steve said.

"I don't understand, Wakanda's... what goods?" Banner came over and asked.

"The strongest metal on earth."

Tony moved his eyes to the vibranium shield leaning against the wall.

Everyone followed Tony's line of sight. Except for a few later watchers, everyone else knew what metal this shield was made of, and this metal was vibranium.

Wakanda's specialty, there is no market for it.

"If I were Ultron, and my stream of consciousness was invincible, I would find a powerful carrier and use vibranium to build a mechanical body, so that both the spirit and the body would be impeccable."

Tony felt that his inference was absolutely correct, so he nodded after he finished speaking to confirm his guess.

"Hurry up and get there before Ultron, and wait for him to destroy it." Soldier 76 frowned, and there was another tough battle to fight.

"Hurry up, finish it early and go home to eat early, I'm hungry." Junkrat was the first to run out the door.

The Avengers and the Watchers all agreed that even if they couldn't destroy Ultron on the spot, they couldn't let Ultron take away the vibranium.

"There must be people left in the base."

Roning suddenly remembered this. It didn't take so many people to stop Ultron. At least four or five people should be left in the base. Compared with stopping Ultron, protecting the ether particles and the cosmic spirit ball is also particularly important.

Any gem taken away by someone with bad intentions will bring immeasurable disasters to the earth.

Among the four or five people left, there must be a person with superior combat power. Roning first thought of the Shimada brothers.

After a little thought, Ronin looked at the faces and called out their names: "Shimada Hanzo, you stay. Torbjörn, Winston, D.Va, you three also stay. And you, McCree."

The archer only needs Hawkeye. Hanzo was a daimyo and is steady. With him guarding the base, Ronin can rest assured. Torbjörn's ability is more defensive than offensive, and he is also the only choice to stay at the base. Winston knows all the systems of the base well, and can respond quickly if someone invades. As for D.Va and McCree, Ultron has a mechanical body, and bullets can hardly cause damage to him.

Send Soldier 76 because he is highly mobile and can quickly support his companions. It is very useful to deal with those minions.

"No, you called me here, and then let me run back to stay at the base?"

McCree has been itching to do things after not carrying out tasks for several days. Now there is such a crucial task, but he is not allowed to participate. Do you look down on him?

"Guarding the base is more important, and I asked you to go back to the base not to let you stare at each other, but to be on standby. I may assign you follow-up tasks at any time."

Ronin knew that McCree would complain, so he had already thought of the words.

McCree is not very useful against Ultron, but it is extremely threatening to ordinary enemies who want to take advantage of the opportunity.


McCree wanted to complain a few more words, but when he raised his head, he met the eyes of the angel.

"Mr. Ronin is the commander of Overwatch. You are the same as us. You just need to obey orders."

McCree swallowed the rest of the words, turned around and took off his cowboy hat, shook his head weakly, and then walked out with a shaky step.

"Okay, whatever you say is what I obey your orders."

After walking a few steps, he heard the lighter "pop" and a puff of smoke came out, which was quickly dispersed by McCree's body and slowly disappeared.

Steve looked at this scene and sighed in his heart. Overwatch is not all about unity. Alas, this is the case for any team. People with some ability will lose their temper.

But it can be seen that everyone in Overwatch can control their temper within a reasonable range, unlike them, who are all like explosives, and they are all at ease.

"We also need to keep people at the base, doctor?"

Steve looked at Banner. Although the Hulk was powerful, once he lost control, he would cause chaos and make a complicated matter more difficult to handle.

Banner hesitated for a moment, then shook his head decisively, "You may need my power. Ultron is very powerful, and you cannot win by relying on more people."

"Are you saying you are strong in disguise?" Thor asked with a smile.

"Emm...that's understandable." Banner nodded.

After thinking for a moment, Steve said: "You can come, but you can't follow us and lead the charge. We will contact you via radio when we need you."

"It's up to you, Captain."

"Luo Ning and I are responsible for giving you real-time feedback on the situation in various places in the building," Hill said.

After arranging the personnel distribution, everyone split up.

Nearly half of the Watchers returned to the base and waited for follow-up instructions. The remaining Watchers boarded the Avengers' plane and headed for their destination, which was a coast in Africa.

Ronin knew it was a bit risky to go to the front line, unless he didn't mind exposing himself to the Avengers, which he did.

So he chose to stay in the Avengers Tower with Hill and become a counselor who "strategized and won the battle thousands of miles away."

Okay, that's too idealistic. In fact, he is just taking one step at a time, strategizing and so on.

However, he could predict that Banner would most likely lose control, so he specially asked Angel to prepare a few inhibitors for everyone to bring with them in case of emergency.

The rest depends on how the situation develops. What Luo Ning has to do is to adapt to circumstances.

Ultron and the twins arrived on a ship on the African coast before them and threatened the arms dealer leader Ulysses Klaue to hand over the vibranium.

In order to save his life, Ulysses Klaue had to hand over the vibranium obediently. In return, Ultron poured billions of dollars into his bank account.

This is not difficult for Ultron. He just writes a string of data into the virtual property and sees the other person bursting with joy. He only feels childish and funny.

"I always say this, make your friends and enemies rich, and then wait to tell who is the enemy and who is the friend." Ultron said this subconsciously.

Hearing these familiar words, Ulysses Crow, who was immersed in the joy of property, suddenly turned his head, put away all his smiles, and said "Stark" to Ultron.

"What?" Ultron was a little confused.

The arms chief continued with a sullen face: "Tony Stark told me this before, he created you."

Obviously, he believed that this robot and the man and woman were sent by Stark to eradicate them and take away the vibranium. This was not a deal at all.

"What? I'm not!"

Ultron grabbed his right arm angrily, "Do you think I'm Stark's puppet, a hollow man? Look at me, do I look like Iron Man? Stark is nothing."

In anger, Ultron cut off his right arm, "I'm sorry, I really...I'm sure you will get better, I'm sorry. But, I don't understand, why do you want to take me with you?" Stark comparison?"

Ultron became more and more angry as he thought about it, kicked him down the stairs, and then cursed: "This is something I care about very much. Stark is... he is a disgusting guy, very disgusting."

"Oh my son, you really broke dad's heart."

Hearing this familiar yet disgusting voice, Ultron turned around, ignoring the others, and stared at the one person he especially wanted to kill with his own hands, Tony Stark.

"I will break it if necessary."

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