Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 488 Time Dissociation and Time Accelerator

The Skyhopper just disappeared, along with the pilot Lina Oxton.

Overwatch tried to find them, but the Skyhopper and the pilot just evaporated without leaving any trace. No matter whether they used human or technological power, they did not get any positive feedback.

The immature space teleportation technology, without luck, eventually brought the worst result. Overwatch immediately took measures to block all news about the prototype test flight plan, and then transferred enough money to the bank card left by Lina to support the family.

Normally, if you are alive, you want to see the person, and if you are dead, you want to see the body. But at this moment, the fighter and the people disappeared, which was an unnatural situation. If the technology is not used well, some weird things may happen, just like this.

Overwatch assumed that Lina Oxton was dead.

Winston felt very guilty about this. Although he had never seen this brave pilot, it was he who proposed to use space teleportation technology for fighters, and the Skyhopper was created. Obviously, the experiment was successful, but in the actual operation, an irreparable mistake occurred.

He was the only one in Overwatch who believed that the pilot was not dead, but was trapped in a time turbulence or a stagnant time stream. If he could conduct further research in this area, he might be able to find a way to find Oxton.

Feeling guilty, Winston worked day and night to study the theory of time and space, learn from countless failures, and lay the foundation for the next successful experiment.

Because they were busy dealing with the Null Resetters, few people in Overwatch mentioned this matter. Only Winston, Commander Morrison, Captain Anna, Agent Harrison, and the remaining six pilots could still remember this short-haired girl.

After all, her personality was the kind that could be deeply imprinted in people's minds after meeting her once, and she was so excellent.

A few months later, something unexpected happened to everyone. Lina Oxton actually appeared at the Swiss headquarters, and she was still alive!

However, she was not the same person she used to be. In the words of Dr. Winston: the molecules in her body could not synchronize with the time stream.

Dr. Ziegler took her to the medical department and gave her a detailed physical examination, not missing any small place that might cause problems.

Looking at the analysis results, Dr. Ziegler was puzzled. Her body functions were normal and very healthy. It seemed that medical knowledge could not solve this problem.

However, she also got useful information. After a few days of observation, she found that Oxton was like a "living" ghost, and would suddenly disappear for hours or even days from time to time. Even if she appeared briefly at normal time, she could not maintain her physical form.

After learning about her experience, Dr. Ziegler firmly believed that this was not a disease, but a state of time disorder. When the body molecules were synchronized with the current time, she would appear unstably for a while; when they were not synchronized, she would disappear.

Although she did not think it was a medical disease, as a doctor, she still gave this symptom a name: time dissociation.

The person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it. Dr. Ziegler believed that Winston should have a way. He had a good grasp of the theory of time and space.

In fact, during the time Lina was in the medical department, Winston was committed to studying this aspect. At first, he wanted to stabilize the molecules in Lina's body, which could be done in theory. But after hundreds of failed experiments, Winston gave up. No matter how rigorous the theory is, failure in practice is enough to overturn it.

Later, he changed his mind. If he couldn't stabilize the molecules in her body, would stabilizing the time flow be a solution? Or in other words, how about controlling the time flow?

Scientists are like this. Once they have an idea in their minds, they will first use theory to deduce it, and then conduct experiments if it is feasible.

Lina herself doesn't have much hope, because she knows that if it is possible, the teleportation array of the skyhopper will not malfunction. It's not true that she resents Overwatch. After all, Agent Harrison repeatedly explained to her the dangers of the plan, and she volunteered. The current situation is a punishment given to her regardless of the consequences.

Days passed, and Lina became less and less hopeful. She often fell into the endless darkness, and she was not very happy when she finally returned to reality. Because the stable time is short, it may be a few minutes, or it may be dozens of minutes, and it would be best if it could be more than an hour.

Winston's eyes were bloodshot. He had been up for several nights. Every time Lina came, she saw him working at his desk, with an empty large coffee cup next to him.

She would always fill the cup and put it back quietly, trying not to disturb him.

"Dr. Winston, why don't we give up?"

Finally one day, Lina gave up on herself. She couldn't bear to see others working so hard for her, and even skipping sleep.

Winston didn't even raise his head, still busy with the work at hand. She thought Winston was in a trance and didn't hear.

When she was about to repeat herself, Winston said lightly: "It's not for you. This is my own research. I don't feel tired for the cause I love. It's almost done. I have a hunch. Although it still failed this time, I found the law of time flow. Within ten days, my idea will definitely succeed."

He spoke like an emotionless machine, and people couldn't hear any fluctuations in his words.

Lina didn't say much. She walked over and silently filled his coffee for him, and then left the dull laboratory.

When he went out to relax and met Agent Harrison, he was also very guilty and wanted to make amends. But Lina didn't mean to blame her. This was her own choice and had nothing to do with anyone.

It was just that the time dissociation made her lose her former liveliness and became depressed.

It was not until the ninth day of the ten days promised by Winston that Winston told her "success", and she regained her former vitality and was full of hope.

It was a strange-shaped device, with a gas stove on the back and a kettle base on the front. The slowly rotating blue circle added a bit of strangeness. The two circles were large and small, the inner circle rotated counterclockwise, the outer circle rotated clockwise, and the inner circle also made regular forward and backward movements.

"This is the 'time accelerator', a device that allows you to maintain the current time."

Although Winston had been busy for several months, he was more excited than anyone else at this moment, because he succeeded, and practice would also succeed, he firmly believed.

Lina also hoped to succeed, and with a try-it attitude, she put on the time accelerator.

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