Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 524 A Sudden Awakening

At night, whenever Setia closed her eyes, she would think of the faces of the citizens, especially the little girl's burned face.

They were not even a little bit happy, and seemed to have no choice but to come over to hear them announce this decision.

Why? Why are they like this?

Fiskar can reshape cities and bring them a better living environment, a more harmonious life, and a more beautiful urban scenery.

Why are they still unhappy and even resisting internally?

Also, is what Fiskar Group did right? By using some shady means to force the mayor to sign the contract, were they the ones who were wrong from the beginning?

They should not set foot in this city. The rise and fall of the city has nothing to do with them. They should go to cities that need Fiskar to rebuild their homes.

These questions lingered like a nightmare. Setia couldn't find the answers and tossed and turned in bed all night long.

She tried to keep herself busy the next day. When she was busy, she had no time to worry about these problems.

However, people always have time to take some time off, especially her. Her work intensity is not very high.

As Vishkar's "Symmetra" and the top photon architect, she often directs others to do what they do. Although she often does things by herself, she can do it very quickly. It may take others an hour to complete the construction of a street, but it only takes her ten minutes.

She suddenly felt that having too much talent was not entirely a good thing. For example, now, she hoped that she could slow down the construction speed like other photon architects. If it slowed down, she would not have to be idle for a long time to think about it, but... ...Habit keeps her from slowing down.

These questions continued to torture her, and the dead faces of the citizens resurfaced again and again, until Fiskar completed the transformation and construction of Rio de Janeiro.

Fiskar transformed the city into a dazzling light, transforming the slums into gleaming glass-fronted towers that reflected prosperity.

Seeing the results, Sethia gradually lessened her doubts about herself and Fiska. They were not wrong. They brought a more comfortable living environment to people. What was wrong was that the citizens were meaninglessly nostalgic for the old things. .

Fiskar has established a great order, and the citizens live in an orderly manner, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, living "happily" within the limits allowed by the rules, with little chaos.

"Sure enough, only order... can make the world a better place."

Sethia became more certain of her pursuit.

After Rio de Janeiro stabilized, Fiskar Group went to the next city destroyed by the Omnic Crisis. As if past events repeat themselves, the city's mayor still refuses to sign the contract proposed by Fiskar to rebuild the city.

This mayor is a person who is good at using metaphors to persuade others. He reads a lot of books and blindly advocates freedom.

He emphasized many times that Fiskar did not deprive citizens of their right to personal freedom. He could not let everyone be locked up in a birdcage like a bird and live an arranged life every day. The splendor of life should be reflected in the blue sky, not in a person. A square birdcage with limitations on all four sides.

"What can freedom bring? Throughout the ages, various uprisings have occurred because people value freedom too much. When uprisings occur, wars will break out. No matter how big or small the war is, there will always be sacrifices. Is this the freedom you yearn for? With blood and tears It’s better not to have the freedom to irrigate,” Seiya said.

Setia deeply believed that, yes, it would be better not to have this kind of freedom that was bought with countless lives. Besides, the order established by Fiskar is not as serious as the mayor said, so using the birdcage metaphor is too exaggerated.

Order exists to maintain a stable life and allow everyone to always live in a peaceful land. Mandatory curfews are to ensure everyone's personal safety, after all, unsafe factors will greatly increase at night; severe punishment of illegal activities is also to ensure that similar bad situations will not happen again; allocating jobs that suit citizens, this should be an ideal society Well, no one wants to say this.

Anyway, Setha doesn't understand...I don't understand why they joined forces to resist Fiska. Isn't an orderly world beautiful?

"Is this a cult?"

Seeing this, McCree suddenly said something.

Everyone agreed that the Fiska Group was indeed like a cult. They took Sethia in, instilled in her some absurd ideas of order, and believed they would treat others the same way.

However, when Setia saw something different from what she thought, she would get entangled with herself, which shows that there is still a trace of kindness in her heart and there is room for redemption, instead of being completely brainwashed and losing her ability to judge. , thus becoming a tool of the group.

Fiskar has always refused to give up until the goal is achieved. When the mayor sternly refused, they tried to force the mayor to agree, just like the fire that broke out in the slums of Rio de Janeiro without any prediction.

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Setia is still the one who carries out the secret operation, but this time she is not alone, but a team of agents. They want to blow up the energy supply center. Without energy, the city will have to rely on Fiskar to operate.

However, their actions were stopped by a team called Overwatch.

Overwatch, Setia naturally knew, was an international peacekeeping organization that led humans to fight against omnics and finally ended the omnic crisis.

They are all heroes and represent justice.

The secret operation led by Fiskar was stopped by Overwatch. What does this mean? It shows that Fiskar's actions are no different from terrorists in the eyes of Overwatch.

When she was taken back by Overwatch for questioning, she suddenly realized.

Look what they were going to do, blow up the energy supply center? Oh, God! Is this what a normal person should do?

This was the first time she firmly believed that she and Viska had done something wrong, and it was an unforgivable mistake. Thinking back to the previous fire and the things she had not paid much attention to before, she realized that Viska and his gang were all liars, using gorgeous disguises to cover up their sinful hearts.

The appearance of Overwatch made Viska give up the idea of ​​forcing the mayor to sign the contract by force, but "Light of Order" was still controlled by Overwatch. The top management of the group had to bite the bullet and contact Overwatch. After the negotiation, they sent Seya to Overwatch's temporary base to bring back Setya and others.

Seeing Seya coming to pick them up, the other agents breathed a sigh of relief, but Setya felt unprecedented pressure.

If she goes back, this kind of thing will definitely happen again in the future. She can't force herself to do something she knows is wrong, and she can't forgive herself afterwards, just like she couldn't sleep all night after the fire, and her conscience would be uneasy.

"Setya, let's go, what are you daydreaming about?"

"I won't leave, I want to stay here."


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