Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 558 Lucio Trailer

Lucio's trailer is about to be released, so Ronin came to share this news. But when he saw Setya's expression, he suddenly realized something.

The Viska Group controls Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, and Lucio has lived in Rio de Janeiro since he was a child and has a lot of feelings for this place. So Lucio united those people who were unwilling to surrender and joined hands to resist Viska's control, and finally succeeded and made people regain their freedom.

Even if you live in a slum, as long as you are free, you are happy, but if you lose your freedom, you will not feel happy even if you live in a castle or palace.

It can be seen that Lucio and Viska are two opposite sides, and Setya is a member of Viska. Even if they have not had direct contact, they must have misunderstood each other through some things they have seen and heard. In Setya's eyes, Lucio is the kind of bastard who talks about "freedom" all day long but creates chaos everywhere, and in Lucio's eyes, Setya may be a bad guy who exploits labor and deprives people of their freedom.

"Lucio is a reactionary who says one thing and does another."

Sure enough, Setya couldn't stand their boasting, so she spoke out her true thoughts. A month ago, she wouldn't open her heart to everyone, but now, they have established trust with each other, so they say what they mean, and everyone is reasonable.

Her speech made everyone look at her with doubt, including Ronin, but he was not doubtful, but wanted to hear what she was going to say next.

"What he calls freedom is chaos and disorder. At the beginning, Feska created such good living conditions for Rio de Janeiro, but he broke it abruptly, turning that beautiful city back into purgatory, a garbage dump, a paradise for criminals, and a grave for scoundrels!" she said.

"But we heard that he is very popular in Rio de Janeiro, and not only in the local area, his popularity has spread to the whole world, and he is an international celebrity. We have dealt with him before. He does advocate freedom, but he is not without rules at all. He is very polite to others." Tracer said.

Song Hana nodded, "I heard about it in Korea. He is called a hero by the locals."

"Those are all false. His real purpose is to create chaos and turmoil under the guise of freedom." Setia believed her leader's words about Lucio.

"Have you ever dealt with him?"

Roning's question stumped her, and she didn't know how to answer.

After a moment of silence, she said, "Although I haven't dealt with him, from what my colleagues said and the relevant documents released by the leader, it can be seen that he is a person who says one thing and means another. He deceives people, establishes his own faction, breaks the order we have worked so hard to establish, openly resists our management, and turns Rio de Janeiro back into a mess."

"Seeing is believing, hearing is not."

Roning's words choked Setia again.

"Yes, Setia, think about it, Lucio rebelled against Feska's management for freedom, Feska will definitely try to discredit Lucio's behavior and find a legitimate reason for its subsequent actions, otherwise the people under his command will not be convinced." Reinhardt said.

"Impossible, Feska gave them a superior living environment, why should they rebel? From this point of view, they are wrong. In the final analysis, Lucio has been a street gangster for a long time and does not want to obey normal management." Setia said.

The order thought that Feska instilled in her has been deeply rooted in her heart. It is difficult to change her concept with just a few words.

Roning can see that although she has been getting along well with the watchers during this period, the inherent thinking still exists in her mind, and she has her own set of rules for everything she does.

The only way to eliminate her prejudice against Lucio is to meet face to face. She will definitely not believe what everyone says. According to Soldier 76's evaluation of Lucio, Lucio is an international DJ with positive values ​​and a positive attitude. His music can always eliminate negative emotions and bring fiery enthusiasm and motivation.

Although Ronin has never come into contact with Lucio, he knows from Soldier 76's evaluation that Lucio is not what Setya described. She has a big misunderstanding of Lucio.

Contact is one aspect, and on the other hand, it allows her to watch the movie first to understand what the real Lucio is like.

At 8 o'clock on the weekend, the trailer of "Lucio" is officially released.

With the maturity of technology and the excavation of talents, the official website of Overwatch has become more and more beautiful, with simple and clear colors, just the right size of modules, and every UI reflects the designer's unique layout and design. Behind the beautiful front-end presentation, there is a complicated back-end code, which is responsible for the front-end and back-end data interaction. After countless optimizations, it has become as smooth as silk, and every click of the user can respond quickly, with almost zero freeze and zero delay.

The user experience is excellent, and the mood of clicking on the trailer is comfortable.

As everyone guessed, the protagonist of "Lucio" is the sexy black dancer in "Symbol of Light", Lucio Correa dos Santos.

The story begins at the end of the Omnic Crisis, when Viskar has not yet taken over the transformation plan of Rio de Janeiro. Lucio is a DJ who loves music and frequently performs in public in his post-disaster home, using the power of music to help everyone get out of grief, forget their troubles, and have hope for the future.

Then, the plot seemed to connect with the previous movie. The Viska Group appeared, and photon buildings could be seen everywhere. Rio de Janeiro operated under the control of Viska. People lived a regular and boring life, but there were undercurrents.

Viska deprived people of their freedom, and people dared not speak out because those who openly resisted had disappeared mysteriously and had not returned until Lucio, a DJ who was well-known locally, stood up...

The trailer was very short, and there was only so much content to see. It can be generally seen that this is a story about a small person resisting hegemony and pursuing freedom.

"Is Viska a villain in it?"

Setya watched the Overwatch movie when she was free, and knew the routine of this kind of movie. In the end, the protagonist defeated the villain. From the trailer, it can be roughly seen that Viska is the villain, and Lucio, as the protagonist, is naturally the representative of the righteous.

Roning's questions stumped her before, and now she stumped Roning with this question.

I can't answer casually, because Setya trusts Feiska very much, even though Feiska is a two-faced organization, doing good things on the surface, but secretly concentrating power, and I don't know what it is planning.

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