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Chapter 615: Cultivation Journey

Is it the wrong way to open it?

It makes no sense. Zenyatta is just a real monk. What he advocates is also the way of spiritual practice. He believes that only by practicing to a state where the soul and self-awareness are on the same level can omnipotence transform and become a butterfly.

Is it possible that we still need to practice to a certain level?

When he thought of this, Luo Ning suddenly realized that the difficulty was not that high. It could not be accomplished in a few days, and it would take at least a year and a half.

Luo Ning was thinking so much that even after going outside to see the scenery, he still couldn't calm down. Let alone zazen, just sitting quietly, his mind could fly to the sky.

"How can you achieve enlightenment if your mind is not calm?" the old master who led him to practice said to him.

"Is it certain that you will be able to realize something when you are quiet?"

"Quietness is the prerequisite. It can be said that you have not even crossed the threshold of practice in the past few days. I can feel your restlessness here. The tranquility you think and the tranquility required for zazen are completely two different concepts."

"Then how can we truly calm down?"

"First of all, the body is still, then the mind is still, and then the spirit is still. If you only achieve body stillness, it only means that you can sit still, not practice."

"What's the specific method of operation?"

Here, Luo Ning was just a student, and he had to humbly consult an old monk who had been immersed in Buddhism for many years. The old monk did not treat him as the well-known Luo Ning, just a disciple who was interested in practice and Buddhism, nothing more.

"Enlighten yourself."

emmm...Luo Ning didn't want to ask any more. Shen Jing and Xin Jing were easy to understand. What the hell is this Shen Jing?

Now he had a lot of confused thoughts in his mind, and he couldn't sit still at all, so he got up and read some books related to practice, and gained some nutritious knowledge from them. Combined with what the old monk said before, he had some feelings in his heart, and suddenly realized that he had What you have done is just scratching the surface of your spiritual journey.

It’s not even an amateur practice, let alone an entry level one. Not to mention practicing to the level of Zenyatta, you must at least enter the door. Otherwise, there is no way to activate the transformation form of Zenyatta, a holy monk, without any sincerity.

It was getting dark, and Luo Ning decided to adjust his state and practice well from tomorrow. He would spend a month to fight Zenyatta's transformation form.

Now, of course, I need to eat something clean first, drink some tea and look at the moonlight, and then have a good sleep to recuperate my energy.

It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. It is so quiet that only a few bells ring at regular intervals. The pace of life has slowed down. There is no Internet, no temptations, only natural scenery and relatively fresh air. This breeze seems to be blended with the breath. Going to the forest by the stream in the morning and taking a few deep breaths will make you feel refreshed.

When sitting in the Buddhist hall, the futon is not as soft as expected. It is a little firmer but still comfortable, which is more conducive to long-term meditation.

First, keep your body still for a long time, and then throw away distracting thoughts, and your mind will slowly calm down. It is a state of selflessness. As for calming down God, this seems to be very difficult. Anyway, until now, he has not experienced what it is like to be calm.

All he can do is to abandon distracting thoughts and devote himself to it, that's all.

Gradually, half a month passed, and Luo Ning was very surprised, not because he activated Zenyatta's transformation form, but because he found that he was used to the simple food of the temple, and did not reject it at all, and even liked it a little bit. A life without external distractions.

There is nothing to worry about, just like a wild crane wandering in the mountains and rivers, whether it is stimulated or not, it is like that.

But after thinking about it again, I feel that this idea is very dangerous, but I don’t dare to be assimilated. There is no big fish and meat to eat during vegetarian meals. This kind of life is not as exciting as games and life. There is so much fun outside, so it’s nothing. Is it comparable to other monasteries?

Although I felt so emotional, when I returned to the Buddhist hall, I still enjoyed this state of not thinking about anything and relaxing my whole body.

The days in the monastery passed very quickly, especially during practice. It felt similar to when he was addicted to games. After winning another game, I rest. However, every time I finish playing the game, the day passes. It cannot be described as flying.

Unknowingly, more than half a month passed, but Luo Ning still didn't feel the so-called divine tranquility. He only felt that he had become a Buddhist, with no desires and desires, and felt that nothing seemed important.

As the largest temple in North America, Zhuangyan Temple attracts many people. Especially now that "Zenyatta" has made Buddhism popular, many people come here to burn incense and pray for blessings.

This allowed Luo Ning to see a grand scene that could only occur in Chinese temples. People from all over the world, mostly middle-aged people, lined up to burn incense and pray for blessings. The place gradually became noisy.

Of course, most of them came to visit and then left. There were relatively few people burning incense. No one like Luo Ning. It was not enough to visit, but they also had to practice here. In this era, there are not many people who are as calm as him, but when you meet them, you cherish them.

I don't know what day it was, but there was a group of noisy people outside. Luo Ning couldn't concentrate, so he went outside to wander around. As a world-famous figure, he was caught red-handed as soon as he appeared, oh no, recognized on the spot.

That is to say hello and everyone goes about their business, and at most we take a photo together.

However, it was annoying to see so many people, so Luo Ning went to the Main Hall, where there were relatively few people and it was quieter.

Under the Vairochana Buddha, there are half-relief statues of the Twelve Enlightenment Bodhisattvas, which are elegant and elegant.

When tourists come here, they have a natural sense of insignificance and are extremely respectful of these Buddha statues. Of course, there are a few exceptions who don't know how to speak softly, make various casual movements in front of the Buddha statues, and even take pictures with their mobile phones.

The Daxiong Hall clearly stipulates that tourists are not allowed to take pictures, which is disrespectful to the Buddha. Under the persuasion of the monks, the man temporarily restrained himself. When the monks looked away, he took out his mobile phone again and took pictures happily.

This scene was seen by Luo Ning, and he naturally had to say something. He has been practicing here for a month and knows that the Buddha statue is the incarnation of the Buddha. First of all, disrespecting the Buddha will not have any consequences. Such behavior shows low quality and should be educated.

"This young master just said that taking pictures is not allowed. Why don't you listen?" Luo Ning walked to the side of the man and whispered.

"I am happy."

The four people who came up didn't seem to know Luo Ning. The first time they saw him, they actually showed the kind of "you are meddling in other people's business" look.

"Get out if you don't follow the rules." Luo Ning pointed to the door.

"Mind me? You're not in charge."

"I'll count to three."

Luo Ning had never met such a scoundrel before. He threatened without saying anything, first raising his right index finger, then his middle finger, and then his ring finger.

The other tourists had no idea why these four young men were against Luo Ning. They just watched curiously, not knowing what Luo Ning was going to do.

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