Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 628 Two-in-one, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! (1/2)

After passing through the bustling crowd, Luo Ning took him to a dilapidated wooden door. Dr. Strange glanced at it in surprise, and then looked at the other side of the wooden door. There were Buddha statues, incense, and people sitting cross-legged and chanting. The monks who read the scriptures became more confused than ever.

"Are you sure this is here?" the doctor asked.

"Otherwise" Luo Ning asked.

"That place is more like Kama Taj." The doctor pointed to the opposite side.

Luo Ning just pushed open the half-leaf door and let him in, "I'll give you a piece of advice, forget what you think you know."

Luo Ning took him directly to the temple of Gu Yi, which was where Gu Yi first brought him. The environment here was very suitable for entertaining guests. It was quiet enough, with plenty of light, tea, and incense.

"This is my master's temple. Her name is Gu Yi." Luo Ning introduced.

"Is it called Ancient One's real name?" the doctor asked.

Luo Ning did not answer. The doctor quickly realized his rude words and deeds, and quickly admitted his mistake, "Okay, forget what I thought I knew, I'm sorry."

Luo Ning took him in. Master Hamil was sitting at the table in the middle, reading. Gu Yi stood aside and was thinking about something. When he saw them coming in, his expression changed a little.

The doctor walked straight towards Master Hamil, who was looking at him. On the way, someone took off his heavy coat, handed him a teacup, and poured hot tea.

"Thank you, thank you for meeting me, Gu"

Before the doctor finished speaking, he saw Master Hamil, whom he regarded as the Ancient One, stood up and left. Did he not want to see him when he left?

Gu Yi poured him tea and said, "You don't have to be so polite."

The doctor looked at Luo Ning in confusion, and Luo Ning had to introduce him, "This is the Ancient One."

After saying that, Ronin and Master Hamil retreated.

The Ancient One was not surprised by what happened suddenly, but acted very naturally, like water sliding down the eaves, indicating that the Ancient One had known for a long time that this doctor named Stephen Strange would come to seek her help.

"Mr. Strange." Ancient One greeted.

"Uh, it's a doctor, I'm a doctor." The doctor said while drinking tea.

"Actually, you're not a doctor anymore, so you're here. You've had a lot of surgeries recently, seven times, right?"

The doctor was a little surprised, thinking that this person might have found out all his details before meeting him, or that Pangborn might have informed him.

"You once cured a man named Pangborn, a paralyzed patient."

"So be it."

"How did you heal the completely damaged spinal cord segments 7 and 8?"

The doctor asked about this matter, and Gu Yi patiently answered it. Of course, this cannot be answered by traditional medicine, so Ancient One mentioned the soul and relied on the soul to heal the body. Naturally, the doctor, a materialist, cannot accept this. He is a doctor, a doctor with superb medical skills. He only believes in science. In his opinion, Ancient One is just talking nonsense. There is no spiritual world or soul world.

"I spent all my money to buy this one-way ticket, and now you tell me that I have to rely on my soul and faith to heal."

The doctor felt that the world was full of malice towards him, and he threw away the advice Luoning gave him.

"You are a person who sees the world from a hole. You have been trying to make the hole bigger all your life so that you can see more. But now you know that the hole can be bigger. When it is so big that you can't imagine, you But he rejected this possibility." Gu Yi said calmly.

"I refuse because I don't believe in the mythical stories of organs and chakras, nor do I believe in spiritual power, or the power of faith. There is no soul at all. Human beings are material, nothing more, and you are just a person in this universe. Just a tiny and insignificant speck of dust.”

"You underestimate yourself."

"Oh, you think you have seen through me, right? Actually, I have seen through you."

In the end, the doctor couldn't control his emotions and became furious.

He believed that he had been deceived and deceived by the whole world. They were all a group of liars who stabbed him in the back when he was most powerless, leaving him trapped in the quagmire and unable to extricate himself.

Gu Yi didn't push him further, and shook the doctor's arm pointed at her, then slapped his soul out of the body with a backhand.

The short journey to the soul made the doctor unable to recognize reality. When the soul possessed him, he thought there was some kind of hallucinogen in the tea. Then, Ancient One allowed him to see the vastness and incredibleness of the multiverse.

Everything that happened in front of him made the doctor unable to believe it. The materialism he deeply believed in suffered a strong impact, breaking his existing concepts and surpassing his cognition time and time again.

"You think you know how the world works, and you think that the material universe is all that is true. Behind what you know, what kind of secrets are hidden at the source of reality? Spirit is connected to matter, and reality is carved by thought."

"This universe is just one of the infinite universes, and the worlds are infinite. Some are beautiful and full of vitality, and some are evil and full of killing. In those dark corners, the power of the wild is greedily waiting for opportunities."

"Who are you, in this multiverse, Mr. Strange?"

Ancient One ended this thrilling and incredible journey with this question full of philosophical truth.

The doctor returned to reality and fell to the ground, his knowledge of the first half of his life shattered.

"Have you seen these in the gift shop?" Gu Yi lowered his head and asked condescendingly.

"Teach me," the doctor begged.


Ancient Yi rejected him and let him see all this, just to let him know that the cognitive framework he spent half his life building was just a grain of sand in this infinite universe, and there were still too many unknowns that could not be touched.

The doctor's arrogance and self-righteousness eventually cost him an opportunity to touch the secrets of magic.

He was kicked out by Gu Yi's disciples, and Luo Ning saw it, and it was purely self-inflicted. But there is nothing he can do. If he doesn't go through it again, he will only be the surgical expert immersed in himself, and will not become Doctor Strange.

This was a disaster that Strange would definitely experience. Luo Ning didn't think much about it and took the time to practice shooting.

After a long time, Modu found Luo Ning and said in a nonchalant manner, "If he had half your knowledge and awe of the universe, he wouldn't say these arrogant and ignorant words."

Luo Ning took back his spear and said breathlessly, "Strange?"

"Is there another person coming to Karma Taj today?" Modu asked. "It has been five hours and he is still waiting outside. He has a lot of energy."

"He has nothing left. Kamal Taj is the straw that can save him. Of course he has to grab it with all his strength."

"Luoning, you have been here at Karma Taj for a while. I believe you have heard the legend of Casillas. The stolen pages are still in his hands. If he deciphers the secrets, he will kill all of us. It’s not just Kama Taj who is being eliminated. The dark forces are getting stronger and stronger. Maybe Strange is a genius like you who can help Kama Taj overcome the difficulties.”

"So you arrested me just to help you survive this disaster," Luo Ning said bluntly.

"Not at first, but then you showed your amazing talent. Everyone has selfish motives, not to mention Kama Taj, and even the whole world who are in danger. You are the Overwatch commander, you should understand the stakes, no matter whether we invite you or not Please come, you all have this responsibility on your shoulders," Modu said.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons. The other reason is that the powerful and mysterious watchers have left the universe together, so Gu Yi naturally has to be wary. The best way is to contact their commander and be guided in the right direction.

"Invite me," Luo Ning curled his lips dissatisfied.

Modu shrugged and said with a smile, "We didn't tie you up. No one threatened you. It was you who controlled your legs and walked through the portal to Kama Taj."

Luo Ning chuckled lightly, and it seemed reasonable. Who dared not to follow Gu Yi's direction?

However, he had learned so many spells at Kama Taj, so it was reasonable to help Kama Taj in return. He will not become a white-eyed wolf like Casillas. After completing his studies, not only will he not repay Karma Taj, but he will even kill his mentor, destroy Karma Taj, and help the evildoers.

"I think that guy Strange does have a talent for learning magic." Luo Ning said.


"My instincts are always spot on."

Modu looked happy when he heard this. He felt the same way and suggested, "Then let's go talk to the master and give him a chance to change his ways. In the current situation, if there is one more mage in Karma Taj, there will be more There is only one chance of winning. And not everyone has the qualifications to become a mage. There may be one in a hundred."

So, the two came to the temple of the Ancient One.

Ancient One was foresighted and faced them and said, "Do you think I should drive him out?"

"He has been waiting outside for five hours. Luo Ning and I both think that he has the qualifications to become a mage. We might as well give him a chance to try." Modu said.

"He is stubborn, arrogant, and ambitious. It seems familiar." Gu Yi said.

"He reminds you of Casillas," Mordo asked.

"I don't want another talented student to be swallowed up by the darkness after entering the school."

"He won't." Luo Ning stood up and said, "Just like me, people who only have light in their hearts will never be eroded by darkness. I think he has this determination."

"No, it's different. You are different from him. You have seen the mysteries of the universe, participated in and guided several major battles, and the situation is relatively large. But he only thinks about who to operate on and how to perform the operation. pretty."

"He is a doctor. This is what he should consider. You are a teacher. You should teach him and let him complete the transformation of his identity. From a doctor to a mage, he has great potential." Luo Ning said.

"We will focus on him and prevent him from going astray. If he is not qualified, it will be easy to send him back directly. Luo Ning will definitely book a ticket for him to go back." Modu said.


Luo Ning looked at him, speechless for a moment.

Gu Yi thought for a moment and finally agreed.

It was quite busy outside, but Strange was squatting alone at the door, hungry and tired, and passers-by regarded him as a beggar. Seeing that it was getting dark and the temperature was gradually dropping, he had no choice but to huddle up to keep warm.

Having been well-off and well-off all year round, he experienced hardship for the first time, and finally understood the ways of the world.

"Don't lock me out, I can't go anywhere now," he begged weakly, it was the only thing he could do.

Mordo opened the door and took him into a dark cabin. The doctor burst into tears of gratitude.

"Take a bath, take a rest, and meditate for a while if you have time." Modu lit a match and lit a candle. "Early tomorrow morning, Gu Yi will summon you."

Before leaving, Modu gave him a note.

The doctor picked it up and looked at it, and was puzzled, "What is this, my spell?"

Modu felt funny, "The ifi password here, we are not primitive people."

After closing the door, the doctor was puzzled. Where there was an ifi, he had to light candles. Where was the electric light? He looked around and saw no electrical appliances.

He picked up his watch and saw a line of words engraved on the back: Time will tell you how much I love you, Christine.

Scenes emerged in his mind, and he suddenly felt that he shouldn't have treated Christine like that. When he was poor and destitute, she was the only one who was willing to take time out of her busy schedule to accompany him. There was no one else except her.

Those friends left him. And he finally understood that the reason those so-called friends approached him before was nothing more than to use his identity to gain some benefits. In addition, he was very rich, spent money lavishly, never treated his friends badly at parties and fun, and at the very least, he could get a few big meals from him.

And now, his hands, which he was proud of, were useless, and his money was gone. Those snobbish friends seemed to have evaporated from the world, without even a greeting.

The next day, he changed into a simple white shirt and white pants and came to the temple again.

This time, facing Gu Yi, he behaved modestly and politely, without any arrogant words or deeds. With the previous lessons, he now corrected his identity. Now he is not a nationally renowned surgeon, nor a wealthy man who spends money like water, but a student who knows nothing.

When students face teachers, attitude is the most important. Only by respecting teachers can teachers teach carefully and impart knowledge.

Gu Yi is not the kind of petty person. If Strange is willing to change his attitude, she will fulfill her responsibility as a teacher and guide him into the mysterious world of magic.

However, after teaching for a few days, he didn't learn a single spell. Maybe he doesn't have talent. Uh, no, Gu Yi suddenly realized that he had chosen the wrong reference object to measure whether a person has talent.

He had a lot of contact with Ronin a few days ago, and Ronin could learn any spell at once, which made her raise the standard for other disciples invisibly. However, in fact, for any spell, even the lowest level, ordinary disciples have to study hard for a month to see results.

So we shouldn't put so much pressure on Strange, let him figure it out slowly, and we'll see the result in a month.

But Ancient One has made Strange feel stupid, but fortunately Strange firmly believes that he can't learn magic because he didn't find the right way. He was able to pass the medical doctor exam and become a nationally renowned surgeon, which shows that he is smarter than 99% of people.

After cheering himself up, he went to the library to borrow a few books to read. Compared with repeating those spellcasting actions, pondering the books might be more helpful to him.

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