Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 645: The Operation of the Top Killer

The two fought from downstairs to the rooftop. Black Lily got to the rooftop first, switched her sniper rifle to full-automatic rifle mode, and fired at the only exit, suppressing Tracer with firepower.

Tracer had to hide behind the wall and said through the radio, "Meng Data is in danger, there is a killer on the roof. Repeat, there is a killer on the roof."

"This is an encrypted channel, no one can"

The security personnel who were protecting Meng Data closely communicated with Tracer through the radio. Judging from the voice, they were naturally not members of the security company, because there were no women among the security personnel.

"Meng Data is in danger, take him away quickly." Tracer repeated again.

"Identify yourself immediately."

On the podium, the security guard suddenly heard gunshots from the other end of the radio. His body tensed up and he quickly commanded, "All units, emergency alert, target evacuation, repeat, target evacuation."

After that, he walked to Meng Data, "Master, something unexpected happened, we must leave."

He walked down the podium with Meng Data and called for a vehicle at the same time, "Calling a tank, this is a team, the target is in danger, over."

Black Lily stretched out her grappling hook, leaped to the roof of another building, and knocked down all the security guards on it. Tracer chased after her, and the two jumped on the roof like ninjas.

Black Lily couldn't get rid of Tracer for a while, so she laid a highly toxic mine on the way. When Tracer passed by and reached the range of the mine, it exploded instantly, releasing a cloud of purple poison gas.

Tracer inhaled the poison gas and suddenly felt her nerves paralyzed, her whole body weak, and fell to the ground with the momentum, her head still dizzy.

Black Lily raised her foot to step on Tracer, pointed her gun at her, and said frivolously, "What a cute stupid girl."

Before she finished speaking, the time accelerator on Tracer's chest suddenly emitted white light, and Tracer's body ran back uncontrollably, leaving a trace of afterimage, returning to the time point when she was not hit by the poisonous mine.

"Who are you talking about?"

Tracer attacked again, firing with both guns, Black Lily dodged, and the bullet hit the steam pipe behind her, and white mist rose immediately.

Tracer threw out a pulse bomb, and the alert Black Lily looked around in the vast steam, and soon found the attacker, and used a beautiful flick sniper to detonate the bomb in the middle.

The shock wave generated by the bomb shook Tracer off the roof, and the explosion also attracted the attention of everyone downstairs.

Meng Data, who was about to enter the car, heard the movement and suddenly turned back, and it was this turn that created an opportunity for Black Lily to snipe.

Tracer fell from the building, and Black Lily drew an arc in the air with the help of the steel cable. The rifle switched to long-range sniper mode, and a thin barrel stretched out between the muzzle, aiming at Tracer's time accelerator.

And this point is exactly where Mondatta's head is.

The audience was amazed in their hearts, is Black Lily so cool? She drew an arc in the air under the drag of the steel cable. It was incredible to the extreme that she could aim at the target under such harsh conditions.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "divine skills", it is simply amazing.

Black Lily pulled the trigger without hesitation in the air. For a killer, 0.01 seconds of hesitation may cause trouble. Moreover, this is a sniper in the air, and the best time to launch cannot be delayed, and appropriate prediction must be made, which is a great test of shooting skills.

A bullet came out of the chamber and shot straight at Tracer.

At this moment, the time accelerator seemed to have a malfunction, and Tracer was transferred to another place without control. The bullet that originally hit her hit Mondatta.

The audience didn't react for a while. Could it be that Black Lily was not aiming at Tracer at first, but at Mondata, who was on the same level as Tracer? Or, the bullet had strong penetrating power and could penetrate Tracer's time accelerator and reach Mondata's head?

Whichever it was, the audience saw the horror of a top killer. If you are targeted by such a killer, ten lives are not enough to die. Even if you stay at home all day, a killer of this level can kill you through the window.

So much so that some viewers broke out in cold sweats, especially those who had done something wrong and provoked their enemies.

Back to the movie, Mondata fell in front of the car, and people were all sad when they reacted.

Black Lily climbed onto the roof to retract the grappling hook.

The time accelerator brought Tracer here. She looked down at the time accelerator in confusion, thinking that it might have been shaken out of service by the aftermath of the explosion just now.

"I'm sorry, I'm making trouble again." Seeing Black Lily's calm appearance, Tracer felt something was wrong and hurried to the edge of the roof. Looking down, she saw Mondatta lying in the car, people crowded up, a chaotic scene, and she was filled with grief and anger. She rushed up and knocked Black Lily down. In the middle of the process, Black Lily shot a grappling hook at the stone pillar. Black Lily's upper body was hanging on the edge of the roof, and Tracer rode on her and stared at her, "Why, why did you do this?" Black Lily smiled a little bleakly, and a ray of light shone over. Tracer looked back and saw that it was a bat-shaped fighter. "Goodbye, idiot." Black Lily suddenly grabbed her collar, leaned back, and the two fell down the building. Then he kicked Tracer against the wall with one foot, and the steel cable quickly recovered and pulled her up. Black Lily picked up the sniper rifle on the roof, got on the fighter, and flew away.

"When I was little, I was afraid of spiders. Adults told me that spiders have no feelings and are cold-blooded animals, but that's not true. At the moment of killing, they are like newborns."

On the fighter plane, Black Lily looked down at the shrinking city. Until the hatch closed, her yellow eyes were so cold.

She returned to Talon.

Since then, as long as it was an important assassination, she was the irreplaceable person among the Talon agents. She could always complete the task on time, so she was highly valued by her superiors. As the number of tasks increased, she could no longer tolerate mistakes in her actions, even if they were tiny mistakes.

As a professional killer, Black Lily believed that any mistake would expose her weaknesses. She was a person who pursued perfection too much, so she pursued the exquisiteness of assassination skills more and more, and always wanted to improve her skilled operation techniques.

Now, she was almost numb to the execution of tasks, and she would only feel a little satisfaction after completing a task perfectly.

The movie ends here. There is no plot that everyone expected. Black Lily was not brought back to Overwatch by Tracer. She is still a Talon agent, which makes the audience very interested in the subsequent plot.

Of course, the current interest in Easter eggs is more

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