Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 67 New Works around the City

Ring City Films.

Once the leader in the industry, now under the impact of Overwatch Pictures, the company as a whole is showing signs of decline. However, today, the company's employees are working hard.

Success or failure depends on this one move, Huancheng wants to confront Shouwang Pictures!

Even though he knew that Overwatch Pictures' new movie "Reinhardt" would be released in the near future, Huancheng didn't skip the schedule. He just wanted to release it on the same schedule as "Reinhardt".

The purpose is obvious, just to prove myself.

The outside world is not optimistic about their behavior, but Mr. Geno Cromwell, the CEO of Huancheng Film Company, is extremely confident.

After the last superhero movie hit the streets, Cromwell calmed down and calmly analyzed the factors that led to the success of the Overwatch Films series, and read over and over Mr. Luo Ning's speech at the International Film Summit.

When Luo Ning gave a speech before, he asked his employees to excerpt every word Luo Ning said. These notes allowed him to understand the essence of commercial movies.

Therefore, "Beast King", Huancheng's painstaking work, was born!

This film, which has been carefully prepared for a year, is the key to his comeback in the film market. When Overwatch Films was filming "Winston", Huancheng was filming "Beast King", and at Overwatch Films, "Beast King" was being filmed. Reinhardt", Huancheng was still filming "Beastmaster".

Don’t seek efficiency, just quality.

Cromwell personally checked and hired the best screenwriter, well, not the best... Of course, he hoped to hire Luo Ning.

But this was unrealistic. It was impossible for someone to write a script for him. Moreover, they were competitors with each other. Even if Luo Ning wrote a script for him, he would not be at ease.

It would be better to hire a screenwriter who has written scripts for many blockbuster movies. As for the director, he even hired director Vernon Burt, the same director who filmed "Winston" for Overwatch Pictures!

In fact, it can't be considered a poaching, after all, Director Bert is not a dedicated director of Overwatch Pictures.

Compared to Director Burt, he hopes to invite Director Hopkins. After all, Director Hopkins is recognized as the most powerful director. Not only every film he makes is a hit, at least every film has a good reputation. Both were good, and the box office was very good.

The two movies in the Overwatch series were both box office hits and established director Hopkins' status in the film industry.

However, Director Hopkins has been vacationing abroad since he finished filming "Iron Man" and did not talk about work at all. Even if he paid nearly twice his salary, he could not hire this big-ass director.

Overwatch Pictures has given him so much, including money, fame, prestige... none of them are lacking.

If before filming "Soldier: 76", Director Hopkins was only a well-known director in the United States, barely squeezed into the list of first-line directors, then now, Hopkins is a well-known director in the world, with a transcendent status in the film industry, truly Super first-line!

Not only him, other film companies have also invited Hopkins to direct, but without exception, they all failed.

It seems that this great director now only accepts films from Overwatch Pictures and disdains cooperation with other film companies. The most important thing is that he has no worries about making money.

I couldn't get this one, so I had to settle for the next best thing and ask Bert to direct.

Director Burt has directed "Winston", which is somewhat similar in style to "The Beastmaster", in that the beast has human wisdom.

Thinking of this, Cromwell scratched his head and was very irritated. Those media were so bad. When the news about "The Beast King" was released some time ago, there were all kinds of slanders from the unscrupulous media.

"Shocked! Mr. Cromwell, the CEO of Huancheng Film Company, actually did these things behind Mr. Luo Ning's back! Shameful play!"

“The new film ‘Beastmaster’ from City Pictures plagiarizes ‘Winston’ in many aspects, it’s confirmed!”

"As the former dominant company in the film industry, City Pictures, the new movie 'Beast King' actually plagiarized 'Winston', not Bilian!"

Comments like this are everywhere on the Internet, and they can make him angry to death.

"A bunch of uneducated editors."

Cromwell put out his cigarette butt and paid tribute. Can this be called plagiarism?

"The white snow in the spring is art, and so are the people of Lower Liba..."

Then, Cromwell thought carefully about what he had just read, and the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

In the past, he was too obsessed with himself and made movies that he thought were elegant and meaningful. As a result, the audience did not buy it. For lower-level people, stories close to life may be more popular.

The door opened and a woman came in with a cup of steaming coffee.

When I walked to the desk, my hand accidentally shook and a drop of coffee splashed on the manuscript.

Cromwell sat up in shock, quickly picked up the manuscript, wiped it dry with the cuffs of a suit worth thousands of dollars, then glared at his assistant and said, "Miranda, what are you doing so carelessly?"

He would take out this note and read it several times every day. Every time he read it, he would gain something new. Although he did not want to admit it, Luo Ning was indeed an excellent producer with a keen sense of the market. Then The speech was also full of useful information.

Without this note, he would not have woken up, and "Beast King" would not have been shot so perfectly.

With "Beastmaster", he is confident that he can catch up with Overwatch Pictures and then surpass it.

No one can shake his status in the film industry. Even the dark horse Shouwang Pictures will only be a flash in the pan. In terms of strength and foundation, it is far inferior to Huancheng.

Huancheng will eventually take back the film market from Shouwang Pictures!

The female assistant was trembling, apologized quickly, and then gently put the coffee cup down.

She didn't expect that a small drop of coffee would cause the boss to react so violently, as if the paper was his lifeblood. He was willing to spend thousands of dollars on a suit to wipe it off. It was too much of a fuss!

Of course, she only dared to think about it in her heart, not to say it out loud. She also knew that the boss was under a lot of pressure recently. In recent years, the film market has been occupied by Overwatch Films for 70% to 80%, and the efficiency of the ring city is getting lower and lower. The boss wanted to make achievements.

"Forget it, let the technical department release the trailer quickly. We can't let "Reinhardt" grab the limelight for too long, and then let the operations department go through the regular process. You know, the more discussion on the Internet, the better." Cromwell ordered.

Under the brilliance of "Reinhardt", "Beastmaster" was completely overshadowed, so he wanted to create momentum and let "Beastmaster" shine more strongly, and he didn't hesitate to spend more money for this.

Anyway, he was just giving it a try. Whether it would succeed or not depended on the performance of this movie.

"Yes, sir."

Miranda nodded her head and walked out of the office slowly.

After watching the trailer of "Reinhardt" curiously, Cromwell's eyes flashed, and he was confident and muttered to himself: "What a bullshit plot, my 'Beast King' will definitely surpass your 'Reinhardt'!"

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