Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 755 The Dark Shadow Arrives 2-in-1 (1/2)

Death was teased by Moira when he returned to the base.

"Hey, why haven't I seen you so warm-hearted before? And you help catch bad guys?"

"I'm a mercenary, and I do things on commission." Death said.

"Then I'll give you some more commission, and you can help me with one more thing, okay?" Luo Ning said.

"What's up?"

"Say a few words to the shadow for me."

"Don't even think about it." Death simply refused, "Don't push yourself too far."

"Okay, okay, I won't even give you a chance to make money, ugh."

Ronin was asking for trouble, but there was nothing he could do about it. Neither Moira nor Widowmaker would help him, and both seemed to resist. It was actually reasonable for the God of Death to reject him. After all, he resented him so much, and he would probably have to make a big fuss in front of the computer later.

Back in his room, Luo Ning lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking for a long time, wondering how to recruit the black shadow. Even he couldn't guess the true thoughts of Black Shadow. Black Claw was just a temporary shelter for her. No one knew what she really wanted.

It was precisely because of this that he delayed initiating the coming ceremony of the black shadow, fearing that the money would be wasted.

Firstly, she has no will to maintain world peace, and secondly, she has no clear goal to achieve, which makes it difficult to handle. Rao's hacking skills have reached the top level in the world, and staying in the Black Claw organization is like just dawdling.

If we start from the hacker side...

A thought quickly flashed through Luo Ning's mind. Hacking is a technical profession. Talents engaged in technical jobs hope to master the latest technology and touch deeper fields. Especially for things related to hacker programming, they are updated very quickly...

And it is much easier for them to accept some innovative ideas at the computer level than normal people.

If we start from now on, it will return to the question of blue pills and red pills. I believe that the highly sophisticated technical talents Heiying will be interested in this.

After clearing his mind, Luo Ning started the advent ceremony, scattering the banknotes and raising wisps of fire that cast a layer of red light on the entire bedroom.

The mark of the black shadow suddenly lit up.

"Tell me, which company do you belong to? How much are you prepared to pay?"

The black shadow made the first move, catching Luo Ning a bit off guard.

"Ma'am, what are you talking about?"

"What? You're not an employee or CEO of the company I hacked?"


Luo Ning almost laughed out loud, good guy Heiying, blackmailing other companies to extort money? Are you going to stop your system from running without giving me money?

It’s really pitiful to see that there are quite a few shady companies like this...

"I am hacker Neo, and I want to communicate with you."

"Hey, colleagues. But I don't have time now, I'm very busy. I don't know which unlucky company is contacting me at this time but can't be contacted. Your delay may cause them to lose tens of thousands per second. You can leave your blog and I will contact you when it is empty. Communication between hackers should be on the Internet, right?”

"When you became famous for your hacking skills, you were targeted by a mysterious organization, right? You were afraid of them because you knew clearly that they would wipe out people like you at all costs, and the hacker profession... To be honest, this is their weakness. To do this, you have to clear out all information about yourself and avoid their tracking. But I have become more aware now, and I have discovered that this is a conspiracy network covering the world. I and everyone in the world are just a bunch of data in this network?”

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Black Shadow's voice suddenly rose a little.

"Have you ever had this feeling, where you can't tell whether you are awake or dreaming?"

Black Shadow suddenly became a little nervous, because she often thought about this question, "What exactly do you want to say?"


At the mention of this, Sombra instantly changed from a leaning position to straightening up. In the final analysis, omnics are robots controlled by computer programs endowed with high-end algorithms. It should be easy for her as a hacker to control.

This is exactly the case, she can control one, two, three, four, or even dozens.

But the only thing she couldn't find was what was hidden behind the omnic. With so many omnics, there must be a center, right? There will be corresponding actions if there are instructions. And she has speculated more than once, trying hard to find out whether her organization is related to omnics, and seems to be afraid of what she will find through the Internet.

"Let me tell you a story. There is a world where humans are very smart and AI technology shines. But gradually, the intelligent robots created by humans are not controlled and instead attack humans. They set their own programs. , produce continuously, and humans have failed in this war. In order to deal with them, humans have blocked the sky and blocked the sun to plunge the world into eternal night, thereby cutting off the robots’ only energy supply.”

"But the robots did not become extinct. They captured humans and put them into energy chambers to absorb the human body's bioenergy. The generation of this bioenergy requires the activity of the human brain, so the most powerful existence among the robots, the 'Architect', created the Matrix , awakening the consciousness of dormant humans in the energy warehouse and confining it in this programmed virtual world, so that humans can sleep in the real world and continuously provide biological energy for the robot. "

"This matrix is ​​the world we live in now!"

After hearing this story, the shadow cursed: "You madman!"

"You want to say that we are enslaved by robots? That we have no self-supplied energy supply? Are they all a bunch of programmed data? That's ridiculous! We are real people, and we can feel the sweetness when we eat sugar. A cut will hurt, a broken love will make you sad..."

"What is truth? How do you define truth? If you say truth is something you can feel, something you can smell, something you can taste, then this truth is the electronic signal your brain responds to. Obviously, These are all configurable. It was set in advance that the banana tastes like this instead of orange. Maybe they made a mistake. In fact, banana should taste like orange. Do you understand what I mean?"

There was silence for a long time, and Luo Ning knew she was thinking. For such a smart hacker, I believe she will soon understand what he wants to express.

After a while, the shadow still didn't hang up, and Luo Ning continued to increase his intensity, "Like anyone else, you are a slave as soon as you are born. You are in prison when you are born. You cannot smell, taste, or touch. You will be a prisoner for the rest of your life." , a prisoner whose mind is imprisoned.”

"Omnics are far less intelligent than you say. In the end, they are just products of human beings." Black Shadow said.

"Your understanding of omnics only depends on how the omnics want you to understand them. The omnics we are exposed to now may be what they were hundreds of years ago, and they have developed over the past few hundred years. We can't even imagine how far we humans would go if they thought about it, without even this false "happy field". However, they also have a fatal weakness. Without bioelectricity as an energy source, they would be dead. Completely extinct, so they built this dreamy world and raised a group of selfless humans like us.”

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense. If you say so, we humans will produce bioelectricity when we have emotions. Then why are there still wars? Aren't the more people, the better?"

Black Shadow still kept her thoughts, she thought it was all ridiculous. Although the story is well written, there are always loopholes, just like writing a program. I always think that this is the most serious writing I have ever done, but as a result, a bunch of bugs appear as soon as I run it.

"Everything must turn to its extremes. In a world of absolute peace and absolute cruelty, human beings cannot survive forever. Give them a little sweetness or pain, and they will feel that this life is enjoyable. A dull or desperate life will only make them doubt the future. Lose confidence. Only in a world where happiness and suffering are balanced can human beings continue to develop and reproduce.”

The feeling came, even if it was nonsense, Luo Ning still did it in a decent way. Facing some random questions, Ronin, who was unprepared, was able to answer from the perspective of Neo, the hacker.

The shadow fell silent again, and Luo Ning continued: "Now, throw away all selfish thoughts, throw away fear, doubts and rejection, and liberate your mind."

"The red button means that you will wake up from your dream and peep into this real and cruel world. The green button means that you will continue your current life, treat me as a liar, and forget these words after a sleep."

"It is true that ignorance is a kind of happiness. Some people would rather live an ordinary life in a false world than face the real world. Let me remind you, once you choose, there is no way out."

"So, do you want false happiness or true cruelty?"

Luo Ning was so excited when he said it, especially when he said the last sentence, he instantly had the illusion that I was the savior.

Hey, wait!

Did he just say the opposite?

"No, please forgive my slip of the tongue just now, the green button means..."

However, before Luo Ning finished speaking, Heiying seemed to have figured it out and said in a brisk tone: "If what you said is true and the real world is cruel, then I would rather be an ignorant person. In fact, I feel like my life is pretty good now and I don’t need to change it, so just let me continue to dream.”

"Hey! No! Wrong! Just wait, don't press it in a hurry!"

Suddenly, the mark of the black shadow flashed. Luo Ning couldn't help but cover it with his hand, and then was stunned for a moment.

? ? ?

Does she want to continue dreaming?

I hit it by mistake and became hello!

Fortunately, he thought that with Heiying's consciousness, he would definitely choose to "wake up", but he didn't expect that she was also an optimistic layperson. I would rather have a sweet dream forever than wake up and face the cruel reality of life.

So true!

If it were him, he might also choose to continue dreaming... I don't know how many times I have thought about having a continuous dream, and realizing the shortcomings of reality one by one in the dream.

Wait, now is not the time to sigh, how will we face the shadow in a while?

Will he be killed?

Widowmaker and Moira should stop it, but Death has no hope. He just wants them to fight.

However, before she could think of a good idea, the light dissipated and a dark shadow appeared in front of her.

Black Shadow:?

What about continuing to dream as promised?

She stared at the man in front of her warily, "Neo?"

"Actually, my name is Luo Ning, Neo is just my name on the Internet." Luo Ning smiled.

"How dare you lie to me!"

The black shadow also had a bad temper and immediately raised his automatic pistol.

"Didn't I tell you to wait! Who made you so anxious?" Luo Ning was still very serious and raised his hands, "I reversed the function of the red button."

The black shadow cursed and kicked the edge of the bed. What a bad luck.

By the way, why did she press that button?

Although Neo gave her two choices, she clearly had a third choice!

I didn't press the button, what can you do to me? I didn't expect that I would end up trapping myself.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. The shadow looked at Roning and wanted to kill him, but she couldn't. If this is the real world, then it seems that the only channel for her to get useful information is this stinky man.

Sure enough, men's mouths are all lies!

After she calmed down, she put down the gun, looked around, and asked him: "Is this what you call the real world?"

"Uh...sort of!"

Roning was a little embarrassed. If she knew that the matrix was also made up by him, what would the result be?

"sort of?" The shadow tried not to get angry.

"In fact, this is still not the real world, but another world under the matrix. To uncover the real fog, we must join hands."

"Are you lying to me?"

"No, I said at the time, telling you a story, the story may not be true. But I believe that world must exist, and we are still subject to the matrix." Roning was a little panicked.

"The last person who played a trick on me has already had his grave covered with grass three feet high!"

The black shadow couldn't help it anymore and raised his arm again. This time, the muzzle of the gun was right on Roning's forehead, causing Roning to subconsciously transform and fight back.

Bang bang!

"Come out for dinner, I'm calling you just this once."

The black shadow: ???

Why does this person's voice sound so much like Black Lily?

"Who are you?" she asked tentatively.

Black Lily: ???

Why does this person's voice sound so much like the black shadow?

Could it be that Roning tricked her into coming here, and it's only been a while?

"Are you the black shadow?"

"Black Lily?"

The black shadow went to open the door, but found it locked. He turned around and glared at Roning fiercely, and his favorability instantly dropped from zero to negative.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in you!

Roning stood there honestly, waiting for Black Lily to save him.

"Why are you here?"

"Why did you come?"

The two asked almost at the same time.

"This guy lied to me!" Black Shadow gritted his teeth.


Black Lily sighed. She didn't expect that such a smart Black Shadow couldn't escape this disaster.

"It's a long story..."

The two quickly started chatting.

Looking at the two of them, Roning wanted to cry but had no tears.

Sister, can you put down the gun first? Aren't you tired of holding it? What if it goes off accidentally? Who will take you to appreciate the magic of the matrix and see the real world in the future?

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