Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 773 Iron Fist Premiere

The premiere day of Iron Fist.

When the Overwatch logo appeared on the screen, the fans were excited. Overwatch has become an entertainment culture. And it is not only entertainment. In real life, the appearance of the Overwatch logo means that Overwatch is dispatched.

Unfortunately, Overwatch has become a thing of the past, and those heroes who once protected the world have disappeared.

When the main film started, everyone was instantly attracted by the opening scene.

The protagonist of this movie, Akan Ogundimu, was born into a wealthy family, which can be seen from the simple and elegant decoration and ornaments in his home. There is no need to deliberately reflect it with luxury cars and watches, even if the protagonist is now boxing with his bare chest.

Akan Ogundimu was born into a famous family in Nigeria and was destined to inherit the family's prosthetic technology company.

Ogundimu has both wisdom and personal charm. He helped expand the family business and laid the direction for the company's future.

In his spare time, he devoted himself to his hobby - competitive martial arts.

He learned traditional African martial arts such as danbe and gidibo, as well as modern martial arts such as wrestling, and combined the most effective moves to create his own style.

Ogundimu traveled the continent to compete, using his intuition and technology to see through his opponents, and then using amazing speed and strength to win.

However, he lost his right arm shortly after the Omnic Crisis, and his martial arts career ended before he could reach the top.

His company's cybernetic prosthetics healed his injuries and even made him stronger, but these enhanced limbs also made him ineligible to compete.

He tried to turn his passion for fighting into business, but nothing could fill the void in his heart... until Akinji Odiyemi, the Scourge of Numbani and the second Doomfist, gave him a new opportunity.

Odiyemi proposed that Ogundimu fight at his side as a mercenary.

Ogundimu agreed warily.

But he found that now he finally had an arena where he could fully utilize his enhanced abilities.

In the end, Audiemi brought Ogundimu into the "Black Claw" organization.

"Black Claw" believes that humans must experience conflict to become stronger, and this belief coincides with Ogundimu's personal experience.

In addition, the power struggle within "Black Claw" also gave him a new opportunity to use his talents on the board with the cunning of a fighter.

Seeing this, movie fans are wondering why it is Black Claw again.

What exactly does this Black Claw organization do? It looks like a terrorist organization, but what they do is not entirely for crime. It seems to have a purpose, but no one knows what this purpose is.

To be honest, Ronin doesn't know what Black Claw wants to do. Everyone in the Black Claw organization has their own little calculations. They seem to be united but are actually scattered. The power behind Black Claw is the key, but all this is still a mystery. From what has been revealed so far, all the clues revealed are just the tip of the iceberg of the facts. The real big boss will not be Doomsday. Iron Fist will not be the god of death, and the real big boss seems to be related to the Wisdom Eye.

What is the Wisdom Eye? What does Zenyatta mean by escaping into the Wisdom Eye?

It's all a mystery.

Back to the movie.

Odiemi is a useful talent for Talon, but the organization sees greater potential in Ogundimu, who is smart and capable enough to take on command responsibilities.

Odiemi is satisfied with the small profits from the attack on Numbani, but Ogundimu sees further. The gap in ambition eventually led Ogundimu to kill his mentor and inherit the name and gloves of "Doomsday Iron Fist".

As the new generation of "Doomsday Iron Fist", Ogundimu's status in "Talon" has risen steadily.

He participated in the planning of a new conflict, in "Talon" ” vision, this conflict will one day engulf the entire world.

However, before their plan could be realized, Ogundimu was targeted by an Overwatch team including Tracer, Winston and Genji.

With the power of the gloves and his own speed advantage, Ogundimu seemed to be at ease even against three people.

The arc shot from Winston's Tesla cannon was dodged by him with a quick dodge, and he quickly stepped forward and punched Winston away.

Genji and Tracer attacked together, and Ogundimu was able to fight with his body flexibility, accurately blocking the attack with his gloves, and always looking for the flaws of the two.

Seeking the opportunity, Ogundimu smashed the ground, lifted the stone and threw it at Genji, who chopped it into pieces with a knife.

With the cover of the stone, Ogundimu Then, a punch also flew away.

Facing Tracer's flash, Ogundimu seemed particularly calm, using his years of martial arts experience to find the pattern of Tracer's actions, and then took her down in one fell swoop.

When Winston saw that Tracer's time accelerator was torn to pieces, Winston went into a rage and rushed to confront Ogundimu.

Whether it was a round-robin battle or a joint attack, Ogundimu could always handle it with ease.

But as the battle line lengthened, Genji drew out the dragon blade, Winston was completely furious, and Ogundimu could not resist and was defeated.

He was imprisoned in a maximum security prison. For several years, he had been patiently waiting for the chess pieces he had planted to make a wave.

Finally, he felt that the time was ripe to return, and he escaped from the prison and came to the rendezvous point provided by Talon.

"You're late."

There was a person under the fighter plane, and the camera zoomed in to see that it was the Grim Reaper.

"There's something to take care of, let's go." Ogundimu got on the fighter plane, "Tell me about the Russian mission."

"Our goal was to kill Katya Volskaya, but we failed." The Grim Reaper said.

"Forget it, whose idea was it?"

"Vieri. Volskaya is unpredictable, and some people are not happy about it."

"That's her value, she will keep the fight going. It's more useful to keep Volskaya alive, and it's always been like this."

"'Shadow' thinks so too, she's been very busy lately and thinks she's smart, but I've been keeping an eye on her."

"I don't mind my people having their own little ideas, I noticed that someone killed Mondatta."

"Lakwa, the tension in London is on the verge of breaking out, it hasn't been this bad since the King's Road crisis."

" That was a missed opportunity, but who would have thought Overwatch would get involved? "

"Speaking of them, I got a piece of Overwatch's database. I've dealt with a few of the people on the list."

Ogundimu glanced at him, "Morrison and Emmaly?"

"Not yet."

"I hope you won't get emotional."


"These things can be put aside for now. First, I need to talk to Maximilian. I need the terrain there... and a set of clothes."

Death said to Ogundimu, who was wearing a waistcoat, "Do you need to borrow some money?"


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