Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 9: Taking the blame

There were name tags on the seats, except for Ronin. Everyone was sitting, and Ronin was standing alone, feeling very embarrassed.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a full beard came over, with a big belly.

He greeted him with a smile and pointed to the seat on the stage, "Mr. Ronin, your seat is there!"

Ronin naturally knew this man, Gino Cromwell, CEO of Ring City Films.

He once humbly approached Cromwell to discuss cooperation, but in the end he didn't even meet him. His assistant told him that Cromwell was attending an important meeting in Canada and would be back in a few days.

In fact, as far as he knew, Cromwell was in the company at the time, but he just avoided seeing him.

The reason was simple. Ring City Films was the largest film company in the United States, and it was dismissive of cooperation proposed by small companies, believing that small companies could not create profits for such a giant as them.

"Mr. Cromwell, do you remember that a small company approached you to discuss cooperation?" Ronin smiled.

Without waiting for his answer, Roning laughed at himself again, "How could an excellent company like Huancheng care about those small companies? I am so naive."

Cromwell was slightly stunned. There were too many companies that approached him to discuss cooperation. He really couldn't remember them. Could it be...

Suddenly he realized something and immediately regretted it. If Overwatch Pictures had really come to him, he would have missed a gold mine, an inexhaustible gold mine.

Roning sat in his seat. Those who could sit here were all well-known big names in the industry.

Seeing him coming, several people sitting on the stage smiled and gestured.

Many faces were familiar. Several of them had once ridiculed him, thinking that his ideas were too naive and that a story supported by heroism could not win the audience's love.

But now "Soldier: 76" has slapped these people in the face.

At first, these people thought that making art films and documentary films had connotation and style, and most audiences would like them. However, as one movie after another failed, they realized that modern society needs more light-hearted and refreshing movies.

So "Dawn of War" came out, and it set off a wave of enthusiasm at the time, but it quickly subsided, because this movie can only be regarded as touching the threshold of commercial movies, and it is still far from the culmination of "Soldier: 76".

Now they see that "Soldier: 76" is popular all over the world, so they follow suit, but the results are not satisfactory.

Luo Ning just wants to tell them that they are too naive. The script he brought with him when he traveled through time is unparalleled. If anyone can imitate it, he would be unworthy of his identity as a traveler.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend this international film summit. I also hope that this international film summit will end successfully..."

When Luo Ning's thoughts were flying, Cromwell, as the organizer, was already standing in front of the microphone and began his boring opening speech.

After the speech, warm applause broke out, and Luo Ning clapped twice reluctantly.

To be honest, it was really uncomfortable to sit on the stage for the first time. It gave him the illusion that all the people sitting below were students. This was very similar to the previous school meetings, the difference was that the summit was more impressive.

"Why hold a summit? It is to promote the development of the film market, make it more prosperous, and provide a platform for sharing and communication for the best filmmakers in the world. For this reason, we specially invite Mr. Luo Ning, the screenwriter of "Soldier: 76" and CEO of Overwatch Pictures. Let us invite him to the stage with applause. I believe everyone can't wait."

Cromwell spoke passionately, and then there was a deafening applause.

Filmmakers from all over the world are looking forward to this moment. The man who created the industry legend, Mr. Luo Ning, is finally going to speak!

People outside the hall also looked expectant, but Lucy was very nervous. The boss didn't even prepare a speech. If he went up, he might talk nonsense, which would be very bad.

When his name was called, Luo Ning looked at Cromwell in confusion. The fat on the latter's face trembled obviously. Obviously, he didn't know what he meant by sitting still. Was he showing off?

The whole audience fell into a mysterious silence.

"Ah... The driver drove too fast on the way here. I was dizzy from shaking back and forth. I haven't recovered yet. Mr. Cromwell, let others speak first. I'm really sorry. I will definitely deduct the driver's salary later."

Luo Ning held his forehead and pretended to be very uncomfortable.

Actually, his thoughts had already flown to the sky and couldn't be taken back. Moreover, he didn't have the ability to make a temporary speech, so he had to buy himself some time. No matter what he said, he could say a few words after preparing. At least it wouldn't be too embarrassing.

Some people in the audience couldn't help laughing. Mr. Luo Ning was really a man of temperament and his speech was also humorous.

Looking at the big screen, seeing Thomas's depressed face again, Lucy was amused, "Thomas, is your job to take the blame for Mr. Ronin?"

Thomas blended into the night. If it weren't for the lights, he might have disappeared on the spot if he closed his eyes and mouth.

He smiled bitterly: "Maybe..."

A bitter smile is also a smile. As a human being, you have to live with a smile! o(╥﹏╥)o

Cromwell had no choice but to say: "Then, let's invite Mr. 'Soldier 7 Hopkins' to the stage to give a speech first!"

After the applause, a blond man as thin as a bamboo pole walked onto the stage and came to the podium.

He bowed first, then said: "Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, I am 'Soldier 7 Hopkins. Maybe you have heard of my name before filming 'Soldier: 76'. You may think that a barely famous director like me would not take on a movie from a small company."

There was a "ah" sound from the audience, and they all thought he was too modest. If he could only be considered barely famous, then there would be no famous directors in the world.

"But you are wrong. When Mr. Roning found me and gave me the script, I decided that I must make this movie, even if Mr. Roning was so poor that he couldn't even afford the salary at that time."

Director Hopkins laughed, and all the filmmakers in the audience laughed with him.

Apart from laughing, one can feel the difficulty of Watchman Pictures at that time. Now they have risen with this movie, which can be called a legend in the industry, unprecedented!

"Why? Because I was sure that this movie would be a big hit. My intuition has always been very accurate, and I have never seen such a perfect script. It is obviously a movie with a very vivid heroic color, but it is mixed with the exploration of human nature, the interpretation of death, the cognition of disasters, and the interpretation of peace."

"Now it seems that my choice is not wrong. The script of "Soldier: 76" is perfect, so perfect that I have no faults. I just showed it in the way of lens. The core is still in the script. Therefore, the success of "Soldier: 76" is mainly attributed to Mr. Roning."

"Mr. Roning is not only a CEO who can keenly perceive market needs, but also a great screenwriter. I want to thank Mr. Roning for providing me with such a perfect script, allowing me to complete such a wonderful movie. Thank you!"

Director Hopkins nodded slightly to where Roning was, and Roning nodded and smiled.

Director Hopkins is a very good person. At that time, Director Hopkins was very prestigious in the industry. Roning found him when he was desperate. He didn't have much hope, but he agreed.

Among many directors, he was the only one who agreed to settle his salary after the film was released.

Now it seems that his choice was very far-sighted. The popularity of "Soldier: 76" made him famous all over the world.

After Director Hopkins left the stage, Cromwell called his name again. Luo Ning stood up and walked to the podium.

Standing in front of the podium, a wonderful feeling came to my mind, and my stiff face became lively.

The Little Sunflower Mom Class is open!

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