Although according to the previous head-to-head comparison, he is one head taller than the iron hammer, but the visual inspection is definitely not more than [-] meters!

  Monsters are heroes based on their size. This mysterious monster cannot reach the level of the king of monsters!

  General Luo glanced at Lin Changge, saw his serious face, and explained:

  "Preliminary speculation is that this mysterious monster is 85 meters tall, has a speed of 7, strength of 9, armor of 9, and its toxicity is uncertain, because he has not been injured once so far!"

  "This data and this size are indeed not enough to list him as the king of monsters."

  "But the experts in the analysis department pointed out that the breath power of this mysterious monster is too amazing. In terms of pure destructive power, it is definitely at the level of a beast king!"

  "If the destructive power is reached, then he is the Beastmaster!"

  Lin Changge nodded slightly, his expression a little lonely:

  "I see, Uncle Luo."

  Every time there is a beastmaster on the earth, the living environment of human beings will be three-thirds worse.

  General Luo can understand Lin Changge's loneliness, because he feels the same!

  Lin Diange comforted his sister:

  "It's okay, it's good that this is a Beastmaster, it means that we have repelled a Beastmaster!"

  "Thank you, sister, I was laughed at."

  Lin Changge replied helplessly.

  Lin Diange was not surprised, she turned to look at General Luo on the small screen, and asked attentively:

  "Uncle Luo, is there any other reason why you deliberately transmitted the satellite image of the beast king killing the snake king?"

  "We can't let us go into the sea to chase this Beastmaster, can we?"

  "Let me state first, Ulay is a land combat mecha and is not good at naval combat!"

  General Luo replied:

  "Don't worry, I didn't tell you to go to sea to chase, you don't need to be afraid."

  Lin elegy nodded:

  "Then I'm relieved."

  General Luo's voice came again:

  "I mean, although the beastmaster has left, the possibility of him returning again cannot be ruled out!"

  "If he really goes ashore from Sakurajima again..."

  "Elegy, long song, I hope you can do your best to deal with this beastmaster and buy time for others!"

  Dealing with a monster that is defined as the Beastmaster, and is also a bulky and bulky Ulay that is defined as a land mech.

  It's no different than dancing on the tip of a knife.

  Lin Elegy and Lin Changge fell silent at the same time.

  Although they are young, they have experienced many sisters, and they are very clear about what their answers represent.

  But after a brief silence, the two responded in unison:

  "Guaranteed to complete the mission, Uncle Luo/General Luo!"


  ps: everyone, good night?(^?^*)

Section 14 014. Countdown to Destruction?

  014. Countdown to doom?

  In the boundless sea, the newly born king of monsters stepped on the sea water and tore the monster codenamed Snake King with both hands.

  After another atomic breath spit in the middle of the snake king's body, softening the latter's flesh, the king of monsters completely showed his brutality!

  The two seemingly powerless little hands also showed his super brutal side at this moment!

  Seemingly powerless, it's just an outward judgment.

  In fact, the power possessed by the hands of the Beastmaster is still not comparable to other monsters.

  The two small short hands went into battle together, tearing the body of the Snake King who had been soft-spoken!

  Stab it! ! !

  Like tearing a piece of cloth, the Snake King's 112-meter-long body was instantly torn into two pieces!

  Then the new Beastmaster did not forget to make up for the knife.

  Instead, he directly pressed the snake king's neck, and another atomic breath blasted head to head!

  "Today, Uncle Godzilla will teach you how to use breath!"

  The unparalleled atomic breath devoured the snake king's head in an instant, and the surging power of the atomic breath poured out along the latter's throat and other parts of the organization, directly penetrating half of the snake king's body!

  From a distance, it seemed as if the Snake King had given himself an atomic breath.

  Such a terrifying attack has been 'cleaned' inside the body, and the destructive power produced is incomparably astonishing.

  There is no way a fragile body can defend itself.

  Half of the Snake King's body was scorched to black by the powerful breath, and the body was turned into coke.

  After this blow was over, Luo Bing was enough to confirm the death of the opponent.

  Throwing the corpse of the snake king into the sea, the beast king screamed in the sky, as if announcing his existence to all directions!


  After roaring, Luo Bing glanced around indifferently, but this time he didn't find any peeping eyes.

  So he dived deep into the water again and disappeared into the detection range of human technology.

  After a fight to beat the children and the use of several atomic breaths, his activity time has been reduced from 37 minutes to 22 minutes.

  The journey back to the base will take at least 10 minutes, and other accidents will happen, so it can no longer be delayed.

  No one could have imagined that the Beastmaster who brought haze to the whole world was simply rushing his way.


  "General Luo, the satellite has lost the follow-up trace of the Beastmaster again!"

  General Luo nodded, indicating that he already knew.

  He then said without any emotion:

  "Everyone, pray."

  "Pray that this beastmaster swims directly to the sea, or to an island in the direction of Malay, instead of landing on Sakurajima!"

  "I have already asked for help in China, and Commander-in-Chief Lan has agreed to my request, but support will take time..."

  "If the Beastmaster really goes ashore from Sakurajima again..."

  General Luo did not continue.

  Instead, he closed his eyes slightly, with some hope in his heart.

  From the practical point of view, if the Beastmaster chooses to land, he must choose Sakurajima on the principle of proximity, and he will not detour to the horse.

  The stench of the poisonous blood of the mountain steel is still infested in the ghost place of Malaya, and it is also because the poisonous blood has formed something like the border of the animal kingdom.

  Let Malay not be attacked by other monsters in recent years.

  This is the only lucky one among all misfortunes.

  Judging from all possibilities, the possibility of the new Beastmaster going to Malaysia is very slim.

  However, General Luo and others knew that this possibility was low, and they still thought and looked forward to it.

  In the absence of large mechas, the fragility of human beings is vividly displayed.

  In the headquarters, there was a white-haired, paralyzed woman sitting in the corner.

  Even after a long series of changes, she still has a very calm personality and is not affected by external emotions at all.

  Glancing at the colleagues in the headquarters with different emotions, she said:

  "First Iron Hammer, and then the Snake King and... the Beast King were discovered a hundred miles away from Sakurajima."

  "Everyone's eyes were drawn to the beastmaster, but didn't you think about the appearance of this series of three-headed monsters, what does it represent?"

  Everyone in the headquarters thought about it for a while, and then their eyes showed horror.

  The woman nodded:

  "It seems that everyone has thought of it."

  "Yes, the frequency of monster attacks on Sakurajima has increased. If not, it is at least more attractive to monsters. Before the last battle in Malay, there was such a situation."

  "I did some research on the side, and finally named this situation as 'Countdown to the Destruction of the Nation'. The specific manifestation is that in the period before the eradication of the country, the frequency of monster attacks continued to increase, until the entire country was destroyed!"

  A colleague next to him was slightly frightened by the woman's remarks.

  He couldn't help but complain:

  "I said, classmate Bai Qingxin, we all know that you have always been the heir to pessimism, but at this time, don't make trouble, okay?"

  Bai Qingxin glanced at his colleague, and the calm eyes seemed to be saying that people are stupid and don't talk.

  She had no intention of arguing with the other party, but instead suggested to General Luo:

  "General Luo, since this situation has already happened, my suggestion is to evacuate all the staff, instead of continuing to fight hard."

  "We cannot bear the losses of the Malay World War I."

  General Luo rubbed his temples:

  "I told Commander Lan all what you said."

  "Commander-in-chief Lan's answer is very positive. He said that we can make Sakurajima today, the peninsula tomorrow, Baodao the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow we have to move to the Himalayas!"

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