Perhaps the appeals and statements of all parties are different at the beginning.

  But in the end, a unanimous statement has been unanimously agreed by everyone.

  That is - all the Gobbits must be eliminated, and these invaders must be completely cleaned up!

  But this request is definitely not acceptable.

  The upper echelons of the earth are willing to throw out some of the useless Guobit people to quell public anger.

  But to throw all the Gobbits out?

  Just to quell public anger?

  This is such a waste.

  People's anger and grievances only need a little satisfaction. If they really satisfy the other party, they will be satisfied with whatever they say. Wouldn't they just let them ride on their heads and rebel?

  This is the most unpretentious idea of ​​high-level gentlemen.


  "After trial, all are executed by shooting!"

  The simple and boring sentence is a piece of waste paper, and the actual order has already been issued.

  After receiving the order, the soldiers who had previously pressed these Guobits to the execution ground all took a step back, and then began to raise their guns in a uniform manner.

  Their actions are all neat, very orderly and disciplined, but they can't hide the excitement of these warriors.

  It is not easy to find the opportunity to personally execute Guo Bit.

  Those who can come to the scene are all elites in the army.

  Each of them is a burly and straight man. In the eyes of these Guobit people, who are generally only [-] meters tall, each of them is a devil!

  to take their lives!

  "Don't do it! Do not do it!"

  "Don't kill me, I confess, I know super monster cell connection and bridge technology, and few people except me do! I want to be treated well, not killed!"

  Under this terrible pressure, some Guobit people lost their toughness before, but became softer.

  The soldier who was about to shoot him hesitated a little.

  Because these words were spoken in the language of Guobit, and looking at the latter's expression, it was obviously a very important message.


  The brain was stagnant for less than two seconds, and the soldier's arm was already moving under the trend of anger and hatred.

  The barrel spewed fire, and Huang Chengcheng's bullet instantly started to rotate and fire.

  In the eyes of the Guobit civilization and the Little Green Man civilization, the hot weapons that are extremely backward can still easily take their lives.

  The Gobbit scientist, who changed his mind only when he was about to die, ended up dying.

  The first batch of Guobit people were all slaughtered, and no one was spared.

  The audience under the stage, and the audience who were still far away in front of the screens in various places, saw this scene and were instantly excited and happy.

  They feel that their hatred has been vented and their will expressed.

  Public grievances and anger have also been visibly reduced.

  After a few batches of heads were chopped off, the plan of the top executives of Earth Headquarters was considered a success.

  And what happened next in the Arbitration Square was unsurprisingly, that's how it came.

  On the second floor of Arbitration next to the square, behind the glass layer, Guo Bitjian, who was brought over by the squinting high-level executive, watched this scene without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

  In fact, many of the people who died today were exposed by him.

  "But...General Manager, is it really worth it?"

  "Can I really succeed?"

  This Guo Bit traitor was thinking about these things in his heart, and when he felt that the task on his shoulders was getting heavier and heavier, Luo Bing's voice came from beside him.

  "Shouldn't you go down now and receive the same treatment as them?"

  Guo Bitjian's face changed dramatically, he immediately covered his robe tightly, and then hid behind the squinting high-level executives.

  Not as he hoped, the squinting high-level really stood up and spoke for him:

  "Luo Bing! Don't be joking!"

  "This is a senior expert specially hired by our research institute, don't scare him with this kind of joke!"

  Luo Bing smiled but not smiled:

  "Oh, yes? Then you think I'm joking?"

  Squinting and his face changed:

  "What do you mean by that?"

  Luo Bing asked back:

  "Before that, let me ask you a question - what you call hiring an expert... what is his corresponding research project?"


Section 362 049. Godzilla making an exception for the first time

  Talking about this Guo Bit traitor's counterpart project, the squinting executive finally changed his face and lost his previous calm.

  Although he had shown some anger and indignation at Luo Bing's arrival before, it was only a pretense after all, it was a kind of bluff.

  In fact, in the bottom of my heart, it may be that Luo Bing will use this Guo Bit to provoke trouble.

  But this challenge is not another challenge.

  The squinting high-level only thought that Luo Bing would humiliate the latter, and even send him to the execution ground again.

  But he never thought that Luo Bing would point out the direction of this Guo Bit traitor's counterpart research!

  This... This makes the squinting eyes tremble.

  It was not only the shock and panic of being discovered the secret, but also because this incident was leaked to Luo Bing's ears, but it also represented one thing - among those who followed him, someone betrayed him!

  "He is an expert with high hopes for our headquarters research institute, and can bring a new breakthrough to the technological barriers of our planet!"

  The squinting high-level man gestured to the soldiers around him, and then continued to prepare to use justice to force Luo Bing to bow his head, pretending that this had never happened.

  He reminded coldly:

  "Luo Bing, don't forget, you slandered me as a little green man, I haven't settled with you yet!"

  "Now those planetary passages have all been destroyed, and Godzilla has returned smoothly. Your plan has been fulfilled. What do you want to do now?"

  "Don't take an inch! Even if you really have great credit on your shoulders, you can't help being corrupt like this!"

  "Those credits are not, all earned by yourself - my deceased senior, doesn't want you to take his legacy and waste it like this!"

  Luo Bing's expression remained the same, but his eyes became somewhat empty.

  Then he recovered and shook his head:

  "Actually, I really hope in my heart that you have been replaced by the little green man. At least this proves that everything you said before is the little green man, the plan of this alien civilization."

  "And now your rhetoric will only make me feel that you are far away from me, and you are no longer the same person."

  "In the era of monster invasion, all of us were united and united to the outside world."

  "If anyone has two hearts like you, our base line of defense would have been broken long ago."

  "But...why...we can go through those hard times together, but not be able to face the current times together as one?"

  "You can share hardships, but you can't share joys?"

  When Luo Bing said this, he shook his head regretfully:

  "Really, very disappointing."

  Squinting his eyes, he couldn't help being a little speechless, and some memories of the past flashed in his small eyes.

  He was also the commander of a large Mechland in the days of the monster invasion.

  At that time, the behemoth titan had not yet awakened. Whenever there was a loophole in the defense line in that mech land, other mech land would watch over and help each other, and transport the mecha to the loophole in the defense line for support.

  If in the process of transporting mechas to support in this mech ground, there is a loophole in my defense line, and monsters come to attack.

  Then the other mech sites will not sit idly by.

  It was the most difficult time for mankind, but it was also the most united time.

  Why is everything peaceful now, but there are all kinds of intrigue?

  After a brief silence, he squinted his eyes and raised his head, and said slowly:

  "It's human desire, it's greed, that causes it all."

  "Wanting everything to be better, to make our civilization stronger and not invaded by outside invaders - this is what I'm striving for now."

  Luo Bing said very bluntly:

  "With Godzilla here, you can relax."

  Squinting and shaking his head:

  "I don't know why you believe so much in Godzilla and Titan."

  "However, I have never believed in them from the bottom of my heart - even in the era of monster invasion, they were in the same camp as us humans, and they never took the initiative to hurt humans, but I still don't trust them!"

  Hearing this, Luo Bing nodded slightly, somewhat understanding.

  This is a typical "non-I race must be different" advocates!

  There were only a few signs before.

  But as mankind ushered in peace and began to compete for the throne of the earth's master again, this contradiction will become more and more acute.

  In the final analysis, peace came too early, too busy to be troubled!

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