As the human body of Godzilla, Luo Bing has the confidence to say these words.

  Junko thought of the first time she drove the Sakura Sword in actual combat.

  At that time, Nakamura fainted, and she was able to drive the Sakura Knife by herself, but she only had symptoms of dizziness.

  Such an outstanding person as Luo Jun... must be fine, right?

  'This is the first time I've piloted a mecha, and I'm also training at the base. It's not in actual combat. Luo Jun's physical fitness and all aspects are much better than mine. At that time, I only had symptoms of dizziness. Now Luo Jun insists so much, if Luo Jun is not allowed to experiment once and let him give up...'

  Chunzi passed these thoughts in her mind, then raised her head to look at Luo Bing:

  "Okay! Luo Jun, I believe in you, but please try this time only! Luo Jun, if you feel any discomfort, please stop immediately, and never try to be brave!"

  "I will, isn't there Junko with you next to me? I'm very relieved."


  Junko's face flushed, and she answered in a low voice, not knowing whether she was nervous or worried.


  ps: For the fifth update, please get up tomorrow morning and watch it, it should be even later.

  Strange, why is this coffee getting sleepy the more I drink it? Could it be that I bought a fake? (* ̄︿ ̄)

Section 48 048. The bell rings, the snake king beast (5)

  048. The bell rings, the snake king beast (5)

  To be precise, this was Luo Bing's first time driving a large mecha.

  In the past, he had gone through various mock exams and tried to drive a small mech, all of which were used to exercise his hand.

  Without exception, all passed with full marks.

  But the actual driving experience of a large mecha is really the first time.

  It was the first time for 'Luo Bing' himself.

  From the perspective of God, the feeling of personally mastering the body of the Beastmaster and turning into a brother walking on the ground is completely different from the feeling of driving a large mecha.

  Transforming into a brother-in-law is truly becoming a brother-in-chief, just like returning to his own home, it is called a warm, and living in it is super warm.

  And the feeling that the blood-colored thunder blade brought to Luo Bing seemed to be restrained and oppressed.


  Totally acceptable!

  Like what the textbook said, the single-handed mecha caused too much pressure, and the driver's symptoms of dizziness and nosebleeds, but Luo Bing didn't have any symptoms at all.

  He can even jump up without numbness in his feet!


  "What kind of surprise will a driver with a consonance index of 99 bring us?"

  Lao Luo and Dr. Chen looked forward to the blood-colored Thunder Blade that was about to start.

  Then they saw that the blood-colored thunder blade jumped [-] meters high, and changed its shape in mid-air.

  After two and a half laps in the air, it hit the ground.

  Because the weight is too concentrated on one point, the ground is directly cracked!

  Beastmaster Godzilla walked over slowly yesterday, but did not step on the main road, just walked out some shallow footprints.

  Although it has an impact, it does not affect the use, and the footprints of the Beastmaster Godzilla instantly increase the symbolic meaning of this main road by an unknown number of times!

  As a result, what the Beastmaster failed to do yesterday was done by his own people today!

  Looking at the cracked ground after the blood-colored thunder blade fell from high altitude, Lao Luo's mouth twitched, but he could still keep a smile:

  "It's okay, I'm very proficient in using the mecha's action ability, it's very good, it has surpassed me back then!"

  Lao Luo boasted there, trying not to look at the pit on the ground.

  At this moment, the blood-colored Thunder Blade had already stood firm and steady. As soon as he took his right hand behind him, the Cherry Blossom Blade appeared in his hand.

  Then the two-handed lightning infusion device was activated, and the blue-purple light flashed in an instant, and a layer of lightning buff was attached to the cherry blossom knife!

  Afterwards, the blood-colored Thunder Blade stood on the central square of the base with a cherry-colored sword and waved it.

  While combining strength and lethality, the flexibility of the blood-colored thunder blade was also displayed!

  "The blood-colored thunder blade should only increase its speed a little, right? Why does it look so flexible?"

  Dr. Chen also has something she doesn't understand. She is not a driver, so she doesn't understand the situation in front of her.

  Seeing this, Lao Luo has forgotten his previous unhappiness, and explained with great satisfaction:

  "That's the difference in driver level."

  "The level of the driver's level can really show the corresponding strength of the mecha."

  "It seems that Junko and Xiaobing really match well. The first time they were in sync with each other, they had such a tacit understanding. In the future... the ace mecha in China will definitely be driven by Xiaobing!"

  The so-called trump card is a top-level mecha that has been truly ruined. It is equipped with the most high-end and top-of-the-line materials and technologies. The value of one component is three times that of other mechas.

  Such a high cost is to support the combat effectiveness of the mecha.

  After the heavy losses in the battle with Shangang, the shortcoming of the mecha's strength against the Beastmaster was magnified to the extreme, and the ace mecha was able to start manufacturing.

  But in the end, the technology is limited, even if all the top technology and materials have been adopted, the combat effectiveness of the ace mecha still cannot reach the level of confrontation with the king of monsters.

  To be precise, even half.

  He is well-versed in dealing with ordinary monsters, but he is still incapable of fighting against the Beastmaster, so he is in a dilemma.

  It takes so many resources to harvest so little is not the way, one ace can be dismantled and three first-class mechas can be made.

  So the trump plan was suspended.

  The only trump card is now sitting at the capital base.

  This is also the only ace-level mecha in the world, out of print and limited edition!



  dong dong——

  Just as Lao Luo and Dr. Chen watched Luo Bing's first performance in piloting the mecha, the base bell rang suddenly.

  The staff who had gathered around the square to watch the blood-colored thunder blade play, froze for a while when they heard the sound, then they all scattered and quickly returned to their jobs!

  Both Lao Luo and Dr. Chen's expressions changed.

  "Usually monster attacks don't necessarily happen once a month!"

  "Now, what day is it this month?"

  "Even if it doesn't count the snake king, thunder beast, otter bull and other monsters killed by Godzilla, it's just a sickle head, the time when this monster attacked Sakurajima was only a few days ago!"

  "The frequency of monsters attacking Sakurajima has increased so fast?"

  Lao Luo sighed and left quickly:

  "I'll go to the headquarters first. If you're interested, Dr. Chen, you can watch from the sidelines."

  Dr. Chen glanced at the blood-colored thunder blade that was standing still, and then followed behind Lao Luo:

  "Monster attack, are you going to dispatch that mecha?"

  "If there is only one monster, then dispatch Wu Lei and the Bloody Thunder Blade!"


  "Junzi, I did it!"

  "Luo Jun, you are the strongest!"

  Junko Koizumi said with a bit of a fall.

  Before Luo Bing was driving alone, Junzi was worried about it for a long time, but after Luo Bing showed her strength, Junko was left with nothing but worship.

  Seeing Luo Bing's easy-going appearance, Junzi was a little disappointed, but more happy for Luo Bing.

  Until...the bell rings!

  Soon, the communication of the headquarters rang. After Luo Bing connected, Lao Luo's voice came from inside:

  "Luo Bing! Junko Koizumi! Traces of monsters have been found in the offshore area of ​​Shennai, and it is suspected that they are preparing to land and attack!"

  "Now it's up to you to drive the blood-colored thunder blade and dispatch immediately!"

  "Considering the combat particularity of the Scarlet Thunder Blade, you may not follow the ten-kilometer red line, but take ground blocking operations!"

  "Ulay is already in the activated state, and then he will follow and fight with you!"

  Luo Bing looked solemn:

  "I understand!"

  "Uncle Luo, what kind of monster is the attacking monster?"

  "It's the snake king beast! The second variant of the snake king!"

  A three-dimensional image was transmitted, and the monster image above was the snake king beast.

  This is a super-large four-clawed lizard that is very similar to the snake king, but has evolved limbs.

  There are two drum kits behind the snake king.

  On the back of the snake king beast, these two drum bags have formed a strange image similar to meat wings and animal claws.

  This is the second evolution of the snake king, the snake king beast.

  The snake king beast is 125 meters long, 32 meters long claws, 8 speed, 8 strength, 7 armor, and poisonous.

  Some biological experts speculate that the snake king beast can mutate three times.

  However, no snake king beast with higher mutation has been found so far, so speculation is just speculation.

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