His daughter was clearly in front of him, yet he said that she was already gone. Furthermore, with the little girl's dark and strange expression, his wife became flustered at that moment.

At this time, the father of the child also woke up, and although he was afraid of panicking, the man was still more daring. He immediately went back to the house, grabbed the white child on the bed and tied her up, and during this time, the little girl didn't struggle at all, allowing him to tie her up.

The mother was frightened and asked her husband what he was doing and why he was tying the child up.

The husband said that he had been thinking about this since the day he found out that there was something wrong with the house. He asked the great deity how he was going to deal with this kind of thing, and the great deity told his husband that some kid had taken a fancy to their daughter, and he was sure that the child's body would be taken that day.

However, it was also because of this that the child's father was so frightened that he didn't know how to express goodwill, rather than just reacting like a wife.

The couple had been watching the child at night, but regardless of what they said, the child shouldn't hurt them. They could only wait until dawn before taking the child to find the great deity to settle this matter.

Unexpectedly, at dawn, the child suddenly woke up. When he found himself tied up, he started to cry for his mother, and the thing that was tied up on the child's body was no longer there!

However, the couple still took the child to find the great deity to see what had happened. The incident last night had no effect on the great deity, but the great deity didn't find anything wrong. The child was quite normal and clean without any signs of evil.

Finally, he gave the child a talisman to carry around with him.

Although the child was temporarily fine, the couple didn't dare to continue living in the house. No matter how much money they gave, it would be called money for them to spend it. The couple only had one daughter, and if they hurt the child because of greed, then they wouldn't regret it for the rest of their lives.

The owner was very surprised to hear that this mansion was haunted, saying that it was definitely impossible, because regardless of whether it was the location to construction or completion, all of the houses had been visited by the best designer, master Feng Shui, who should have seen it, and it should be a large mansion, let alone ghost, even the murderer shouldn't have done it!

The steward was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he was an honest distant relative. He knew that the family of three wouldn't lie, and it wouldn't do any good to lie about it. But on the other side, there was the old master who refused to believe it!

After the family of three had left, since they did not believe it, the steward would not bring it up again. However, he would just have to find someone else to look at the house. As long as he gave money this year, not to mention looking at the house, even the cemetery would have people who volunteered!

It was a middle-aged man. His wife had died a few years ago, and his children were away at school. He had nothing better to do, so he came to look after the house.

The middle-aged man came happily, but this time, he didn't stay for as long as the family of three. He said that he wouldn't budge even after a week, even if he gave them double the amount of money.

After what happened last time, the steward asked this person why he suddenly quit. That person said with a bitter face that this house was haunted. He had seen it all with his own eyes!

Later, the steward asked him to explain in detail what had happened.

As it turned out, the person felt like something was wrong the second day because he could hear the sound of running water in the bathroom in the middle of the night. It was as if someone was taking a bath.

He was more dead asleep, so he didn't pay much attention to the commotion. He thought that he was the only one in the room, and that no one would take a bath recently. Then, he went back to sleep.

But the next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, he suddenly remembered something. He went upstairs to check, only to find that the door was closed, and everything inside was as usual. The water in the bathroom didn't leak out, and everything was normal.

Even though it was like a dream, he still felt a pang in his heart. He would remember it more or less unconsciously when he went to sleep at night.

He heard the sound of running water in the middle of the night, so he woke up. However, when he opened his eyes and heard nothing, it was extremely quiet!

He couldn't sleep anymore. He sat on the bed and smoked. From time to time, he would raise his head to look upstairs, thinking that this matter was a little strange.

However, after thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Even if there was water in the bathroom upstairs, the main waterway wouldn't be in his room, it was impossible to hear anything upstairs. Besides, this was a house built by a rich person, not a tofu building on the market, so the soundproofing effect should be very good.

The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation. He didn't care anymore and bravely left the room. He turned on all the lights and went upstairs.

He lowered his footsteps, found the room above his room, and carefully opened the door.

And just as the door opened a crack, he actually heard the sound of water, and it was coming from the direction of the bathroom.

Sweat immediately broke out on his forehead. Grabbing the kitchen knife from before, he pushed the door open and walked in.

The sound of water in the bathroom was still as loud as if someone was taking a bath. This was because the sound of the water flowing down to the ground was different from the sound of it hitting his body and then falling to the ground.

He took a deep breath and thought to himself, This time, I'll catch this thief who came to take a bath!

At that moment, he didn't think about this matter anymore. He only thought that some thief saw that he was the only one in the house, so he didn't know how to sneak in to take a shower or sleep.

However, when he brazenly opened the bathroom door, he found it was empty!

Other than the steam left by the warm water, there was nothing else inside!

He was stunned for a moment. He had clearly heard someone taking a bath just now, but the bathroom was the size of a fart. There was no way someone would hide inside it. Where did this person go?

An idea that would give him a fright immediately popped into his mind. Or perhaps, the one bathing inside was not a human at all!

He had had a terrible night. He sat on the sofa near the door, wrapped in a cotton jacket, and smoked all night long. He had also thought about staying the night.

He was the same as the other three. Although he knew that there was something wrong with the house, he was reluctant to leave due to the money. He thought that although it was weird, there was nothing else he could do.

However, he did not know about this. From the first day he found out to the day he decided to leave, there was someone bathing in the room upstairs every night!

Once, he thought it was just a coincidence. After a few consecutive times, he could no longer bear it any longer. Who knew if there was a ghost in the house that could sleep in the middle of the night.

This was the second time he had been scared off by the fright of someone carrying a mansion behind his back. The owner still did not believe there was a problem with the house, thinking that those people were intentionally spouting nonsense in order to get more money.

And for the third time, he urged the butler to hire some reliable professionals!

The steward thought about it for a while and said that there was a ghost twice. Although the lord did not believe him, he believed him a little. The third time, he directly got two professional bodyguards to come visit the mansion!

This professional bodyguard had all gone through professional training and each of them was quite expensive. When the butler invited them, he even intentionally revealed that the people who had come to visit the house the previous two times all mentioned that the house was haunted.

Hearing this, the two bodyguards completely disagreed, and said that they didn't care if the person really was a ghost, they had never met anyone that was so evil, so how could they be afraid of ghosts?

The butler was very satisfied, because he heard that this ghost was also afraid of evil people. Finding two bodyguards with slightly more Yang energy would definitely be able to suppress that thing!

But this time, not only did it not stop, it was even more dangerous.

On the third night after the two bodyguards took office, one of them had a heart attack, and the other, although physically fine, was in a trance. When he was sent to the hospital, he mumbled something about seeing a ghost. He was almost treated as a psychopath by the doctors.

With such a commotion, the owner of the house, who was also the old master mentioned by the driver, couldn't help but to believe. This was why people came to find out and ask for Wu Ji to solve the problem for them!

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