Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1456 Mysterious Island

Faintly, it seems that there is an open space behind the hole.

Seeing this, Lu Li used his palm to expand the hole a little, and then lifted the coffin and rushed into the back of the stone wall with the lake water.

Then he turned around and used his palm to cast a yellowish-brown barrier to seal the hole to prevent the lake water from continuing to pour in.

Then he looked around the surrounding environment.

Lu Li was not wrong before. There was indeed a stone chamber inside, but it was not as big as he imagined. It was only two or three feet in radius. Moreover, it was empty inside and there was no treasure.

Lu Li put the coffin aside and looked around the very dim stone chamber.


Suddenly, Lu Li touched a loose stone on the stone wall in the corner. He turned it gently and a door appeared next to it. A quick look showed that there was a downward stone staircase behind the door.

After a slight hesitation, Lu Li walked in with the coffin.

The stone steps went down for nearly a hundred feet before Lu Li came to the end of the stone steps.

It turned out that there was still a circular stone chamber below, but the space was larger than before, with a radius of more than ten feet.

What surprised Lu Li was that there was actually a teleportation array inside.

It just looked at the situation. No one had used this teleportation array for many years. There were many damages. I don’t know if it can be repaired.

Lu Li put the coffin aside and looked around the teleportation platform carefully.

After some research, he found that although the teleportation array was a little damaged, it didn’t hurt the key parts. Maybe it could be repaired by adding some deep-sea sediment, and the array could still be used.

This made Lu Li think about it.

He didn’t have much deep-sea sediment on him, so it was not enough to rebuild a teleportation array. But it was not impossible to just repair this array.

However, the direction of this array was not marked.

Even if it is repaired, it is not known whether the teleportation array on the opposite side can be used. If the teleportation array pointed to is also damaged, even if he repairs this array, it will be useless.

It is worth mentioning that all teleportation arrays are matched in pairs, and not all teleportation arrays can communicate with each other. Therefore, even if this teleportation array is successfully repaired, it cannot be directly teleported to Vientiane Island.

The reason why he wants to repair this array is just curious about where the other side of this array leads to.

What Lu Li is hesitating about now is whether to waste deep sea sediment to do such an uncertain thing. After all, it is impossible to determine the quality of the teleportation array on the opposite side. If it cannot be teleported after repair, it will be a bit of a waste.

"Forget it, anyway, I can't build a new teleportation array with this little deep sea sediment, so let's test this array. What if the other side is a place of opportunity, wouldn't it be a big profit?"

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Li had an idea and decided to repair this array.

Although it is a repair, it is actually more troublesome than rebuilding a new one. Because the reconnection and supplementation of many rune breaks are quite mentally exhausting.

Moreover, it is necessary to infer what the rune is used for based on the remaining rune parts, which takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, the runes in the Dayan forbidden technique are very rich. Lu Li can infer what rune is at the current position after a little comparison and research.

During Lu Li's repair process, he unexpectedly discovered that this array was actually a one-way teleportation array.

One-way teleportation arrays are divided into teleportation platforms and reception platforms.

The reception platform can only receive, and the teleportation platform can only transmit. This type of teleportation array is common in private territories, which can effectively prevent people on the opposite side from coming to their own territories through the reception platform.

The corresponding to the one-way teleportation array is the two-way teleportation array, which can transmit and receive on both sides. It is common in major cities and is mainly for profit.

Lu Li's busy work lasted three days.

On this day, Lu Li finally repaired the broken teleportation platform. On the surface, there was no problem, but whether it can be used specifically, it still needs to be tested to know.

Lu Li put some top-grade spirit stones into the eight spirit pillars around him, then walked down the teleportation platform, formed a spell, pointed at a rune on the side and said: "Start!"

Buzz! ! !

Suddenly, the surrounding space shook.

The runes on the teleportation array began to light up one after another, and then a bright yellow light beam shot out from the teleportation platform, illuminating the entire stone room.

"It can actually be used."

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief. As long as the teleportation light beam lit up, it meant that the reception platform on the opposite side was still intact, and this effort was not in vain.

However, it was lit up, but Lu Li still didn't dare to step on it rashly.

He was going to find something to try.

On the other side.

There was an extremely large island above the vast forbidden sea, with peaks and ancient trees on the island, and the spiritual energy was extremely rich.

Some old men with immortal temperaments sat alone on the top of the lonely peak to comprehend the world, and some played chess in the clouds, looking very happy and carefree.

Today, on the top of a solitary peak in the middle of the island.

There is a cold woman in a white dress sitting cross-legged on the platform outside the cave, meditating. With her breath, a light blue mist appears around her body.

When the sun shines on her, a circle of rainbow appears around her body, making her look like a banished fairy, solemn and charming.

If Lu Li were here, he would definitely recognize at a glance that this person is Ye You. No, to be precise, it should be the Grand Elder of Suxin Palace, Lv Huishu.

But I don’t know when, this Lv Huishu actually ran into the forbidden sea, and judging from her cultivation, she has recovered to the middle stage of the fusion, which is really unbelievable.

But at this moment, Lv Huishu’s ear suddenly moved slightly, and she tilted her head to look in the direction of an abandoned cave next to the cave.

Then, she stood up and walked towards the cave.

The outside of this cave is full of weeds, and it looks like it has been abandoned for a long time.

Lv Huishu came to the entrance of the cave, looked inside, and showed a surprised expression. She saw that there was a big snake on an abandoned reception platform inside.

The big snake was just an ordinary beast, but after seeing Lv Huishu, it raised its head and rushed towards her.

"You unintelligent beast, dare you be so presumptuous in front of me."

Lv Huishu didn't bother to pay attention and turned around and left. The big snake was only three feet away from Lv Huishu's back when it exploded into a bloody mist with a bang.

Lv Huishu remained calm and continued to sit on the stone platform to comprehend.

However, not long after, she frowned again and walked towards the abandoned cave again.

This time, she had just arrived at the entrance of the cave when a beast roared suddenly from the cave, and then a striped tiger pounced on her fiercely.


Lv Huishu's momentum shook, and the striped tiger exploded again on the spot, blood and flesh splattered everywhere, but Lv Huishu's white dress was not stained at all...

However, this time, Lv Huishu did not leave immediately.

Instead, she stared at the dusty circular altar expressionlessly, as if thinking about something.

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