Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 1690: Achieving the Tao and Ascending to Heaven

Lu Li stood up and prepared to take a closer look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got closer, the water pool suddenly twisted and exploded with a bang. Lu Li stepped back, but because his speed was too fast, it directly shattered a piece of space.

"Master, look, there is someone!"

As soon as he landed, Chan Bao pointed in the direction of the pool and exclaimed.

Lu Li looked up and saw a monster with long white hair all over its body and an unclear appearance. He couldn't help but shrink his pupils: "Hiss! What is this?"


As soon as Lu Li finished speaking, the white-haired monster suddenly spoke. His voice was hoarse and intermittent, like a bellows, and it sounded particularly uncomfortable.

Moreover, while he was talking, there was a dark wind gusting around him, and there seemed to be ghosts howling...

Just when Lu Li was looking at the white-haired monster in surprise, the other party suddenly jumped and landed in front of Lu Li with a snap. Suddenly, a sinister smell hit his nostrils.

Lu Li frowned, pulled Chan Bao back two steps, narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you?"


However, this white-haired monster still said these few words. It seemed that besides these few words, it could not say anything else.

When Lu Li saw this, he couldn't help but release the power of his soul to sense it secretly. In the end, he was surprised to find that this guy didn't have any fluctuations in his cultivation level.

This really shocked Lu Li. This guy could make such a big noise, how could his cultivation not fluctuate? Could it be that its realm has surpassed mine?

This shouldn't be the case. This world can't even accommodate me. How can it accommodate beings who are stronger than me?

Just when Lu Li was puzzled, the white-haired monster shouted "Sir, Mr." again, and jumped up and down, as if he was very impatient for not speaking to Lu Li.

"Chan Bao, do you see what it is?" Lu Li looked at Chan Bao.

"It seems like it's a person, right?" Chan Bao pinched his chin, blinked and stared at the white-haired monster, and then added: "It seems like it's a woman!"


"Yes, look at it. Although it's not very obvious, it does have a bit of a bulge..." Chan Bao pointed at the chest of the white-haired monster and chuckled.


Lu Li glanced at Chan Bao speechlessly, as if he had thought of something, then he took out the Mountain and River Token, activated it and said, "Senior Hao, please come to Lingyun Mountain. I have something to ask you."

Since you can't figure it out, you should look for the immortal spirit to take a look. Presumably, things in the immortal world cannot be hidden from the eyes of the immortal spirit.


"Stop barking!"

The white-haired monster opened his hoarse throat and was about to scream again, but was suddenly interrupted by Lu Li's scolding. He suddenly stood motionless like a child who had done something wrong.

"Master, it seems to know you?" Chan Bao said with surprise on his face.

"Impossible, I have never seen this monster before, and there is no life soul in this guy. It seems to be a dead thing, not a human at all..." Lu Li shook his head in denial.

"No way, how come there is no life soul? If there is no life soul, wouldn't it be dead? It can still talk and move now?" Chan Bao said in surprise.

"I don't understand either. Logically speaking, no matter monsters or monsters, as long as they don't have souls, they can't survive. But this guy is a bit beyond my understanding..."

It was precisely because of this that Lu Li wanted the immortal spirit to come and take a look. In his opinion, this guy was too unreasonable.

At this moment, the space suddenly distorted not far from Lu Li, and a colorful vortex appeared. Then, a barefoot child flew out of it.

As soon as the child came out, he saw the white-haired monster in front of Lu Li and couldn't help but be startled: "Why is this guy here?"

Lu Li was stunned when he heard this: "Senior, do you know about it?"

The Immortal Spirit nodded, "For some reason, this guy suddenly ran into an ancient tomb in Tianyan Realm. I saw Yu Wenwen cheating inside, so I led him into the ancient tomb..."

From the tone of the immortal spirit, Lu Li was really surprised that the white-haired monster in front of him was responsible for the fact that Yu Wenwen was hunted down several times in the Tianyan Realm.

But then he said in surprise, "Senior, don't you know its origin?"

The immortal spirit shook his head, "I don't know, it seems to appear out of thin air, and it is elusive and can avoid my detection. More importantly, this guy has no life soul yet, so he cannot be killed at all."

"Can't be killed?"

"It can't be said that it can't be killed. To be precise, it is already a dead person. No matter how you kill it, it will still be a dead person. And even if you beat it to pieces, it can still condense its body again." The immortal spirit said helplessly. .

"Hiss! So, isn't it invincible?" Lu Li said in shock.

"That's not the case. This guy's attack power is very limited. I found that it can only explode with strong combat power in places with strong Yin energy. When it comes to the normal realm, its strength will drop sharply. If it is under the scorching sun, , and even worse than ordinary first- and second-level monsters..." The immortal spirit shook his head and explained.

"Is that so, what do seniors plan to do with it?" Lu Li looked at the white-haired monster thoughtfully, and then asked the immortal spirit.

"This guy's origin is unknown. I'm afraid it will be a big threat if he stays in the undead world. I'll throw him out." The immortal spirit said and tapped the void in front of him to condense a space vortex.

Seeing this, the white-haired monster seemed to understand something immediately, and roared at the undead spirit. At the same time, it gritted its teeth and seemed extremely angry.

"Little guy, don't ask for trouble. I just threw you out. I didn't mean to kill you." The immortal spirit shook his head and grabbed the white-haired monster from the air, making it difficult to move.


The white-haired monster turned to look at Lu Li and shouted anxiously, but before Lu Li could say anything more, the immortal spirit had already thrown it into the space vortex.

As the whirlpool of light converged, it disappeared without a trace.

Lu Li always felt that this name was familiar, but he couldn't remember how he was related to such a monster, and he couldn't help but feel a little upset.

The immortal spirit dealt with the white-haired monster and did not stay much. He briefly chatted for a few words and then left directly.

Lu Li took a long breath and returned to Lingyun Peak with Chan Bao.

At the end of March of the following year.

On this day, Lu Li suddenly felt his heart beating very hard, and the world's rejection of him was also extremely strong. He knew that the deadline had arrived.

So after sorting it out, he took the Chan Bao back to the medicine garden, then said goodbye to Lingyun Mountain and left the Immortal City.

Not surprisingly, Wangxiyuan once again gathered a large number of people to watch the ceremony. This seemed to be a tradition. When Lu Li arrived, everyone immediately came over to greet him.

Lu Li also responded with a smile and sent blessings to everyone.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiangyun Xianyin arrived as promised.

Unlike Yu Wenwen and Ning Wuzhou, Lu Li made more noise this time than the previous two times. There were dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, fairy beast palaces, drums and music, and various strange phenomena that made everyone marvel!

After a while, the colorful hanging river fell down, and the strong gravity pulled Lu Li into the long river, and began to rise slowly!

"Congratulations to my senior for his ascension!!!"

When everyone saw this, they all bowed and shouted, sending Lu Li off to the immortal world.

Lu Li watched himself flying higher and higher, and couldn't help but feel a little confused. He murmured: After this farewell, I'm afraid there will be no chance to come back. Homeland, brothers, goodbye!


Just when the Xuanhe River was about to disappear, a gust of dark wind suddenly swept through Wangxiyuan. Then, a white figure appeared and rushed into the Xuanhe River...

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