Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2075: Leader's Rights

The second battlefield.

This is a desert surrounded by towering rock walls in the center.

Its area is so huge that even if everyone is a golden immortal, it is difficult to see the end at a glance.

At this time, there were crowds of people gathering at both the northern and southern extremes of the desert.

Everyone in the crowd in the south has a golden aura on their chests, which is the symbol of the Righteous Path Alliance.

There were more than seven hundred people, but many people frowned because looking around, they did not find the existence of the patron.

But the good thing is that there are not many people from Xuantian Palace on their side. Presumably even if these Xuantian Palace disciples want to let go, they will not be able to influence the overall situation.

As for the people in the north of the desert, their chests are filled with red aura.

This is the symbol of the Immortal Alliance.

The number of people is the same as that of the Righteous Alliance, but most of the people here have relaxed expressions and are full of confidence.

Lu Li and others were here at this time.

At this moment, the Immortal Alliance camp is roughly divided into three areas. One is a huge team centered on Ye Zhanpeng.

The other is some teams that don’t like to follow the crowd and go their own way.

The last one was Lu Li and the others who were standing aside chatting.

There were ten people on Lu Li's side, nine of whom were teammates from the previous group.

The last one is Liu Qingxuan.

When Liu Qingxuan heard that these people were Lu Li's former teammates, he couldn't help but be surprised.

After learning that the banner of the Immortal Alliance was protected by Lu Li and was able to win, Liu Qingxuan's expression also changed. He felt that he had underestimated this guy before.

Ye Zhanpeng...

He shouldn't have the ability to persist for a quarter of an hour in front of seventy or eighty strong men of the same level, right?

Liu Qingxuan glanced secretly towards the direction where the crowd gathered, and thought to himself.

With this thigh here, I still fawn over Ye Zhanpeng!

Liu Qingxuan suddenly grinned, hugged Lu Li's arm, and leaned on Lu Li's shoulder:

"Brother! From now on, you will be my eldest brother, Liu Qingxuan!"

Lu Li suddenly felt a chill, and pretended to be disgusted and swatted Liu Qingxuan's hand away:

"I'm dizzy! Can you please stop being so disgusting? Goosebumps are about to fall off your skin."

Hearing this, Lu Xing and the others burst into laughter.

Of course they understood Liu Qingxuan's mood, because when they saw the fight with their own eyes, they were even more shocked than Liu Qingxuan now.

The next step is to naturally select a leader.

Otherwise, if they are in disarray, even if they have extraordinary combat power, it will be difficult for them to exert their due strength.

And not surprisingly, the position of alliance leader continued to fall to Ye Zhanpeng.

Although Lu Xing and others were secretly dissatisfied with this, they did not jump out and cause trouble for Lu Li at this time.

However, this time, due to the sudden drop in the number of people, there was no further point allocation for captains.

The team was all gathered together, and Ye Zhanpeng was in charge of the command.

Since the flag is located in the center of this desert, it is far away from here, so they need to set off as soon as possible.

So, after a brief gathering and exchange, everyone set off together under the leadership of Ye Zhanpeng.

Naturally, Ye Zhanpeng would not take risks to clear the way in front. He asked some people who had immortal pets to release their immortal pets and walk in front of the team, lining up in a row.

In this way, casualties can be avoided to the greatest extent possible.

These fairy pets are all kinds of strange, including lions, tigers, rabbits, strange birds... all kinds of things.

However, not long after they walked, they encountered a powerful hidden restriction, which directly exploded one of the strange lions with one horn into a blood mist.

As a result, everyone became more cautious.

Although Lu Li had pupil skills, he did not immediately jump out to help everyone.

Because he is not yet sure whether his pupil technique is really effective against the hidden restrictions here.

He watched secretly as he walked.

When the strange lion touched the restriction just now, his pupil technique had already discovered it.

He still needs to continue to verify it.

Soon, he discovered a small circular restriction, which seemed to be a moving restriction.

At this time, a fairy rabbit was heading in that direction.

Lu Li slowly moved forward while watching the movements of the fairy rabbit.


"Where's the rabbit!"

Sure enough, as soon as the fairy rabbit entered the hidden restricted area, it disappeared, which shocked some people.

"It's a moving formation. It's not dead, but the teleportation distance is a bit far, and I feel very hazy." The master of the fairy rabbit looked around.

After hearing this, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that my pupil technique is also useful for the hidden restrictions here."

Seeing this situation, Lu Li couldn't help but think to himself.

Immediately, he continued to verify it.

Finally, after more than half of these immortal pets were damaged, Lu Li stopped hiding his clumsiness.

He flashed to the front of the team and stood side by side with Ye Zhanpeng.

Ye Zhanpeng frowned and looked at Lu Li, "Is something wrong, fellow Taoist?"

Lu Li looked ahead and said through a message: "More than half of these immortal pets have been killed or wounded. If this continues, we may not be able to easily reach the center."

"Moreover, we are in a hurry right now. Any waste of time may allow the other party to gain the upper hand and even destroy our banner."

Ye Zhanpeng raised his eyebrows: "Do you have any good ideas?"

Lu Li said: "To be honest, I was born with a different body and can sense the hidden restrictions here in advance. If you believe me, you can let me take everyone away. In this way, we may be able to seize the initiative and rush to their flag location before they arrive and destroy the flag of the Righteous Alliance."

"Is this true!" Ye Zhanpeng was delighted after hearing this.

"I can test it for you, but I hope you won't make it public." Lu Li still sent a voice message.

"No problem!" Ye Zhanpeng agreed without hesitation and replied in the same voice message.

Then, Lu Li accelerated and flew in front of Ye Zhanpeng. With his back to Ye Zhanpeng, he secretly used the pupil technique to scan forward, and then quickly put away the pupil technique and sent a voice message: "I have discovered that there is a blood killing restriction in front of the leopard tiger in the east. If it continues to move forward, it will definitely die."

Hearing this, Ye Zhanpeng immediately looked at the leopard tiger in the east of the formation without reminding him.

As expected, the next moment the tiger crashed into a layer of blood-red barrier, making a muffled bang, and instantly broke into pieces, with blood spilling all over the ground.

The people behind the tiger were so scared that they stopped moving.

"Very good! I already believe in you a little. If you confirm two more places, I will let you lead the team." Ye Zhanpeng was a little excited.

He also wanted to win.

If Lu Li really has this ability, then they will definitely be able to easily win this time.

Lu Li didn't waste any words and continued to fly slowly with the fairy pet exploring the way ahead.

From time to time, he secretly opened his pupil technique and looked forward.

Some people not far away saw this and couldn't help but cast curious eyes at Lu Li and Ye Zhanpeng.

They couldn't figure out when Ye Zhanpeng and Lu Li had such a good relationship.

And Lu Li did not disappoint, and soon verified the two hidden restrictions again.

He stopped verifying and slowed down to walk side by side with Ye Zhanpeng: "How about it, can you trust me now?"

Ye Zhanpeng could not hide his shock and excitement: "Very good, I will hand over the leadership to you next."

Then he said seriously: "I hope you don't let me down, otherwise, my Xuantian Palace will not let you go!"

Lu Li glanced at Ye Zhanpeng lightly: "Don't worry, I want to win too."

Ye Zhanpeng stopped talking nonsense after hearing this, and flashed forward directly, raising his arms and shouting: "Everyone! Please listen to me."

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