Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2131 I want that

The Cailin City Lord's Mansion.

The two teams moved forward quickly.

Lu Li thought they had to register or something, but in fact they didn't.

He easily followed the large team to the square of the City Lord's Mansion.

There were many guards standing around the square.

The team of nearly 600 people, under the guidance of these guards, stood neatly in a large square after entering the square.

There were a total of 20 rows and 30 columns.

All facing the ancient green hall in the distance.

On the stone steps in front of the hall, there was an old man in a purple robe, who looked exactly like a human.

But he was not actually a human, but because he had holy blood, his shapeshifting was far more perfect than that of ordinary monsters.

Just like Chanbao Xiaoqing and the others, after the shapeshifting, their appearance was no different from that of humans.

This is the advantage of a strong bloodline.

This old man is the current Cailin City Lord, and also one of the elders of the Purple Thunder Saint Clan, named Lei Jin.

When everyone stood still, a guard leader came forward and clasped his fists beside Lei Jin to report.

After hearing this, Lei Jin glanced at everyone and said to the guard leader: "There are too many crooked melons and cracked dates. Xin'er is upset. You go and roughly select those ugly illusions and keep only a hundred people."

"Yes!" The guard leader clasped his fists and saluted, turned and walked down the stone steps, and walked towards the square team.

"You! What the hell, your head is as big as a winter melon, get rid of it!" The guard leader stood in the first row and pointed at a demon cultivator of unknown species.

"Sir, this is not appropriate. It's just picking guards, not a beauty pageant..." The demon cultivator said unwillingly.

"Shut up! What I say is what it is. If you dare to say another word of nonsense, I will make you bleed on the spot!" The guard leader scolded coldly.

Hearing this, the big-headed demon cultivator was annoyed, but he didn't dare to say much. He turned around and walked through the crowd depressedly and walked outside.

When other demon cultivators saw this, they also became nervous secretly.

"You! Your facial features are all crooked, you are unqualified!" The guard leader pointed at another ferocious demon cultivator.

That person was also speechless for a while, and then turned around and left without saying anything.

"You! Your mouth is too big."

"You have too much facial hair!"

"Your ears are too long!"

"Your tail is in the way!"

"Your penis is exposed, get out of here!" Suddenly, the guard leader caught a typical example.

Then he yelled at the demons in the square team: "I said it in advance, you can't even put your own things away, get out of here as soon as possible. If I see you, I will not only eliminate you, but also cut you all off--!"

As soon as the guard leader finished speaking.

Immediately, several demon cultivators covered their crotches and fled outside the city lord's mansion, causing the demons to laugh.

The guard leader continued to select.

After a while, the huge square formation of 600 people became sparse and deserted.

The squad was rearranged until there were only ten horizontal and ten vertical, exactly one hundred people, and the guard leader stopped the selection and ran back to report to the city lord Lei Jin.

Lei Jin nodded and turned to walk towards the main hall of the city lord's mansion.

A moment later, three people walked out of the main hall.

In addition to Lei Jin, there was a purple-robed man with a tall figure and a face in his forties, and a fifteen or sixteen-year-old, cute red-clothed girl.

The purple-robed man was the eldest son of the current head of the Lei family, named Lei Yun.

Although Lei Yun's current cultivation is only at the peak of the Immortal King, his status in the Lei family is not low. He is the designated candidate for the next head of the Lei family.

In the Lei family, he is an existence that can get whatever he wants.

As for the fifteen or sixteen-year-old red-clothed girl, she is Lei Yun's daughter, Lei Xiner.

Lei Xiner's real age is more than three hundred years old, and her cultivation seems to be in the early stage of Mahayana.

This selection of personal guards is for her.

There are many foreign masters in the Lei family, but Lei Xiner doesn't look down on any of them.

In desperation, Lei Yun could only accompany his precious daughter to Cailin City.

"Xin'er, I have asked people to help you roughly select them. Take a look, do you see anyone you like?" Lei Jin looked at the girl in red with a smile.

That's right, what we want is someone who is pleasing to the eye, not someone with high cultivation.

When the monsters heard this, they instantly grinned, and each of them showed a "kind" smile.

However, Lei Xin'er frowned after taking a glance from a distance.

"What's wrong, Xin'er, is there no one you are satisfied with?" Lei Yun looked at his daughter.

"The smiles in the front row are too ugly. Daddy, look at those big buck teeth, fangs, missing front teeth..." Lei Xin'er looked bored.


Lei Yun smiled lightly and looked at the team below: "First row, all eliminated!"


As soon as the voice fell, the smiles on the faces of the monsters in the first row instantly became stiff.

"Get out!" Seeing this, the city lord Lei Jin shouted in a deep voice.

"Hey, let's go."

"Bad luck."


The monsters heard this and walked out with a defeated look on their faces.

With just one glance, ten people were eliminated, and the monsters who followed became even more nervous.

Seeing this, Lei Xiner looked forward again, but after one glance, she still shook her head in dissatisfaction.

Then, the second row was also eliminated.

When it came to the third row, Lei Xiner's eyes were fixed on a young man in brown clothes. Although his ears were relatively large and long, his facial features and body shape were still well-proportioned.

Lei Xiner thought for a while, "That one is barely okay, let him stay."

Lei Yun nodded, leaving the man in brown behind, and eliminating the rest of the people in the third row.

Then, it was the turn of the fourth row. Lei Xiner took a look and the whole army was wiped out.

The fifth row was wiped out.

In the sixth row, a tall young man in red armor was left again. He had red hair and his eyes seemed to be flashing with flames. He was really outstanding.

In the seventh row, Lei Xiner picked another person. The man was dressed in a black robe, and even his face was a little black, giving people a feeling of indifference and ruthlessness.

So far, Lei Xiner has picked three people.

Lei Jin and Lei Yun saw this and nodded secretly. The appearance of these three people was more perfect than the other. They should be people with extraordinary blood. This time they have gained a lot.

The reason why Lei Yun indulged his daughter to be picky about the appearance of the guards was not only because he spoiled her, but also because there was another very important point, that is, the better the appearance, the higher the blood. After training, they can become powerful foreign aids for the Lei family.

"Him! That one, that one, I want that one..." At this moment, Lei Xiner suddenly jumped for joy. She pointed at a man in a white robe beside the eighth row, and her eyes sparkled.

Lei Yun looked in the direction his daughter pointed, and was also stunned. Then he smiled and nodded: "Xiner is lucky. This man is not simple at first glance."

Lei Xiner grinned happily, "I also think he is not simple. Daddy, there is no need to choose. Four are enough!"


Seeing this, Lei Yun directly dismissed the remaining people.

In the end, only the man with long ears in brown clothes, the red-haired man in armor, the man with a black robe and a black face, and the last Lu Li were left.

Lei Xiner swooped down from a high place and landed in front of Lu Li. She tilted her head and looked at Lu Li back and forth: "What's your name?"

Lu Li smiled gently when he heard it, and clasped his fists and said: "Miss, I am Lu Li."

"Lu Li."

"It sounds nice."

Lei Xiner looked at Lu Li's shoulders, raised her head and looked at Lu Li's well-defined cheeks, and for a moment she was a little dazed.

She had never seen such a good-looking and elegant demon cultivator.


At this moment, Lei Yun suddenly came up from behind, "Xin'er, pay attention to your image."

Lei Xin'er stuck out her tongue playfully and retreated to Lei Yun's side.

Lei Yun glanced at the four people calmly: "Everyone, you will become a member of my Lei family after joining my Lei family.

However, you have just entered the door, and your character and mind are still unknown. For safety reasons, I will restrain you in the form of blood soul tablets. Do you have any objections to this?"

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