Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 2144 Netherworld Soul

Removing that veil means that the two of them have the qualifications to practice the Heavenly Beast Tongxin Jue.

Minor success chapter, observe the heart with eyes.

The two of them looked into each other's eyes calmly, trying to feel each other's emotional changes.

The observation of the heart here naturally does not mean to really see through each other's heart.

But according to the eyes of the other party, to understand the other party's mood at the moment.

If it is a strange natal beast cub, this level alone may take hundreds of years to complete.

But Lu Li and Chan Bao have been together for tens of thousands of years, and they have a certain understanding of each other, so it is much easier to practice than strangers.

In just two or three months, the two of them successfully passed the level of observing the heart with eyes.

Let alone the eyes, even if the other party smiles and frowns, stretches and yawns, the two of them can almost understand each other's meaning.

In fact, the two of them have reached the second level of understanding.

However, at the second level, the attainments of the two do not seem to be very deep.

Many times, Chan Bao will misunderstand.

For example, one day Lu Li sat at the table, looked at the teacup and teapot, and winked at Chan Bao, intending to ask Chan Bao to pour him a cup of tea.

As a result, Chan Bao, a guy with a big nerve, poured himself a cup and drank it happily, completely ignoring Lu Li's resentful eyes.

Fortunately, after several years of running-in, supplemented by daily practice of the Heavenly Beast Tongxin Jue, these small problems were soon solved.

The Heavenly Beast Tongxin Jue not only tells various ways to improve intimacy, but also has special spells that can enhance the telepathy of the two. As long as they practice together, the connection between them will become stronger and stronger.

Soon, they came to the third level, as if they were at the command of an arm.

This level is mainly to allow the natal beast to easily understand the master's intention when encountering danger, whether it is attack, defense, assistance, or retreat, without the master speaking, the natal beast can also make accurate judgments.

And this level, Lu Li knew it was not so easy to pass from the first day of practice.

That day, Lu Li took Chan Bao out of the secret space and the world outside Zhuoshui Realm.

He found an ordinary wild rabbit that was not even a spiritual beast, and originally intended to let Chanbao kill it.

Unexpectedly, Chanbao rushed up and picked up the wild rabbit, and handed it to Lu Li with a smile: "Master, it's so cute..."

So, the two of them had a long time to get used to each other. During the day, they looked for targets to practice in Zhuoshui, and at night they practiced the Heavenly Beast Concentric Art together to enhance their telepathy.

In this way, several years passed in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning of this day.

Lu Li was meditating outside the hut, and Chanbao came out and sat next to Lu Li in silence.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Li tilted his head and looked at Chanbao.

Although they had practiced the Heavenly Beast Concentric Art to perfection, they were much more sensitive to each other's emotional changes than before.

But in fact, this skill was not as mysterious as Lu Li had imagined at the beginning.

The essence of the Heavenly Beast Concentric Art is to extract the great enlightenment from the natal beast, not to read the mind, so it is impossible to really know what the other person is thinking.

As for the previous practice, Lu Li thought that it was just to let them know each other better and be familiar with each other's temperament so that they could make the right judgment when necessary.

Since it was a judgment, there would be mistakes. All they could do was to keep getting familiar with each other to reduce the possibility of misjudgment.

Chan Bao pouted when she heard this: "I'm used to practicing the Heavenly Beast Heart Sutra every day these years. Now I suddenly stop and I feel so bored..."


Lu Li smiled: "Then you practice in seclusion. You are only in the late stage of the Golden Immortal now, so hurry up and upgrade to the Immortal King realm. I'm still waiting to see if the Heavenly Beast Heart Sutra is really so magical, and I can get the feedback of the Great Dao from you."

"Well, I'll go down to Mingyue to play for a while, and then go back to the medicine garden to practice..." Chan Bao stood up and flew down the mountain in a flash.


It's been almost twenty years, why hasn't the master come back yet?

Could it be that something happened?

Lu Li looked at the cabin opposite, and an inexplicable worry rose in his heart.

Later, Chanbao came back from downstairs, chatted with Lu Li for a while, and then returned to the medicine garden to practice in seclusion.

In the following days.

Lu Li once again devoted himself to the practice of Soul-Capturing Sound and Hidden Sword Technique.

As for other great ways, Lu Li occasionally comprehended them, but without the help of the source of Tao, the progress was really pitifully slow.

In this way, another two or three years passed.

On this day, Lu Li did not practice. He stood outside the hut and silently looked at the opposite ridge.

For more than 20 years, Yu Xianyang had not returned yet, and he really had no mood to practice anymore.

He was hesitating whether to go out and look for him.

However, soon his eyes lit up, and he saw that the sky in the southern part of the opposite ridge suddenly twisted, and a purple ball of light fell.

Then, the ball of light flashed and flew straight to Yu Xianyang's hut in the north.

Seeing this, Lu Li hurried over.

"Master, you are back!" Lu Li landed in front of Yu Xianyang's hut, looking at Yu Xianyang and his party with surprise on his face.

Wu De, Hou Ji, Jian Pi, Long Shi Hu, Jin Tian Jiao, none of them were missing.


"Second Master!"

"Boss Lu!"


Seeing this, Jian Pi and his group also smiled and greeted Lu Li.

Yu Xianyang shook his head and said, "I was going to help you find a space beast on the way, but unfortunately, I still found nothing along the way. I was out for too long this time, and I was afraid that you would worry, so I sent them back first..."

So that's it.

After hearing Yu Xianyang's words, Lu Li knew why he came back so late.

Everyone gathered together and chatted for a while, and Longshihu and others went to find a place to build a residence.

In the end, Wu De, Lu Li and Yu Xianyang were left and sat together.

Lu Li looked at Wu De: "Old Wu, it's great, you broke through to the Immortal Venerable so quickly?"

Wu De curled his lips: "What's great, I'm not in the same situation as you, if you were like me, maybe you would take off directly."

Lu Li knew that he was talking about the Three Treasures Glazed Tower, and smiled when he heard it, but didn't respond.

Then he thought of something and looked at Yu Xianyang: "Master, I have a question for you."

Yu Xianyang smiled and said: "Just ask."

Lu Li said: "I heard that to achieve the status of an Immortal Venerable, one needs to condense the Dao Fruit Monument and transform it into the Dao Heaven Monument, but where can the most critical Netherworld Soul Qi come from?"

When the cultivation realm reaches the peak of the Immortal King, the Dao Fruit is fully mature.

At this time, if you break through the bottleneck of the peak realm, the Dao Tree will begin to wither and the Dao Fruit will begin to rot.

If you cannot convert the Dao Fruit into the Dao Heaven Monument before the Dao Fruit completely rots, then you are doomed.

From then on, your cultivation will always regress, and when the Dao Fruit completely rots, it will be your death.

And if you want to condense the Dao Heaven Monument, the indispensable thing is the Netherworld Soul Qi.

Only with the Netherworld Soul Qi can the Dao Fruit be condensed into a monument.

So, before getting the Netherworld Soul Qi, even if people are sure to break through the bottleneck of the peak period and become a pseudo-immortal, they will not do so.

Of course, Wu De's situation is an exception. He can recover to the level of Immortal Venerable without the Netherworld Soul Qi.

Yu Xianyang heard this and said, "Even if you don't ask about this matter, I will talk to you soon."

Lu Li looked at Yu Xianyang curiously.

Yu Xianyang smiled and continued, "The Netherworld Soul Qi is a special substance. It comes from a place called the Netherworld Holy Land..."

"The Netherworld Holy Land? Is it a sect?" Lu Li said in surprise.

"It's not a sect. It's an unknown place. It is said that it is not within the Three Realms..." Yu Xianyang shook his head.

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