Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 270 I give up

Hearing the sarcasm, everyone couldn't help but frown and looked over.

It turned out that it was Wu De who was speaking, and he was tricked by the round-faced burly man. Wu De felt very unhappy at this moment. When he saw the burly man jumping out, he taunted him unceremoniously.

"Old guy, just say it if you have anything to say. Come on, come on, tell everyone what my method is!" The strong man who was choked was also a little angry at this time and stared at Wu De shouted.

"Humph!" Wu De snorted coldly, glanced at the strong man, and then glanced around the crowd, and then said disdainfully: "If I am not wrong, your method is not rock-paper-scissors!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's eyes widened and they all looked at the strong man.

"Uh... Hehe, is there a problem? I think this is the best way. Otherwise... can you guys come up with a good idea?" The strong man saw everyone looking at him, his round face His face was slightly red.

Was he really guessed by this wretched little old man? Everyone's mouths twitched, not knowing what to say.

"Haha, although this treasure armor has good functions, its grade is only mid-grade. I think this fellow Taoist's idea is a good idea."

At this moment, the man in yellow shirt standing alone laughed twice and was the first to speak up to express his agreement with the strong man's proposal.

Hearing this, the charming woman chuckled and said, "Although it's a bit of a joke, I think this is a good idea. After all, everyone's goal is to enter the Spiritual Valley, just in case it attracts a few more uninvited guests. ....."


The man in green clothes and the man in yellow shirt didn't listen to anything else, but the word "girl" made their eyes light up. The man in green clothes stroked his collar and said with a graceful smile: "I quite agree with what this girl said, then Stone Paper scissors is ready.”

As a result, four of the seven people immediately approved this method.

Only Wu De, Lu Li and Qiu Yun were left without a statement.

This treasure armor was already in Qiu Yun's pocket, but now it was suddenly used to divide it up. He was already extremely unhappy, but he was stronger than others, so he did not dare to offend the public, so he snorted and said: " I don’t have any objection, just do whatever you want.”

Wu De spread his hands indifferently, "I just can't stand this fat man. It's not that I think this method won't work. Since everyone agrees, of course I have no objection."

Next, Lu Li was the only one left. At this time, it was no longer important whether Lu Li expressed his stance. However, everyone did not intend to ignore Lu Li. They were also full of various thoughts about this person who had not said a word from beginning to end. .

Wu De looked at Lu Li's figure and looked thoughtful, but he was a little unsure. Seeing that the other party had no intention of greeting him, he just waited and waited.

Lu Li had been secretly looking at the few people with his hands in his arms, secretly analyzing their personalities, strengths and the current situation.

Seeing a few people suddenly looking at him, he quickly raised his voice to make his voice hoarse, and slowly said: "Since everyone has no objections, I will naturally have no objections either."

If everyone agrees, then the next thing will be much easier to handle.

The next seven people briefly discussed, and Wu De and the round-faced burly man took the stage first. The rule was that the winner would stay and continue to the next round, and the loser would be eliminated directly to avoid wasting time.

However, every duel is a best-of-three series.

As a result, a group of foundation-building masters played a game of rock, paper, scissors outside Linggu. If word of this spread, I don't know how many people would laugh out loud.

Wu De and the round-faced fat man were three feet apart, with one hand behind their back and clenched into a fist.

Wu De laughed strangely, "Damn fat man, are you ready?"

"Hmph, come here!" Although it was not a real fight, both of them showed off their momentum.

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

The two shouted at the same time, and then quickly stretched out their fists hidden behind them. In this situation, neither of them was cheating.

"In one round, the thin old man wins!"

The charming woman standing on the side, acting as a temporary referee, looked at the court and shouted softly.

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

"In the second round, the fat man wins, let's go to the third round!"

"Scissors, paper, rock!"

"Three rounds, the thin old man wins, the fat man leaves the stage, please invite the next challenger!"

Three rounds were completed in just twenty or thirty breaths, much faster than fighting. Although Fatty was unwilling to do so, he didn't say anything and stood aside with a depressed look on his face.

The man in yellow shirt saw this and walked out first, "Please enlighten me!"

Wu De didn't talk nonsense and directly urged the other party to do it faster.

In this way, the second duel began immediately. To Lu Li's surprise, Wu De actually won another match.

But it was a pity that Wu De was brushed off by Qiu Yun in the third game.

But Qiu Yun failed to hold on to the victory. When facing the man in Tsing Yi, he was kicked off the field by the man in Tsing Yi with two consecutive victories.

Lu Li suddenly discovered a problem, that is, whoever plays first will definitely lose blood, because no one will be lucky enough to win continuously. As long as he loses one game, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Wu De and others also discovered the key belatedly, but the rules had been set, and the man in Tsing Yi had won in the end, so naturally he would not agree to change them again.

Next, it was Lu Li's turn to face the man in green.

Everyone looked at Lu Li, but unexpectedly, Lu Li didn't even show up, and waved his hand directly: "I abstained, you just have fun!"


Everyone was surprised that such a treasured armor could be given up even if one said one did not want it?

Of course, it's not that Lu Li doesn't want this treasure armor, he just thinks it's a bit hot to touch. After all, there is only one treasure armor, and there are six people who don't have treasure armor.

Lu Li didn't think he had the ability to fight one against six.

Moreover, this treasure armor has been placed in the open. Even if you get the treasure armor, it will not have a surprise effect. Apart from attracting firepower, it has no use at all. Rather than doing this, it is better to let them fight.

However, there are not many people who are as sober as Lu Li, at least the man in green is not one of them. When he heard that Lu Li had directly abstained from voting, he thought that Lu Li was afraid of him, so he couldn't help but give Lu Li a look that said, "You know what you are doing."

Then the charming woman was the only one who didn't show up. She first gave Lu Li an inexplicable curl of the lips, and then she waved her hand without interest and said with a sweet smile:

"This back armor is too ugly. If I wear it, it will be like covering the flowers with cow dung, so... I don't want it anymore."

Such words immediately made everyone blush.

"Haha, in that case, thank you girl for giving in!" The middle-aged man in Qingyi laughed. He didn't think that the other party disliked the ugly back, but just wanted to have a good relationship with him as an excuse.

Moreover, he always felt that this charming girl's every smile was so charming, as if she was deliberately trying to please him.

But what he didn't notice was that Qiu Yun, the man in yellow shirt, and the round-faced burly man on the other side all had a faint murderous intent hidden in their eyes.

After the man in green shirt put away his back armor and put away Shi Lie's storage bag, everyone walked to the gap together, looked at each other, and shouted at the same time: "Take action!"

In an instant, seven violent spell attacks rumbled against the previous crack.

When the true energy dissipated, a gap more than three feet high and two feet wide was revealed. Everyone no longer hesitated, stretched out their bodies, and rushed into the spiritual valley impatiently...

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