Pagoda Immortality

Chapter 933 Goodbye Ye You

"Brother, what is that little girl holding in her hand? It looks delicious."

The not-so-wide street was crowded with people. Xiaoqing suddenly pulled Lu Li and pointed at a little girl in the crowd with curiosity.

Lu Li looked in the direction Xiaoqing pointed, smiled and said, "That's a candied haws. Children like to eat it."

"Candied haws, it looks really delicious." Xiaoqing pulled Lu Li's trouser legs and swallowed her saliva while walking.

Seeing that Lu Li didn't react, Xiaoqing couldn't help but pout, raised her head and said pitifully, "Brother, Xiaoqing wants to eat it too?"

Lu Li was stunned for a moment, "Okay, I'll see where I can buy it."

"Okay, brother, you're so nice."

Hearing this, Xiaoqing was immediately very happy.

Lu Li smiled and rubbed Xiaoqing's head, "Let's go, let's go to the front and take a look."

The two walked back and forth in the crowd for a long time, and finally found the vendor selling candied haws. After selling a string, Xiaoqing felt that it was not enough and asked for another string.

In the end, he even thought that the straw target with the candied haws was pretty good and wanted to buy it.

Lu Li secretly laughed and let Xiao Qing do it. He spent a silver ingot to buy the straw target and all the remaining candied haws and let Xiao Qing carry them.

This made Xiao Qing very happy and she laughed all the way.

But at this moment, the crowd suddenly became a little noisy, and many people began to run towards the east of the city.

Seeing this, Lu Li couldn't help but be curious, and quickly pulled a cloth-clothed man and asked, "Young man, where are you going?"

The cloth-clothed man was pulled by Lu Li and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, "This young man, is he not from our Wanghai City?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Hehe, because people in Wanghai City don't ask such questions. Let me tell you, the fairy from the Fairy Mountain outside the city has appeared again, and everyone is going to see the fairy face."


"Hey, I won't tell you anymore. I have to take a good position. If I can be favored by the fairy, I will be worth it even if I work like a cow or a horse in my next life." The cloth-clothed man said with a longing face, and then he couldn't wait to go to the west of the city.

"Brother, do you want to take a look?" Xiaoqing said vaguely, carrying a straw target and chewing on a candied haws.

"It's okay to take a look."

Lu Li was a little curious about what kind of person could cause such a sensation.

After that, he followed the crowd and walked towards the east of the city.

Wanghai City is not big. It didn't take long to get out of the city just by walking normally. What surprised Lu Li was that Wanghai City didn't look prosperous, but the road outside the city was paved with blue bricks.

After walking along the blue brick road for a while, a sad flute sound suddenly came from the front.

The sound was humming, like resentment, like longing, like crying, and the lingering sound made people feel sad.

Many people stopped and wiped their eyes with their sleeves.

Lu Li frowned slightly and looked far away, but it was difficult to see where the flute sound came from.

After a slight pause, Lu Li walked forward slowly. The further he walked, the more he felt that the sound of the flute was full of sadness and longing. Involuntarily, some old friends appeared in his mind...

"Hey, I'd better find a chance to go back and take a look before leaving..."

Lu Li sighed secretly and decided to go to Nandou and Donghuang again before leaving Xuanzhen to get rid of some worries, because he knew that if he left this time, he might not come back again, or he might not be able to come back...

Walked forward for a while.

Lu Li bypassed a beautiful mountain and finally found the source of the flute sound on the back of the mountain.

On a protruding stone platform halfway up the mountain, sat a beautiful woman in a white dress, facing the Black Dragon Sea, with a deep sadness on her face.


Seeing the woman's appearance, Lu Li shook his head violently in disbelief, and then he soared into the air and landed gently behind the woman.

The sound of the flute stopped abruptly. The woman frowned and turned around slowly. The next moment, she looked incredulous and said, "You, are you a human or a ghost?"


The sudden words made Lu Li a little dumbfounded. He smiled and said, "Sister, it's not good for you to curse me like this?"

"Brother, you are really not dead!"

Ye You choked a little, rushed towards Lu Li and hugged him tightly, "Where have you been all these years? I thought you were dead..."

Lu Li didn't move, his hands were a little unplaced. He let Ye You talk for a while, then slowly pushed Ye You away and joked, "Sister, you are not possessed by someone, why do you become so sentimental?"

"You are possessed by someone, and you are still laughing when your sister is crying like this. You have no conscience at all." Ye You wiped the corners of his eyes and said with a face full of resentment.

"Wow, what a beautiful sister."

At this moment, Xiao Qing suddenly flew up with a candied haws, looking at Ye You with curiosity.

Although Xiaoqing and Ye You had been with Lu Li at the same time, they had never appeared at the same time, so when they met, no one knew each other.

When he saw Xiaoqing, Ye You was a little surprised and said with a strange look, "Brother, you...?"

Seeing this, Lu Li hurriedly introduced the two to each other. Although Xiaoqing was quiet, she was not reserved and immediately greeted Ye You with a smile.

After Ye You learned about Xiaoqing's identity, he felt relieved and surprised.

Then, the three of them went into the cave and talked about their experiences over the years.

When Lu Li said that he had found a way to leave this world, although Ye You was a little shocked, his interest was not as high as Lu Li imagined, and instead he seemed a little depressed.

When Lu Li saw this, he asked doubtfully, "Is there something on your mind, sister?"

Ye You sighed, "I used to be called the number one genius in Beixuan. In order to keep this honor on my head, I thought about improving my cultivation all the time, but in the end I ended up with the whole family destroyed, and I He almost lost his life and death.

I'm thinking, why are we practicing so hard, for protection? For glory? Or free and unrestrained?

If it is for these purposes, our cultivation is completely enough. Even if it is not enough, if we practice for tens or hundreds of years, we can still be the best. Why bother to go to another world to look for trouble..."

After Lu Li heard this, he frowned and became silent.

Seeing this, Ye You's lips trembled slightly, "Brother, if people's hearts are not enough, why don't you stop? With your current cultivation level, there are not many people in this world who can stop you. Live your life peacefully. Is it not good?"

Lu Li remained silent.

Seeing this, Ye You smiled bitterly and slowly lowered his head:

"Okay, I understand what you mean. I'll be waiting for you at Guyun Mountain in Dongwang City. Remember to let me know when you leave. If you run away alone, I will never forgive you in this life."

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