The rising sun was rising, and a pale golden light was shining, shining in a purple bamboo forest.

The breeze blew, the bamboo forest rustled, and the sky drifted.

Tang Shixiu's face is calm and lightly danced in white. If the fairy is in the dust and is extraordinary, he may return at any time.

Ling Xian stood behind her with a complex expression and a mixed feeling in her heart.

When Tang Shi was first seen at thirteen, she was only a twelve-year-old little girl, innocent, lively and cute.

In a flash of years, she has been so beautiful and charming that she is all over the country. It is a pity that innocence is no longer and liveliness is no longer.

"I haven't seen you for years, are you okay?" Ling Xian sighed, breaking the peace at this time. "This question is nourishing and I refuse to answer."

Tang Xizhu opened his lips slightly, turned to look at Ling Xian, and said with a smile: "Congratulations on breaking through to the fifth level and becoming Yunzhou's first strongman."

"Is the first strong ..."

Ling Xian smiled and said nothing.

This title is indeed very good, and he also has the strength to match it, is Yunzhou's well-deserved first person. However, his heart is higher, Yunzhou is the first, but he cannot be satisfied.

"Why do you suddenly think of seeing me?" Tang Shiyi, the blue silk hanging down to his forehead, had lost his vibrancy, but became more beautiful and charming.

"Because I'm going to a very far place, whether I can come back is unknown."

Ling Xian was silent for a while and said, "So I just wanted to come to the Tang family to see you."

"Where to go?" Tang Shixiu frowned.

"Eternal life."

Ling Xian said softly, "There is a world similar to Xiuxian Realm, but it is better than Xiuxian Realm in all aspects. Only by going there can I continue to practice and move towards the peak."

"So it is."

Tang Shishi nodded his head lightly and said, "For you, there is indeed a good place, and it is also a place you must go."

"Yes, after you leave, I will rush to the immortal realm. I do n’t know when I will be back."

Ling Xian sighed slightly. Although he doesn't have many relatives, he has a lot of concerns in the Xiuxian world.

But he knew very well that if he wanted to reveal the truth and set foot on the top, then the eternal life must go!

"Can ... take me?"

Tang Shishi was silent for a moment, and Qiushui's eyes were staring at Ling Xian, flashing with hope.

"This ... I'm afraid not."

Ling Xian shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't want to take you, but that your cultivation is the case. Even if I protect you, I won't let you arrive safely."

"So, that's fine."

There was a bit of disappointment in Tang Shimei's eyes, but soon she cleared her mood and laughed: "I won't bother you, lest I become a burden for you."

Hearing that, Ling Xian sighed softly. He really didn't want to take Tang Shishi, but he was really powerless.

Dan Xian already said that the entrance below the Sin City can only pass safely if it has strength above the fifth level. In other words, the monks in the Yuan infant period had only one result and died.

Even the Phoenix Nine Song, who is already the King of the Infant, cannot pass through that entrance.

In this way, how can Lingxian take Tang Shisan? Didn't that push her into the fire pit?

"I wish you all the best, and I hope you can show your strengths in the new world and break into a new world."

Tang Shizhan smiled, and the country was full of beauty.

"I will."

Ling Xian nodded slightly, and said for a moment, "If there is a chance, I will come back to see you."

Tang Shishi laughed, as brilliant as a flower, and said, "This is what you said, don't count at that time."

"Now that it is said, it must be done."

Ling Xian smiled mildly, and stepped forward and rubbed the small head of Tang Shisan, saying, "I'm gone, take care."

With that said, he slowly turned and walked forward.

However, just after taking a step, he felt himself wrapped around two white jade arms.

"I'll wait for you to come back, remember, don't take too long."

Tang Shishi hugged Ling Xian from behind, and put a pretty face on his back, as if he was talking to him, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

Hearing that, Ling Xian was silent for a moment, and slowly spit out a word.

"it is good."

The words fell, Tang Shizhuang showed a smile, and let go of his arms wrapped around Ling Xian's waist, and said, "Go, spread your arms and fly towards a higher place. I look forward to you being king That day. "

Hearing the words, Ling Xian nodded, then no longer hesitated, his body flickered, and no trace was seen.

After half an hour, he and Tang Jiu Ge left the Tang family and came to a mountain.

"Master, I should go too."

Phoenix Jiuge said softly, her eyes filled with perseverance.

"This is also no way out. There is a turbulent flow at that entrance. Only the strength above the fifth level can pass safely."

Ling Xian sighed and said, "Even I can't guarantee that I can pass. Naturally, I'm powerless to protect you."

"I understand the master, and I happen to be going back to see my parents."

Huang Jiujie was empathetic and laughed: "I haven't seen them for many years, and I miss them too."

"Okay, let's separate here. I'll go to Yuezhou. You go back to Sanliu Island."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Remember, say hello to Xiaoqi for me."

"Master, rest assured, I will."

Phoenix Jiu Song smiled and said, "When I have enough strength, I will go to the eternal life to find you."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "Go, all the way."

"Master, take care."

Phoenix Jiu Ge took a deep look at Ling Xian, full of perseverance. Then she transfigured herself and left.

"I'm alone, and I'm going to start a lonely journey again."

Watching Huang Jiujie's back, Ling Xian sighed softly, but soon he sighed away and his expression turned firm.

Whether to understand or practice, he must go to eternal life. So, no matter how rough and difficult it is, he has no fear.

"Eternal life, here I am."

The corner of her mouth raised, Ling Xian looked at the invincible sun in the round, and a glimmer of expectation flashed in the star eyes. Immediately, he stretched the Jiutian Divine Wing and galloped towards Yuezhou.

Once there, he can reach the immortal realm through the entrance and embark on a new journey.

There, it will be a brand new stage and a top stage.

Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it!


The distance between Yuezhou and Yunzhou is so long that many people will never reach it during their lifetime.

However, for Ling Xian, who has become the top power in the world of Xiuxian, naturally it is nothing.

Therefore, it took him only three months to set foot on the land of Yuezhou again. After that, he did not stay, and it took another half a month to reach Aoxianzong.

When he came to Aoxianzong in his memory, his expression was gloomy.

Because there is no Aoxianzong here, it is not that he remembered it wrong, but it was reduced to a ruin.

This makes Lingxian angry.

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