Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1039: Space turbulence

The night was as dark as the moon, hovering high in the sky, sprinkled with light and clear, and shone on this deserted flat land.

Ling Xian looked at the ground under her feet, her mouth slightly curled up, and she sketched a faint smile.

At that time, in order to prevent the secret of the underground city of sin from being known, he concealed it with a perfect mask of the gods. Now it's time to lift.

"let's start."

With a slight smile, Ling Xian printed his hands and laid a psychedelic array. Prevent others from seeing when you lift the sky.

Then, he forced a drop of silver blood, using the blood as a guide, touching the heavenly **** array buried deep in the ground!


With a loud noise, the ground shook violently, and several large openings split in an instant, spreading in all directions.

A mysterious and mysterious breath was also transmitted.

"Cloak the sky, come out!"

Ling Xian pinches her seals, chants different spells, and draws the underground sky with mysterious power.

If you change to another person, you can only break the earth at most, and you cannot see the city of sin at all. But for his Lord of the Gods, it is naturally easy to lift the sky.

Therefore, under the dual traction of his seals and spells, the long-awaited occult array of gods finally reappeared in the world.

The evil city also emerged, it slowly rose from the ground, the Quartet swelled, and the smoke filled the air.

The ancient monuments in this city are mottled and filled with the vicissitudes of life. The surrounding area is shrouded in a thin layer of light film.

This is due to the fact that the heavenly **** array is still hiding. If you change to other people, you can only see the void space, and you can't see the city of sin.

"Covering the heavens, Ning!"

When Lingxian's seal changed, the thin layer of light film suddenly converged towards a point. After a while, it turned into a slap array and flew to his hand.

After losing the shackles of the heavenly **** array, the city of sin finally manifested itself in Lingxian's eyes, just as when he saw him at the beginning of the year.

"Let's go into the city walls and you will see the entrance to the immortal realm."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and strode toward the city wall, then his figure gradually faded, and he actually walked into the city wall.

If he had changed to the past, it would not be possible to do this with his cultivation, but at this moment, he is already in the fifth level of power, and naturally he can easily do it.

And when he penetrated the city wall, he saw the endless darkness again, just like the abyss of despair, without seeing the slightest light.

In this regard, Lingxian calmly and calmly.

He took great strides and raised his head forward. Although he did not know the direction, he was extremely firm and very calm.

In this way, he walked in the boundless darkness, I do not know how long after that, a little light finally appeared before his eyes.

This light was like the fire of a star, and the moment it appeared, it swept across the darkness with the power of a spark.

When he was young, Ling Xian's eyes lit up, and then he saw something similar to a hole.

The entrance of the cave is very illusory, filled with chaos, giving a feeling of wrinkling and twisting, like the legendary black hole.

On the other side of the cave entrance, there are strange scenes such as the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, flowers, birds, fish, and insects. It looks like a real world.

No doubt, this is the entrance to the eternal life.

These wonders are the sights of the immortal world, and they are presented to Ling Xian through mysterious power.

"Eternal life, finally see you."

Looking at the magical entrance, Lingxian's mouth raised, revealing a smile of joy. However, he knew that the real difficulties had just begun. According to Dan Xian, once he stepped into the entrance, he would encounter space turbulence.

Even if he is a fifth-level powerhouse, the possibility of being able to pass safely is not high. Therefore, he dare not care.

"As long as you step through the entrance and pass through the turbulent space, you can reach the immortal realm. By then, it will be a new sky, a sky that allows you to move higher.

Ling Xianxing's eyes were full of fiery heat, and then he turned slowly, looking at the darkness ahead, and sighed softly.

"Farewell, Cultivation World."

The immortal world is an unknown world. I do n’t know when he can come back. Xiuxian world is his hometown.

However, staying in Xiuxian Realm will only constrain him, making him want to fly but not flying, and it is not high anyway.

Only by going to the immortal realm can he have the opportunity to continue practicing and soar freely in the wider sky.

Therefore, Ling Xian's eyes turned firm, and the moment he turned again, he had taken a big step and entered the entrance of the folds.

Although this step is slow and full of perseverance, it is calm and firm, full of determination.

He didn't want to be tied to the Xiuxian Realm, and he didn't want to obliterate his ambition over time. Therefore, he has never been more determined.

When he stepped into the bizarre entrance, he saw a narrow, seemingly endless passage.

On that passage, space debris flying around, such as opening a heavenly sword, gives a feeling of extreme danger.

Space chaos!

A singular phenomenon that exists only in damaged space, possessing extremely terrifying power. Once a creature is involved in it, the possibility of survival is extremely small.

Many years ago, Lingxian encountered it once.

That time, it was because the power of the chaos in that space was not too strong, and the other was because the Emperor Heiran took the shot, which saved his life.

Now that goodbye is turbulent, even if he is in the fifth level of power, he is a little bit frightened.

"No wonder Master said that without the power of the Fifth Level, it was impossible to pass through this entrance, and it was really terrible."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly, but soon her expression turned firm.

What about space turbulence?

No one can stop him, his determination to go to eternal life!


Ling Xian's body flickered, bursting out of unprecedented speed, it was really galloping, fast as a meteor.

The moment he stepped on the passage, he encountered countless space debris.


The debris is as good as a fairy sword, and Lingxian is tightly wrapped with Space Avenue. After that, dozens of bloodstains appeared on him.

There is no way, the space debris is too scary, even if it is his physical body, it is difficult to parry.

"So strong!"

Ling Xian's expression was condensed, and the three flowers on the top appeared in an instant.

At the same time, Jiutian Divine Wing flashed out, making him a lot faster!

However, this passage is too long and the space debris is too scary. Even with Sanhua's guardian, bloodstains appeared from time to time on his body.

"Drive me!"

Ling Xianmu's cold electricity broke through the long space to show Wushuang Emperor's fist to face the chaotic flow of space.

With all his efforts, he finally blocked the turbulence of the space. Although blood stains appeared from time to time, he could not hinder his progress.

In this way, his speed is 30% faster, like galloping arrows.

After a moment, Ling Xian finally came to the end of the passage and saw the exit.

This made him overjoyed, the emperor fist stretched out, shattered the ten-square fragments, and showed invincibility!

"Break me!"

With a loud scream, Ling Xian sprayed gold light all over her body. With the rotation of the three flowers, the imperial fist roared, and the outlet was completely shattered!

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