Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1067: Calm and busy

The night was dark and the moon was hanging high.

In the dense forest, Ling Xian's mouth smiled, indicating his willingness to end here.

Several people naturally have no objection to this and dare not have any objection.

The second rule of the Hidden Court is to obey any instructions of the host and not to violate it at all.

"Go, what did you do in the past, and what do you do now, no changes needed."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, looked at the people in front of her, and said, "If something happens, I will summon you."

Hearing that several people arched their hands towards Ling Xian, then moved forward and walked away.

In the blink of an eye, only the unknown old man and Ling Xian were left here.

"Dare to ask the Lord, has the previous Lord ... been dead?"

The unknown old man's expression was dull and his tone was unshakable, but his slightly trembling hands exposed his inner nervousness.

"Good." Ling Xian said for a moment.

On hearing that, the unknown old man shivered and became silent.

He and the former cabinet owner are old days. Although they are more than one generation away, they have worked together after all, and they will inevitably have some feelings.

At this moment, I heard that the last head of the court had fallen, naturally it was shaking and sad.

Seeing this, Ling Xian sighed and said, "Sorrowful."

After that, he flickered and flew towards Daoge.

The members of the Hidden Pavilion have met and established their own identity. Since then, he has been the Lord of the Hidden Cabinet, in name and in fact!

The status is extremely revered, no less than the Lord of the Hidden Pavilion to Jiuchen and the Elder!

In this way, the incident of Yin Ge also ended. Next, he should go to Li Wuwei to report there.

This man is a double master of Rune Formation, and he has extremely profound accomplishments. Even if he looks at the entire Luoyang domain, he is also the most powerful master.

Being able to become his assistant will definitely learn a lot and make his rune accomplishment even more exquisite.

Therefore, when the rising sun rose the next day, Ling Xian came to Li Wuwei's residence and began a quiet but busy life.

Calmness means that there is no dispute, no running, and it is very comfortable.

He hasn't had this kind of life for a long time. From the moment he stepped into Tianxiu of the Immortal Realm, he has been in a state of tension. He has always faced the flames of war and has not been relaxed for a moment.

Today, he came to Sansheng Pavilion and held the post of Taoge Keqing, naturally leading a rare and peaceful life.

But this calmness made him endless.

Because he is very busy, very busy.

By this time, Ling Xian finally understood why there were so many people who had a good chance to study with a Rune Double Master, so many people chose to give up, or even run away.

More clearly, why Ning Yan winked twice and made him not to promise Li Wuwei.

The reason is that this old man is too perverted!

From the moment Ling Xian stepped into Li Wuwei Dongfu, the old man asked him to draw a rune, the most basic rune.

The quantity is one thousand pieces per day.

I have to say that this number is huge. Although it is only the most basic symbol, it also has a large failure rate.

Even Master Fu Dao, who never sleeps and draws 800 pictures, is extremely difficult. This is still in the case of a high success rate. If you are out of luck, you can't draw five hundred pictures.

However, Li Wuwei ordered Ling Xian a thousand cards, which meant that he not only had to sleep, but also had to maintain a super high success rate.

Otherwise, it cannot be completed at all.

At the beginning, Ling Xian did not complain. Although he has attained the master's realm of Fu Dao, he has never painted a Fu Yu.

Therefore, he gladly accepted it and planned to take this opportunity to exercise his drawing skills.

And because of his profound accomplishments and his spirits, he was able to complete the tasks assigned by Mr. Li.

It can be over time, Ling Xian is crazy.

On the one hand, Li Wuwei asked him to draw basic runes every day, and on the other hand, as time passed, the daily number went from one thousand to two thousand!

This number is undoubtedly huge, even if he is as strong as him, he feels powerless.

Therefore, he couldn't take it anymore, and found the theory of old man Li.

"Master, this is too much, I can't complete it."

Looking at the old man in front of him, Ling Xian said, "What's more, I came here to follow you. I learned some astrology skills, but I didn't come to draw you a basic amulet."

"What happened to the basic rune?"

Old Man Li stared with a beard and said, "Do you know that everything must start from the foundation, and the foundation is not solid. How can we learn deeper knowledge?"

Hearing, Ling Xian was speechless for a while.

The principle of laying a solid foundation, he knew from the day he set foot on the road to practice, otherwise, how can he swear to reach the extreme?

However, in the past half a month, he has painted no less than 20,000 basic runes, which has already been solid and can no longer be solid. Even if you continue to paint, it is impossible to make the foundation stronger.

Because he has reached an extreme.

Therefore, Ling Xian was patient, and Yan Yue said in color: "Master, I think I can already, I don't need to continue to draw the basic rune."

"Hum, what do you know?"

Old Man Li stared with a beard and said, "I can see that you have the accomplishments of a master rune master, but you have no experience in drawing runes. I asked you to draw basic runes for your understanding."

Ling Xian strongly suppressed the impatience in her heart and said gently: "But I have reached the extreme, and continue painting, but it is a waste of time."

"What is a waste of time?"

The old man blew his hair, and said, "I don't care. Hurry up and draw me the basic charm! Don't forget, I'm the master!"

Hearing that Ling Xian couldn't help it anymore, and covering her face with a shawl was a reprimand.

"Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, do you just find a hard work for free? Meiyue's name is for my good, in fact? Just let me draw you a sign, you can relax!"

On hearing that, Li Wuwei blushed old, and hehe smiled, "Hehe, you all know."

"Crap, I'm not a fool. Don't you see your purpose?"

Ling Xian glanced at the old man Li, and after half a month of working together, he also learned a bit about his character. To put it bluntly, it's a bit old urchin.

That's why he reprimands his face, because he knows that this person is not really angry.

"Ahem ..."

Old man Li was embarrassed and said, "That's right, but I'm always right to let you lay the groundwork, at least your success rate is getting higher and higher, and the quality is getting better and better."

"That's right, but I don't need to lay the groundwork."

Ling Xian glanced briefly at the person and said, "If you let me draw the basic rune again, don't blame me for picking."

"Then unless you can draw a perfect rune, otherwise, it proves that you haven't laid a solid foundation, or obediently continue to draw me."

Old man Li smiled, his old face was full of pride, apparently he didn't think Lingxian painted the perfect rune.

But the next moment, his pride was stiffened on his face.

Because, Ling Xian swung her sleeves and directly threw ten perfect amulets on his face.

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