Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1194: Challenge yourself

The big sun hangs high, sheds a radiant light, and shines in the misty valley of forgetfulness.

At the bottom of the valley, dozens of monks smiled, even after three years had passed, it was still hard to hide the joy.

They get rid of the illusion and regain their soberness, which is tantamount to picking up a life, can't they feel happy?

Thinking of the horror of eternity sinking, they couldn't help but get cold all over.

And all this, of course, is to thank Ling Xian.

Therefore, they did not leave, and they insisted on waiting for Ling Xian to wake up to express their gratitude.

At this moment, everyone moved their eyes to Lingxian, who could not sit still. In addition to gratitude, they were amazed.

Although he is still weak and fragile at this moment, in their eyes, they are like the same invincible war immortal, and the majesty is inviolable!

Because they are all out of the illusion, there is also the power of transformation in the body. And the approach they adopted is like Ling Xian, choosing to nourish with vitality.

But without exception, they all failed. The best one was just two years of persistence.

However, Lingxian has persisted for three years. What is the huge vitality?

How can we not let them admire it?

"No wonder you can overcome the mystery of the fantasy and solve me. It really is a dragon among people."

"My practice is also the pinnacle of choice, but when it comes to vitality, what is worse than him?"

"This majestic vitality actually appeared on a monk who chose the highest path. It's incredible."

"Looking at it like this, he may make mana transform successfully, and march to the extreme."

Everyone spoke, and their words were full of wonder.

These words, Ling Xian heard, but he did not want to ignore.

Although the power of transformation has grown, blending in mana is also a very difficult task. Therefore, he must be up to 120,000 points of spirit, and dare not relax at all.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for him who has lost a lot of vitality and is already weak. With a little carelessness, the previous efforts may be tortured or even endangered.

"If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent. I cannot give up anyway!"

Ling Xian's expression was firm, even if he knew that this move was very dangerous, he had to go.

All have insisted on this step, the dawn is ahead, if you give up, the whole future is missed!

Therefore, Lingxian fully operated the flood and heaven power and merged the power of transformation into mana.

As long as he succeeds, he will reach the extreme of choosing the Tao, but he can push the choosing of the Tao horizontally, truly invincible!


Mana boiling, surging like the waves of the Yangtze River, is beyond his master's control.

This is also impossible. If the two forces are combined, there will always be some unexpected situations. Even if this power has only advantages and no harm, it will still encounter resistance from mana.

In this regard, Ling Xian was not surprised. He tried his best to urge Honghuangtiangong to control his boiling mana.

Soon, the mana subsided and was no longer that violent.

And taking this opportunity, the power of transformation is silent like a spring rain, and the strange power merges into mana, allowing it to undergo qualitative change and sublimation.

This process is also destined to be long, and it is simply impossible to complete it in a short time.

In this way, Lingxian suffered.

He was already weak, like an old man with an old candle, and could die at any time. For this process, he must pay full attention and control mana.

Otherwise, once the mana is out of control, all previous efforts will be lost.

In other words, not only does he have to endure physical weakness, but he has to withstand mental exhaustion, which is a huge challenge for anyone.

At this moment, it is not a question of whether it can change, but whether he can challenge the limit and stick to it!

"Challenging one's own limits with a semi-disabled body is such a difficult thing." Ling Xian sighed, and then his expression turned firm.

No matter how hard or bitter he is, he will not give up as long as there is still a breath!

This caused everyone to be moved and silent, and after a long while, a chilling sound was heard.

"It's crazy to challenge the limit with a half-dead body. He doesn't want to live?"

"If you changed me, you wouldn't be so crazy. This is no longer a life bet, but a death!"

"It's crazy. It's impossible to do such a thing. Even if he is a dragon among people, he will certainly fail."

"Shut up, don't disturb Eun Kung!"

Everyone started to speak, in addition to shock in the words, still shock.

They can all see that Ling Xian is no longer transforming mana, but is challenging her own limits, and in a semi-disabled situation.

Ask themselves, they dare not do this, so they admire Lingxian's spirit.

But admiration and admiration, but everyone is not optimistic.

This is an obvious thing. The transformation of mana cannot be accomplished overnight, but how can Lingxian's already weak and immature form persist to the end?

Totally impossible!

Therefore, they are not optimistic, but none of them made satire.

Because regardless of the result, just saying Ling Xian's courage would suffice for their respect.

"I don't believe it, I can't hold on to that moment!"

Lingxian gritted her teeth, and fully operated the flood and sky power, while controlling the mana runaway, she also accelerated the transformation.

In this way, time passed little by little.

A year has passed, and Lingxian's face is as dry as it is, but it is unshakable and stable like Mount Tai.

Three years later, he was skinny and weak, but still insisted.

Five years later, he was struggling to breathe, but his eyes were still firm and indomitable.

This shocked everyone to the point where it could not be added, and it was even numb.

To be honest, Ling Xian looks very embarrassed at this moment, just like an old man who is about to die, has broken his limbs, and even has difficulty breathing.

But no one dared to laugh at it, but rather full of respect.

For eight years, Lingxian has persisted for eight years!

You know, he is half-disabled, both physically and mentally. This is drowsy and incapable of opening eyes even for practitioners who choose the path.

However, in this case, he persisted for eight full years, plus the previous three years, Ling Xian could be said to have been suffering for eleven years.

If I change someone else, I am afraid that it will be difficult to support even the first three years. However, Ling Xian has persisted for another eight years in a weaker condition.

How can we not let everyone pay respect?

And after eight years of suffering, Lingxian's gains are also huge, because the dawn is in sight!

"Give me transformation!"

I don't know where the strength came from, Ling Xian shouted, and finally the power of transformation dissipated, allowing his mana to sublimate completely.


A mighty world of mighty power spread out over the earth, sweeping Liuhe and Bahuang in an instant, nine days and ten places.

This made everyone stunned.

They felt the great power of the world, they just felt trembling, and even had the impulse to worship.

Because, that is the breath of invincible choice.

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