Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1205: A few words

"Since you don't have the courage to die, then you will do your best to fight for the hope of life. We want to come and talk about it now."

Ling Xian smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked at the legs of Erlang, and watched with interest as he sneaked into the night and ice.

"What do you want to talk about?" The humiliation and anger that sneaked into Ye Qiang's heart.

"I'm not interested in the secrets of Tsing Yi House."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I just want to know how much you know about Prince Edward, or what transactions he has done with you."

"No comment!" Dived into the night and refused.

"It's about the rules of Tsing Yi House, and I must not disclose it." Bingtiandi was also absolutely determined and refused to be neat.

This made Ling Xian laugh, and with a big sleeve, the knife rose up into the air, resting on the neck that dived into the night.

"If you don't say it, you will decide for yourself."

The voice fell, and when he dived into the night, his hands clenched and his complexion became red.

The same is true of Bingtiandi.

They do not want to violate the rules of Tsing Yi House, but they do not want to die. Therefore, even if the sky is full of anger, it can only be turned into a helpless sigh.

"Well, I said." Diving into the night, he sighed and chose to give in.

Hearing that, Ling Xian smiled.

There was no torture for confession, no temptation to follow the rules, he just gave the two people a choice, a choice of the desire of the two.

As he said, since there is no courage to die, he will do his best to fight for the hope of life. Do not want to die when sneaking into the night and the ice and earth, instead of extorting confession by torture, give them a decisive choice directly.

But it turns out that Ling Xian did it right. He caught the desire for survival in the hearts of the two and turned it into something that was beneficial to him.

"Now that you have made your choice, stop talking to me."

Ling Xian narrowed her smile and stared straight at the two like sharp swords. She said, "If you dare to say another nonsense, this knife will directly cut your heads."

The voice fell, sneaking into the night and Bingtiandi shivered, his face was full of bitterness.

There was no turning arrow when they opened the bow. Since they chose to submit, they could only follow Ling Xian's meaning, and there was no second way to go.

"The Prince and I have made two transactions in total."

Sneak into the night and sighed, saying: "One is to ask me to wait to kill Yan Tassel, and the other is to exchange for a fetish that can transform mana.

Hearing that, Ling Xian laughed, that's what he wanted to know.

After hearing the news that the prince broke into the extreme, he always felt wrong, but he knew how difficult it was to transform mana. Without special methods, it was impossible to break into it.

Right now, he smiled lightly: "Talk carefully."

"There is a sacred place in Tsing Yi Building. Only the old monsters know what it is. I have no right to know."

Diving into the night, he said, "But one thing is certain, that is to enable the monks in the Tao selection period to undergo mana transformation, and Pina Ruyu is transformed there."

"So, is it true that the Prince has transformed?" Ling Xian frowned slightly.

"Transformation is real, but the foundation is unstable."

Diving into the night and shaking his head, he said: "It is impossible for outsiders to enter the sacred place in Tsing Yi Tower, so the Prince received only the fetish produced by that sacred place, and the effect was less than one tenth."

"That is to say, the prince's foundation is unstable, which is very different from the real path of choice?" Ling Xianxing's eyes lightened slightly.

"It's true. From the outside, he is no different from the real way of choosing the pole, but his combat strength is much worse." Nodding into the night nodded.

"Very good, I finally got a valuable news." Ling Xian raised his mouth with a smile of satisfaction.

He was still thinking about the way to break the game, and now he knew that the Prince could not be said to be the ultimate choice of path. Then this game would not break.

"I know what I know, you can let us go now." Diving into the night and sighing, full of bitterness.

"of course can."

Ling Xian took a sip of tea and smiled softly, "Just, where can you go? Don't tell me, you want to go back to Tsing Yi House."

"What do you mean?" Dried into the night and frowned.

"Stupid, Pianru Yuming has the ability to take you away, but he didn't do it. Don't you understand the meaning?" Ling Xian glanced at each other obliquely.


Diving into the night, his brows were locked tightly, and he understood what Ling Xian said, but where can he go without returning to Tsing Yi Tower?

"You are now abandoned, not to mention you have been captured for so long, Tsing Yi Tower has long distrusted you."

Ling Xian said faintly, "Even if I don't die when I go back, I will be placed under house arrest. Is that life what you want?"

Hearing that, sneaking into the night and Bingtiandi were silent.

The reason they don't want to die is that they can't bear the goodness of the world. If they are imprisoned, how can it be good?

"Listen to me, you can go anywhere, but you can't go back to Tsing Yi House."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Otherwise, you simply stay and help Yan Tassel." "He is in the midst of employment now. If you can let go of your prejudices and concentrate on assisting him, prosperity and prosperity are definitely indispensable."

"But the current situation is very unfavorable to him. Although the prince did not have the power to choose the extreme state, the state has indeed reached, and he is the eldest son and is justified."

Diving into the night, his brows were locked and he said, "Once he gets on the throne, Yan Liusu will die."

"That's right."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "This is a gamble. If you win, you will have endless prosperity and wealth. If you lose, you may not die."

"Not to mention trusting him at this time, but sending charcoal in the snow, this relationship will definitely bring you a lot of benefits."

Ling Xian said faintly, "It's all about this, it's useless to say more. Think about it."

After speaking, he drank tea by himself and stopped talking.

Diving into the night and the ice and earth is lost in thought.

Ling Xian's few words have dispelled their thoughts of returning to Tsing Yi House, and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Yan Liu Su.

This puts them in a dilemma.

After being silent for a long time, he dived into the night before slowly speaking, and said, "I only ask you one question, will you sit and watch?"

"No, I will do my best to help him ascend to the throne, and if he fails, he will save his life." Lingxian uttered words, and thundered.

"it is good!"

Dive into the night and Bingtiandi looked at each other, gritted his teeth and said, "Just punch you, I am willing to assist him."


Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "I believe that you will be glad and proud of your decision today."

"hope so."

Sneak into the night with a sigh, still no bottom, but with the sentence of Ling Xian, he has a bit of confidence.

The same is true of Bingtiandi.

Rather than choosing to help Yan Tassel, they are more optimistic about Ling Xian. Without him, they would not make this decision.

"I believe that the future must be bright. You two are waiting to enjoy prosperity and prosperity."

Ling Xian smiled faintly, looking at the blue sky, and said, "Next, see what news Yan Yansu can bring back. If the Emperor stood on his side, I can let him lock the victory."


Thanks for the reward of the troubled sword ~~

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